I am sharing this for console players. This may be applicable to PS4 also (any PS4 users please confirm).
The issue some have run into (myself included) is when you try to begin this mission while in your ship, you will be beamed down to Allied Joint Command (AJC), but unable to speak with the Logistics Officer (she is great at watching and saluting you though). It appears to be bugged if you do it this way.
Instead, fly to AJC, beam down, and start the mission there. You will then see the appropriate message from your BOFF, and the Logistics Officer can now be interacted with.
As a head's up to new players, the Solanae set (shield, deflector, impulse) are a nice starter set and can make a big difference, so worth playing three times to get the set. Also, during the mission you will be using a Dyson version ship of your faction (very cool looking ships too, wanting one of each!!). Before you engage in battle remember to set up any auto-execute space abilities first (there's a bunch of em).
You know what else is kinda funny, I find my survivability is increased wearing the Solanae envirosuit in ground combat instead of armor (especially against Vaadwaur and their love of radiation use).
Ok, that's it. Hope this information is helpful to new players on console. *Comm-badge sound* "One to beam up"
All you gotta do is abort mission then beam back down, this has been known for awhile now.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.