I'm running my AoY captain (Tac in a Ranger-class) through the episode missions. Right now, I'm doing "Tower Control" in the Contested Zone of the Solinae Dyson Sphere, but the mission status keeps showing 0% progress no matter how many Voth ships I destroy. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Yes. I wait until the indicator is blue and I see the message showing the bonus for that tower is in effect before I move on to the next tower: whichever one is the most red at the time.
Update: IDK what happened, but after taking a break, I logged back in to try again. At first, it did the same thing, but on my third tower (having made zero progress at the first two), when I finally succumbed to overwhelming forces and blew up... the progress indicator jumped from 0% to 10% (the instant just before I blew up) then to 70% while I was waiting for the respawn countdown. After I respawned--It hit 100% and completed before I reached the tower I had just died at.
Whatever happened, it seemed (from my POV) to be completely arbitrary and had nothing to do with me actually accomplishing the identified tasks of the mission.
In any case... Mission complete, I don't have to do that with this character ever again.
Whatever happened, it seemed (from my POV) to be completely arbitrary and had nothing to do with me actually accomplishing the identified tasks of the mission.
In any case... Mission complete, I don't have to do that with this character ever again.