How exactly do the ship visuals work? My current ship is using a full set of delta alliance gear and as a result, my ship looks like its covered in clay. I tried slotting in gear under the visual tab, but I can never add anything into the slots. Am I missing something?
I am also playing this on the xbox one.
Most (but not all) set ship gear has specal visuals that change the look of your ship.
The Counter-Command Deflector Array emmits a green cone on light/energy from your deflector,
the Sol Defense Impulse Engines spew a stream of fire from your impulse engines,
and shields generally change the look of your ships hull, like the brownish clay from the delta set.
I don't know where it would be on the Xbox, but on PC, right clicking on the equiped item will bring up a small menu that you can disable/enable ship visuals.
The Visual tab is for using the look of shield A, while equiping shield B.
... and it will only allow you to slot pieces that actually have a visual. So a generic shield or deflector can't be slotted there since they have no affect on the skin or deflector effects. And for some sets the shield might have a visual but the engine might not.
which is a bit annoying.
How do you obtain the "Counter-command" deflector?
Undine reputation - space battle zone is the best place to get elite marks