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Unique Star Trek deaths

rickysmith1rickysmith1 Member Posts: 610 Arc User
I recently had a good idea for an amusing foundry mission: 'Kill the STO Universe'. Based on the same premise as the marvel comics involving Deadpool or the Punisher it will be a mission in which you go around and kill all the STO characters from Fleet Admiral Quinn to Empress Sela.

However, I can only think up of so many funny ways of dying ... This is where you come in.

Any ideas on how to kill someone within the Star Trek Online universe? Funny is preferred. OR requests on any characters that should top-it?

Captain Shon - Death by a swarm of meat eating Tribbles it shall be.
S'taass - Fleet is tricked & shrunk in a subspace compression anomaly before the crew is transported into a lizards vivarium for feeding.
Sela - Frozen by Breen weapon and then smashed.
Admiral Quinn - Captain Shon's body is replaced by a real Photon Torpedo at his funeral, Upon opening the casing by the Admiral it destroys the ESD.
High Council - S'taass's ship is placed within the council chamber and instant expantion triggered by Solanae Technology.
Daniels - Trapped within a Eroborus Zone in which he lives the same five minutes over and over for eternity, curtosy of the Krenim.
Borg Queen - Exposed to Iconian Probe, wiping out the collective (Virtual Libotomy).
Episode One - A Single Moment Episode Two - Infancy Episode Three - Unto the Breach
Episode Four - Head Of A Needle Episode Five: The Duality of Men Episode Six - Redemption Earned
Episode Seven - Shattered Universe Episode Eight - The Gepetto Condition Episode Nine - One Room, Two Officers
Episode Ten - Beyond The Farthest Star Episode Eleven - It's OK, It Won't Hurt Episode Twelve - A Protracted Officer
Episode Thirteen - Somewhen Episode Fourteen - The Boy Who Lived Episode Fifthteen - Empathy


  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    May I suggest calling it "Star Trek: The Final Destination" instead? :)
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
    Can I suggest for Sela that she instead be shot in the face repeatedly and her name be thrice written and thrice burned?
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • rogue6800rogue6800 Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    While these kind of missions do kinda annoy me because I can't make them part of my head Canon, it's quite fun the think about.

    Kurland is trapped in a spacesuit floating through space and is never recovered. A malfunction causes the last message sent to be replayed constantly until the suit loses power.

    Kurland here
  • theyredeadjimtheyredeadjim Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    or, Captain Shon, in a Blues club, drinking poisoned Romulan ale :P
  • kingarthur81kingarthur81 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    Nog - Enjoying himself in a holographic night club, Vic Fontaine is performing "Mack the Knife". Nog is tapping his hand on the table to the beat. Vic gets up very close to Nog, pulls a knife and slips it quickly between Nog's ribs, just as the song hits its climax. Nog falls from his seat shrieking. Vic in a very upbeat way utters, "time to die pally" Nog dies. Vic's hologram sputters off, revealing that it was in fact a holographic disguise for an assassin.
    Mackenzie Calhoun - Frantically fighting off Klingons on board the bridge of his ship, the USS Excalibur. Calhoun is beaten up and bruised, many of his bridge crew are dead. Calhoun fights bear handed several Klingons. Calhoun secures the bridge, but realizes much of his ship has been taken over. Calhoun sets a force field. The Klingons push on trying to break the field. Calhoun mans the helm, setting a collision course with the nearest asteroid. Calhoun valiantly yells "No one will wield Excalibur, but ME!!!" The Klingons break through, impaling Calhoun in the back. The Excalibur collides with the asteroid, saucer section fully submerged. The engineering section protruding into space. The sword in the stone.
  • kingarthur81kingarthur81 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    While receiving a visit from Counselor Deanna Troi aboard the USS Mercury, Tom Paris' ship comes under surprise attack. The Mercury's helmsman is killed. Tom orders, "Deanna, take the helm. Get us out of orbit!" Deanna manages to to surprisingly outmaneuver the enemy in a very creative fashion. "Wow. Not bad counselor." exclaims Paris. The enemy ship explodes, severely disabling the Mercury. "I'm going to try and soft land the ship, Captain." The ship "lands" on the nearby planet,nearly killing everyone on board. "Counselor, uh, remember what I said before? I take that back" The computer chimes in, "warning severe damage to warp core. anti-matter collapse immanent." The disheveled Paris looks at Troi. "You idiot!" The ship explodes spectacularly on the planet surface.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    J'mpok - insults Orion mistress one too many times.
    My character Tsin'xing
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