foundry foundry get yourself fixed
our minds are tired amd mixed
those whom could help , won't
as one told me, bout subs, just don't,
i can see now why interest has gone
as no change happens from dusk to dawn,
so forgive this bad poem i made,
and now i'll go and jus fade.
LOL, ah, my attempt at using comedy to get the message across..... FIX the Foundry to WORK !!!! instead of just working for the few ... Ok? ok.
as for me, i've waited a year and ahalf, and sadly nothing has changed, so f**k it all, i give up finally, and this is the last time for me, that i will have faith in a crew that don't care, bout how their Entire software, works out here.
feel free to add your own poems here, they might not get anything fixed , but i guess thats why they keep coming out with new stories, so perhaps we will say "its ok they're too busy to fix it" . sorry , ain't ok with me, if they can't handle the load, then don't do it all . FIX the Foundry