what gear actually works as advertised by the developer?
It's hard to be effective in combat when my gear fails to perform. (not to mention my torpedo's going into cool down when they hadn't fired yet.)
I am tired of wasteing time and $$$ (yes money) to get gear that does not perform per what the developers say it will perform. Even when you spec to help that said gear (consoles included).
The Unimatrix Shield Array for starters. As per the description. It has a 50% shield drain resist. (more like 50% additional shield drain) I have spec'ed into energy drain/resistance to same. Even spec'ed into shields and every thing in between. Even had a console to help combat shield drain. Still the Unimatrix Shield Array drains just as fast if not faster then all the other shields. Counterdicts the description!
The gear that resists and specific damage type. When does this happen?
So please, can someone tell me about some gear that works? I seriously don't want to refer to the "gear failing to perform" as a cheat. But all things considered, it's really hard not to.
I know that all the gear in the game is not ment to make you invinceble. It shouldn't. But at least it should perform as advertised.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
First of all, ground and space do not share stats with each other. It dosen't matter how much you've specced into drain expertise and how much consoles your ship has, your personal shield (the delta unimatrix with the +50% drain resistance) dosen't care and niether do the npcs on ground.
Also the resistance only applies to actual "drain" like all the tachyon based stuff and all the powers nps are packing. Weapon based damage is not included in this "drain resistance".
As for the damage reistance, it's just that. If you slot a item with "+[TYPE] resistance" you're just taking less damage from that type. Nothing more, nothing less.
Drain powers from NPCs (especailly borg) are pretty strong and are only be somewhat countered by real drain builds you can pull off with sci ships. Like 3-5 mk14 fleet consoles at UR or epic, some traits, universal consoles, etc, then we can start talking about effective drain resistances.
Unless you're flying such a thing you can only slightly delay the inevitable shields dropping and managing with hull resists and hull heals only. Pretty much the same goes for PVP, if you're up against a real drain boat you just don't keep your shields.
Frankly the only point drain expertise has outside of sci builds is the plasmonic leech as it's effect gets boosted by that stat,
It seems no matter if I use the Unimatrix Ship Shield, or an Advanced Fleet Covariant Shield [ResB] both being XIV, they drop equally as fast. The way I look at it, 50% shield drain resistance is effectivly cutting down my shields being drained by half. Wich it clearly doesn't. If the 50% drain resistance isn't used anymore. Then the developers need to take it out of the discription because it's miss leading.
Note: Before season 11.5 (new skill tree) I used the Unimatrix Shield on my Fleet T6 Tactical Escort. Worked beutifully. Not now
I have other gear that doesn't perform as stated. Hense the reason why I asked my question.
Also, I am flying a cruiser. One of these depending on how I feel. Endeavour,Guardian, Dreadnought T6 and Arbiter (currently flying)