Tell me how you would feel about each.
1) Ability to convert Fleet Marks into Fleet Dilithium Vouchers (50:500 rate, respectively)
2) Ability to choose modifiers gained by a rarity upgrade on equipment
3) (alternative to 2) A Rarity upgrade guarantees the addition of a modifier that already exists on the item (unless it is common-tier).
4) (alternative or addition to 2/3) Upgrading at max mark is 3x as expensive in technology points but guarantees a rarity upgrade on first try.
While 50:500 is a massive downgrade in the amount of Fleet Credits you'd get, it's probably still too high of a ratio. I have thousands of Fleet Marks on most of my chars, if people could switch it at that rate fleets with active PvE players and DOff'ers wouldn't need Fleet Dil for quite some time.
2) Often requested.
3) Rarely requested, but would make [dmg]x3 lockbox weapons even more expensive.
4) Given that three rolls is lucky to give a rarity upgrade, I doubt Cryptic would go for this.
As for upgrading, perhaps I underestimate the number of people that will just shovel off ridiculous amounts of resources to get their gear to Gold, but nobody I talk to seems ready to make full use of the upgrade system lottery as it currents exists. Why would I waste so much dilithium on a system that doesn't reward me in a remotely equivocal way? I foresee a friendlier upgrade system as a way for Cryptic to get players to actually upgrade beyond mark level, resulting in net profitability. But maybe they already have enough whales to compete, I dunno.