Unfortunately Zeni-store products don't go through normal testing channels, so I haven't had a chance to comment on this before now.
Can we -PLEASE- get a slightly better admiralty card for this ship?
Eng 62 Tac 30 Sci 16
These are reasonable stats considering it has no dedicated science seating, but taken in conjunction with its special ability "+20 Eng and Tac when alone", you've hobbled this Z-store offering with a truly awful package. The handful of missions you'd want to send it on alone (those with 15 Sci or less) don't need a ship with a "Eng 82 Tac 50 Sci 16" profile.
Please consider the following options:
- Slightly reapportion the points to give it 58 Eng, 30 Tac, 20 Sci. This will make it a desirable solo option for many more missions.
- Change the bonus effect to "+20 Tac and Sci when alone". A solo profile of Eng 62 Tac 50 Sci 36 is a LOT more useful and able to take on a pretty decent range of common and even the occasional uncommon mission.
- Do BOTH. A base profile 58 Eng, 30 Tac, 20 Sci with a solo profile of 58 Eng, 50 Tac, 40 Sci is actually a pretty desirable ship. Enough so to maybe make the admiralty card a selling point for a ship that seriously needs one.
Outside of the (considerable) nostalgia factor for the other skins that can be used on this hull, the ship suffers from an awkward seating arrangement, a ship trait that doesn't work with that awkward seating arrangement, a console that takes yourself entirely out of the fight, and a console set bonus that requires you to use one of the most despised consoles in the game along with a console that many, many people will never be able to get because wizkids grossly under-produced the promotional figure.
At least let us tell people on the fence that there's a pretty decent or maybe even
fairly good admiralty card in there.
Thank you.