While I'm waiting for some issues with Lighting 2.0 to get sorted out, I've gone and dropped back to the old familiar 1.0 engine for now. And mostly I don't mind - it is, after all, what I'm used to - but there's just one little thing...
In the new lighting model, the sparkles around glowies (objects that you can interact with) are a lovely warm amber-gold color. In 1.0, however, they're a pale shadow of that - a watered-down white shifting to a sickly yellow (with a greenish tinge) before vanishing.
I'm sure that Lighting 2.0 is going to be getting most of the attention from this point on, and rightly so - but for those who can't or won't make the switch (at least not right now), is there any chance of getting the basic FX touched up a bit? I know the old engine can do something similar, if not identical, as shown by the shafts of golden light attached to lockboxes: rich and saturated.
Whether or not anything comes of this request, thanks for taking the time to read, at least.
Join Date: January 2011
Graphics tab
Lights section, lower right side
Click the radio button for Lighting 2.0 from On to Off
You may need to click Apply
That should do it.