Hi i have 2500 zen to get 1 of the 3 romulan dreadnought as i got i got a ship with zen for my feduration character now i want one for my romulan in the klingon side but can choose out of the 1) scimitar class 2) falchion class or 3) the tulwar class other than colour are they different in any way i know they can have drones but witch one is better unless they are same just different paint job lol..
If on PC, grind out another 500Zen or wait for a sale and grab a T6 variant, unless you can grind out the remainder for the full pack. T6 Tac has an awesome console, whereas the Sci version has a Lt. Comm Sci spot for Gravity Well fun or Feedback Pulse II DPS options with having your Lt. Comm Uni usable for anything and 5 Sci console spots for Embassy Plasma exploder consoles.
thanks for reply i am thinking of getting the liberated reaman borg crewman for 500 zen to go with it oh i play on xbox1 and this ship is for my xbox toon i have it on pc as well.
"Let them eat static!"
ive checked dont have t6 vertion yet so for scimitar dreadnought.
the tac is the scimitar so i will get that then thanks for help