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Problem Commendation Categories

I recently returned to the game after a long time and have spent the last 8 weeks or so getting up to speed. So far I'm really enjoying the DOFF system, and advancing through the commendation categories has become something of a daily obsession. Now that the majority of my categories are at level 4 (most arriving there within a few days of each other), I have a few observations:

Exploration: Seems to lack much in the way of choices. Almost exclusively short, low yield projects other than some 400+ archeology related ones which are usually quite difficult. My own, despite focusing on it where possible is lagging behind at about 40k/100k. Could use a couple of high value, long duration options, perhaps available from the colonial clusters?

Trade: My second lowest, despite taking wherever possible, lagging back at about 30k. Very few assignments around and most are very low yield, short duration. Only regular 'overnight' assignment with decent payout is a 48hr assignment and a poor overall yield for the time invested. Trade in gamma quadrant supplies seems to be the only way to level this, but there are too few assignments available too infrequently to be able to focus on this at all.

Recruitment: By far the hardest to level, mine is lagging back at 18k despite actively hunting and always taking every available assignments. The 20/40hr DOFF recruitment assignments provide a terrible commendation yield (with no option to improve crits), the bridge officer recruitment is also poor for time time invested (and fairly rare). The only vaguely decent return comes from the Recruit Labour Aid assignments which such up a rather large 5 civilian DOFFs a shot (though I guess they may become more practical soon when I no longer need colonists). Either way, it seems even with maximum effort, this commendation will fall way, way behind.

Diplomacy: Hard to answer this as my character had a diplomatic rank prior to the DOFF system and started with 55k or so. As it is currently sitting at 80k, this seems to imply a lack of diplomatic options - it feels a lot like Trade with only a small pool or short, low yield options.

All this being said, this is only my personal experience and could be very different from what other people are finding. I feel I now more or less know all the assignment options and have waited this long before judging but it's not impossible there's some tricks to leveling the above more successfully. Perhaps it's the short duration ones I struggle with as I tend to just set the high yield 20hr (or at least 6-8hr) ones every evening, except weekends where I focus on running 4/5/6/8hr assignments throughout the day. Would be interesting to know if other people have the same viewpoint.

Either way, I feel a few more mission options for the above would be an excellent addition to balance the categories out nicely.

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