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New Doff chains

mas134gluck123mas134gluck123 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
After completing all doff chains on my main, i wonder what else left? Oh yes to complete it on alts :)

Tho i think it would be interested to get new colonisation clusters, by using already exisiting Nebulas
like following ones:
Beta Quadrant:
- Yan Nebula
- ChoS Nebula
- T'Kanis Nebula
- Kahless Expanse
- Mutara Nebula
- Briar Patch
- Azure Nebula
- Great Bloom

Alpha Quadrant:
- Badlands
- Kalvani Belt

Delta Quadrant: (as delta don't has any colonisation cluster)
- Orlitus Cluster (not a nebula or cluster, tho in name write cluster, thats why i chosse it)

As for now many of those(Orlitus not included) are just visuals on sector space map, and some of them are places for foundry content, tho Badlands is Battlezone and Kahless Expanse.

As all newer doff chains are lockbox related as Mirror investigative assignments and older ones like Temporal investigation assignments and 4 of Tal Shiar code chain for unique officers.

I would be lucky just to get chain, tho renown is not needed, tho also i would like to see the ideas and sugesstions of others on this forum
Post edited by mas134gluck123 on


  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    I think the nebulas are ripe for additional functionality all around. Perhaps even spawning separate small maps or BOFF exploration missions. More DOFF assignments would be good.

  • gradiigradii Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    goodscotch wrote: »
    I think the nebulas are ripe for additional functionality all around. Perhaps even spawning separate small maps or BOFF exploration missions. More DOFF assignments would be good.

    There used to be exploration of nebulae, but it got removed because there was a hate for the 3rd Borg Dynasty and other randomly generated absurdities.

    "He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
    Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
    he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
    In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
    He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
    He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
    He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
    He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
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