On existing races, has anyone been able to create really happy characters or boff's?
How ever hard i try, i seem to just get somewhat forcifly amused people >:<
If somebody know how to wiggle the sliders to make characters REALLY smiole, i would be happy to receive some recommendations.
Perphaps there should be "SMILING SLIDER"!
Captain Hunt, at your service!
The problem is probably that even with real people posing for photos, smiling is an uncanny valley thing. Computer graphics don't do much better. I think one of Shepards smiles on Mass Effect even went memetic for a while for how forced it looked.
Captain, can you take your ship to the Galordon Gorn system. Same serious things are going on there. A planetkiller might be involved.
... What are you smiling?
... eh?, well, it looks like fun to me.
... Fun? fun? What is up your mind? This is serious. Wait. I will send somebody else. You can clean some toilets here on the base.
Eveb if smiles would be.. Artificial facebook smile :P
For those of us with Ferengi characters, there's even a Rule of Acquisition to support the idea; "The wider the smile, the sharper the knife."
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...