Apologies in advance if this isnt in the correct place, i couldnt find a specific forum for fleets.
But yeah, currently looking for new members to join us on our journey so i'll start with a little info about us, our goals, and what hopefully makes us different from every other XB1 fleet and maybe if i convey it well enough, a few of you may want to give us a try!
Primarily, we want interaction. We don't want a full fleet where only 20 interact with each other in their own little circle, we've been there already with the various fleets we've joined in the last 4-5 weeks so know first hand how demoralizing it is, just prior to losing hope of finding one we could feel happy in, we decided to make the fleet we were looking for ourselves rather than fleet hopping numerous times in search of one that actually communicates with members. We want people to get involved as much as they're comfortable with ( not even having fleet holdings in game yet really limits what's possible atm but it's on the horizon and getting closer every day ) we want to create a fleet where people can be proud of the things we achieve as a collective and actually be happy they're with us, be confident that any EC and items donated by members won't be used as personal loot by fleet leaders either ( because they really really wanted 20 keys but didn't have their own EC ( yes that really happened) ) but used 100% towards the thing they're intended for. We wanted leadership that is more towards the mature spectrum and led by players that do have at least some social skills and show respect to each and every member regardless of if they agree or dissagree with something, thats not to say we woudnt welcome younger players or have anything against them, just, we wanted mature and experienced leadership. We want as big of a head start as possible for when we do get fleet holding enabled to get access to those sweet sweet fleet items for all.
Secondly, we decided to create a discord channel so we can interact with each other out of game, also being a handy app you can have on your phone its an easy way to actually get to know other fleet members ( especially for those who are mic shy/can't talk due to not wanting to wake the wife/hubby or simply don't have a mic ) while not actually logged in, of course it's optional but it just another way we want to be different than the rest as the current console in game chat inteface is less than intuative and clunky plus the limits on party sizes are a pain too. As a long term MMO gamer ive found that if you get to interact more with fleet members ( even out of game ) it's more likely that your going to stick with STO and not grow bored after 6 weeks as solo play can burn you out pretty quick, plus you make new gaming buddies long term as a by product, win win right!
We collectively see no point in not at least making the effort to better our fleet any way we can, to stand out, including putting any tools at members disposal, even if they decide they don't want to use them. We want to help fleet members, we want to advise them, we want to be advised by them, we want to be the fleet that people want to join, big ambitions right, but what's the point of aiming if your not gonna aim high!
We're mostly UK based, so if your EU or East coast US you'll always have people in fleet to interact with.
If you'd like to know more, your welcome to join our Discord, or PM here. My GT is Paradox 183 if you prefer the more direct approach.
We do have a Reddit post alluding to the same thing here but with more info from the other fleet leaders individually if you fancy a peruse.
Reddit Post
Our Discord is
here if you want to drop in and questions or generally chit chat to see if were a good fit for you, by all means do.
Hopefully speak and game with some of you soon
I'm on XB1 and I have just one Starfleet character so far
Exactly yes, we play and mix with everyone in fleet, be it running queues, helping lvl their char via missions or when we run fleet events like dyson ground pve. We've only been actively recruiting a few days but we're upto almost 60 members and most of them are logging in each day so we're pretty active.
There's nothing holding you to any one fleet, so it's no problem to try a few until you find one that fits your playstyle and interaction level. Your very welcome to come join us and see what you think, hopefully we're what your looking for but if not, we'll its another one crossed off the list haha
Pm me your Charname@Gamertag or msg me on live and we'll get an invite over.
Whilst it's all fine and well wanting people to communicate, basing your admissions policy on this is really going to alienate those players that just want to play the game without being 'forced' into interacting. The fleet I run on the PC is inclusive of all that want or don't want to communicate. No-one has complaints about those that don't talk.
How do I sign up..
This includes consoles until they get their forums. Dumbness is no excuse anymore if you are making a fleet or already have one to place this ad in here. Others respect forums rules and being naive should not be excusable.
Original STO beta tester.
The fleet recruitment forums are actually hidden, fairly well I might add. For such a central part of the game to be a sub forum associated with a header that makes no sense leads to little traction, especially with console players who are likely to hit 3 areas, general, academy and support.
Back to the recruitment post, I didn't see it but does the fleet have a primary faction (starfleet or KDF?)
interested in joining (in a Rom KDF primary, most of friends that play are rom/KDF as well) if have a faction presence.
100% agree. Everyone's requirements for a fleet are different and we accept that. We don't base our admissions on being interactive with the rest of the fleet, we'd like it if you were but if your a solo player that just wants to contribute to fleet projects and get yourself some nice consoles/weapons/ships than fantastic, we're all for it.
@Xclusive - the fleet is federation faction.
@bonehunter - i see your on our discord so i'll hit you up on there or if you want to pm me your charname@gamertag i'll send one over.