Logged in tonight to see the NoP channel engaged in political debate, instead of the usual STO communications. I don't have a problem with some off-topic discussions, but it was so prevalent tonight that most of the on-topic comms were being drowned out by the off-topic stuff. IE, abortion, stem cell research, Trump, etc.
I respect the NoP channel, for what it represents. I'm still online, and it's not ending. I asked if there was a mod online, and the one person who responded saying that he was a mod, said, and I quote: Why don't you direct it to the complaint department? The shortcut is Alt-F4.
I haven't seen it this bad in a long time, but I'm ready to quit it at this point if it continues. I know this is not what NoP stands for, so I hope something is done about this. NoP has been, for me, a haven of helpful members of the community who respects the game.
All chat is dead unless you want to argue politics, why would noop be any different? I have everything but my fleet chat filtered out, I'm not expecting it to get any better anytime soon.
You may not be able to escape all of this political stuff, but you can survive it. My suggestion is to surrender to it, but don't join in, or you will get trapped. After you surrender, then choose to bend in that wind. There will be others like you, and you will find them, and you will be able to get STO topics back in fashion by simply focusing on them and ignoring the rest.
It messes up game play, and it will take time to go away, but you can weather it! As you weather it, you will find new friends along the way, who think like you do, and by focusing on the game and ignoring the rest, you will attract others who feel like you do. Other people who respect the game the same way.
Mabye nabreeki will like this better?
Whichever it is, I don't think you should let it get to you and in particular if you are ready to quit the game over a channel. As for quitting the channel itself, it has its uses when you need it. I would suggest filtering the different channels and only enable them until you really need to use them... unless you want to read all that wall of text all the time while playing, which I cannot understand why people would want to do.
Sometimes it is easier to just live with things and "tolerate things as they are" rather than attempt to change the world to fit one's owns needs. It usually just ends up making you bitter and discontent with life (work, school, family etc.).. in particular work. It is usually just better to do your own thing and run your own race, so to say.
Thank you for your more official response.
Edited my previous one and am moving on now,
Don't get me wrong, I've always believed the concept is a great idea, but in practice it is just another channel where nothing really important happens. (Last several times I've tried to use the channel for what its meant for, my requests fell on deaf ears. Ah well.)
I'd also suggest hiding [Zone] and [Local] from your chat window as well, nothing of any value pops up in those channels either, and trolling/religious/political discussions/arguments are common there as well.
Depending on what you're asking for (and when) things can take a while. Usually a clear, concise request for whatever factional, tiered holding is needed will get responded to at some point but they can get drowned out in some of the general chat that occurs.
An important skill many people on the internet unfortunately lack.
you seem to be very emotionally triggered by this thread. your friend gave some good advice:
if this thread is causing you so much trauma, you may simply want to not look at it. or find a safe space.
Madness I say! You need to power your laser and falcon punch it head on, applying intensity directly to the forehead!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I hope living treasure has a 1 in his handle. Have not seen him in awhile.
I can't tell you how much I love what you just did!
Plus, I can understand where the NoP mods stand. It's a hard place when concerning who to silence and who to not. I run a public (business) forum, and I have a hard time making that decision myself.
My biggest concern is that this was one of my sanctums away from the norms of what everyone can agree on is a toxic public chat. NoP was a haven, well-driven, and free from the BS of public chat for the most part (and most of us self-regulated the chat). You guys have always done well with this channel, and much more than just about everyone else who has tried to do the same. That's why I signed up in the first place, years ago. You guys have maintained a certain level of professionalism that, to put it frankly, astounds me. I was just disappointed this particular day.
Tonight was a lot better. Political debate was non-existent. Maybe I just logged in at the wrong time after my hiatus (and I should have taken that into account). If so, my apologies to NoP. I really do appreciate what you provide for us players. I really do love you guys, and hope you continue in your endeavors, and continue to provide us with a very well organized channel.
Hey thanks for the laugh. If you have public chats on your a glutten for negativity and mindless drivel from keyboard warrior trolls living in Mommies basement. So really get a hint turn the chat off and relax and enjoy life instead of eltting those trolls work you into a frenzy.
I think the OP could have worded it better. However, he is right. The channel's purpose is to serve the public and this is impossible to accomplish with a bunch of clowns who literally will not stop mud slinging political nonsense for hours at a time. How can people ask game mechanics questions, request fleet holding invites, ask random gameplay questions, etc when they are immediately drowned out by these guys?
I had this same issue a 2-3 days ago on NoP public because they were talking non-stop. There were about 2 instigators spewing most of the polical bs. I eventually had to ignore them since no mods appeared. NOP, they are giving you a bad name so I would politely suggest you deal with these "wonderful" human beings.
/channel_join The Science Channel