I re-copied over my Federation Science Character that had 14 Kits populated with four or five Modules each in Inventory and two Modules directly in Inventory. That was 67 Modules (some were duplicates). Character was Six@ltminns.
After conversion I had 11 Kits and two spaces where Kits used to be in Inventory that now show blank but are not usable. They show no info and you cannot move anything to them. They were in the spots in Live Inventory where I had a (Fleet) Romulan Science Kit Mk XI UR and a (Fleet) Spire Prototype Science Kit Mk XII UR. Those two Fleet kits were not old style, they had Modules in them. Additionally, a Terran Empire Science Kit was missing.
After I logged off and back in, a Science Kit Mk XII UR kit had been dumped into Inventory at the end on the Inventory, like any new Item would.
As far as Kit Modules 20 had been dumped into Inventory completely filling it up, and 31 were in the Overflow Bag. That totals 51 remaining out of 67 that were there on Live.
I'm really not going to go through a detailed Inventory comparing the 67 with the 51, however notable ones missing were:
Elachi Kit Module - Subspace Rift
Universal Kit Module - Crystalline Spike
Those can be Reclaimed in the Dilitium Store but I know I did have a few copies of both equipped in the various Kits.
Additionally, the Site-to-Site Ensnare IV Mk XII icon is all white in Inventory.
Unless you find some place, say like a Module Tab where these can be placed upon removal, this revamp will be a minor disaster upon Implementation as very few people have come here to test. They will be clueless about just what the heck happened with the Revamp's implements.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Lt. Philip J. Minns