How is the Steamrunner? I can do really well with my Terran Saber. 3 ships in my forward arc......see ya! Can the Steamrunner match the capabilities of the Saber? Debating on wether I want to get one or not. Thanks!
I know the Steamrunner was just released via ARC. It was also released some time ago via Steam. Just looking for advice. I want something different to use. I own the Fleet Patrol Escort Retrofit, Fleet T6 Tactical Escort, and the T6 Alita. But it seems like I do alot better in my Terran Saber (Terran Escort Retrofit). Both giveing punches and takeing them.
I know the Steamrunner was just released via ARC. It was also released some time ago via Steam. Just looking for advice. I want something different to use. I own the Fleet Patrol Escort Retrofit, Fleet T6 Tactical Escort, and the T6 Alita. But it seems like I do alot better in my Terran Saber (Terran Escort Retrofit). Both giveing punches and takeing them.
I'm guessing you're looking for something that has a Lt. Comm Sci, which the Blockade Runner doesn't. Leveraging the Sci slot is the only way I can figure that a Mirror Escort could out-last a Fleet T6. You might try a T6 Advanced Escort or the Fleet version, as it has an improved version of your Saber's BOff and console layout.
Thanks for the reponce. I do have the T6 Advanced Escort. But it feels lacking in the punching department. As for the Mirror escort, maybe it's just me. It just seems like I servive well in it. It turns on a dime. It feels like I punch hard with it. Dropping ships fast (Undine, before bio-molecular torpedo) I have yet to "blow up" with it as of yet. I came close. The other ships seem to die on my quick. From memory with the mirror escort, I have ET 1+2/EPtS2, HE1and HE2/ST2, PH3, TSS1, HYT1,BFAW2,TS3, APB3 and BO1. I don't know. I pop APB3+BFAW2+TS3. Things just go BOOM!
Consoles Eng: Fleet Neutronium with +heal. Fleet Neutronium + Hull Hit Points (switch out with Antiproton Resist Armor)
SCI: Temporal Disentanglement Suite, Bioneral Gel Pack Console,Iconian Console
TAC: 3 Phaser Relays,1 Counter Command Console (Delta Quadrant)
All Console's and weapons are MK XIV. Phaser Boosting consoles are Ultra Rare MK XIV
Weapons consist of 3 with [pen] mods (2 of wich are Epic) 1 Agony Phaser Ultra Rare (can't remember mods) and 1 Dual Beam Bank [dmg]x3
Terran Torpedo/ Quantum Phase Torp/Bioneral Torp and Neutronic Torp. (all have respective MK XIV consoles depending on what torp I want to use)
I do have the Borg console and KCB (both mk XIV) but they where switch out because I didn't like a weapon that was usefull half the time.
I don't need a LTC Sci slot. But I wasn't about to spend Fleet Credits and Provisions on a NON fleet ship (Non terran escort retrofit)
That's very odd, a T5 without being upgraded (which the Mirror ship cannot) should be noticeably less durable than a T6 if both builds were basically the same.
Makes me wonder if the ship is bugged, like the Tier 5 Mogai when it was released. Insane shields, insane turn and improved weapon damage. IIRC, it was something to do with how lower Tier ships calculate stats, and the Mogai had the Tier 3's boosts but Tier 5 stats.
The 200,000 Fleet Credit for the Retrofit isn't a bug, it's just one of the things they came out with when the Fleet Holding system was introduced, as an alternative to forking out Fleet Ship Modules (though the versions needing Fleet Ship Modules are better).
I'm guessing you're looking for something that has a Lt. Comm Sci, which the Blockade Runner doesn't. Leveraging the Sci slot is the only way I can figure that a Mirror Escort could out-last a Fleet T6. You might try a T6 Advanced Escort or the Fleet version, as it has an improved version of your Saber's BOff and console layout.
Consoles Eng: Fleet Neutronium with +heal. Fleet Neutronium + Hull Hit Points (switch out with Antiproton Resist Armor)
SCI: Temporal Disentanglement Suite, Bioneral Gel Pack Console,Iconian Console
TAC: 3 Phaser Relays,1 Counter Command Console (Delta Quadrant)
All Console's and weapons are MK XIV. Phaser Boosting consoles are Ultra Rare MK XIV
Weapons consist of 3 with [pen] mods (2 of wich are Epic) 1 Agony Phaser Ultra Rare (can't remember mods) and 1 Dual Beam Bank [dmg]x3
Terran Torpedo/ Quantum Phase Torp/Bioneral Torp and Neutronic Torp. (all have respective MK XIV consoles depending on what torp I want to use)
I do have the Borg console and KCB (both mk XIV) but they where switch out because I didn't like a weapon that was usefull half the time.
I don't need a LTC Sci slot. But I wasn't about to spend Fleet Credits and Provisions on a NON fleet ship (Non terran escort retrofit)
Makes me wonder if the ship is bugged, like the Tier 5 Mogai when it was released. Insane shields, insane turn and improved weapon damage. IIRC, it was something to do with how lower Tier ships calculate stats, and the Mogai had the Tier 3's boosts but Tier 5 stats.
As for the Steamrunner It's been a long time since I last flown one, but this video by Timberwolf might help you decide:
Do note, that AFAIK, it doesn't come with a Upgrade to T5-U unless you buy it when a ship sale is active.