This may have already been noticed and posted. But I've noticed a trend in the Admiralty Ship Cards one can gain from Admiralty. That is, each time I get one, it is stated to mirror the character that I am on. Making these more classes based rewards, instead of an assignment award.
For example:
I do an assignment, which awards an Admiralty Card. If I do this on my Tactical Officer, even though the assignment is high in the Science stat. I will receive and Admiralty Ship Card that is High in Tactical. This will the be the way of it it, no matter which stat of the assignment is the highest.
I never really thought about it much. But I do play KDF as my main. With all the Sci heavy assignments that can come about. This is detrimental to those that don't have Sci ships. But then if you look at the fact that all the KDF Sci ships are either Z Store or Fleet. Which a lot of your new players checking the game out aren't going to have. Looking at it this way, I can't help but wonder if this was just a simple oversight. Or is it the continued trend of making it harder for people to play KDF.
In either case. This needs to be looked in to. I'm sure it's just an oversight, something that wasn't noticed before. Then it can be set to where you have an even chance to get one of the three types of ships, instead of one that is based more off your class.

But, I think, unless they open up the database/list of one time use cards to include ships from ALL factions .... there just won't be as many one time use Science ship Admiralty cards TO acquire via assignments.
They have those One Time Use ship cards locked to faction specific cards.... because my Klingon never gets the Romulan ship with the -Eng Events, either.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
The Two engi cards came from a 60 135 60 assignment.
The Sci card, came from a 115 105 105
The two Tac cards came from a 20 20 45.
So there is this one instance for today of a balance. I think the main thing here is. The Admiralty one time cards you can gain are T6 only. Which, if they're set to faction specific, is detrimental to the KDF and Roms. As we don't have a lot of T6 Sci ships. I actually only received 1 Faction specific from this.
My T6 Admiralty Cards gained today are:
Kurak Battlecruiser - Engi
Elachi Sheshar Intel - Engi
Krenim Science - Sci
Ferengi Nandi - Tac
Jem'Hadar Strike Ship - Tac
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Most of mine are Tac/Engi. I have ship roster of 19, mainly from the promotion tokens you get leveling and some I went back and bought with DIl. A Tholian Meshweaver and Nihydron Destroyer I picked up off the exchange. Other than that it's just the ones I got from maxing Admiralty. With the addition of the Vorgon Xyfius Heavey Escort.
If you played through Future Proof, you got the Admiralty Card for the USS Pastak.
The ISS Stadi from Mirror Invasion.
IKS Hegh from level 10 Klingon.
USS Rhode Island from level 10 Federation
RRW Zdenia from level 10 Romulan.
Until the I got the USS Rhode Island, the Pastak was my only Sci ship card. The Tholian Meshweaver will help you here. It's usually 3-5mil on the exchange. It's a tac ship but it offers +8 Sci per Eng or Tac Ship.
If you haven't yet, and Sci is what you're hurting in. Work to max Klingon Adm. You'll get the Hegh, an Engi ship, but it's +20 Sci per any ship. Also the Qin heavy Raptor helps here, it's +10sci per Eng Ship. Then aim for the Federation Adm, you'll get another Sci ship card there, the USS Rhode Island.
After this, it's just remaining focused. Work on one Adm at a time. Then while working on that, keep in mind. You can only gain 10K exp per Adm per day. Use to fill as many as I could until I realized that. Also, use your pass tokens. All the missions will come back up again, the only thing that changes is the event that happens with them. The event is secondary to keeping/doing a mission. If you have a mission you can't fill, say one that's 60, 60, 60, but has an event that makes it 100, 60, 160. If you can't fill this, but it has an event you like, let it sit in your Adm. But if another one just has and event that makes the similar mission, 100, 90, 60, but there is no event reward, kick it. Watch for you smaller ones. like 10,10,10's and such. Ones that you can easily fill. The little ones are what I mostly leveled my Adm's on, the ones I could fill.
Also on the keep or kick part. You'll end up with more than one of these sitting in your Adm. This is when you end up having to consider the event rewards. For me I look at it this way. The event rewards are always going to be Dilithium, R&D Mats, or Energy Credits. Which are all easy to gain, so you just have to decide which one is your keeper and which one is your kicker. This is where you compare the mission rewards.
Pass Tokens, these come from Critical Successes. Looking at the number of these I've received from Crit Successes, You have about a 20-30% shot at getting one per Crit.
I've also gambled on missions. Especially ones with high numbers, that the rewards aren't all that great for. I'll try to get the Success % as high as I can with what I have. I usually go with 70% and above for this. Again, it's a gamble, sometime sit works, sometime your ships just end up in maintenance.
As far as ships and ship cards go. As soon as you have the ship card from the ship. You can dismiss the ship, the Adm card will remain. Also, dry docking some will clean up a bit more room for you to gain more ships. So right off you can dry dock five, then go pick five more ships up.
The Federation has a few Science Ships you can get from promotion.
That setup is for those like me. One's that refuse to pay for Sci ships when they should have put them in on the promotion side already. Even if they cost Dil.
As far as Admiralty goes. It's just another doff, it's meant to take time. This is just a way to do it without having to spend any cash at all. The only part of that you can't get right now is the ISS Stadi, since Mirror Invasion is over.
I think I must be the only one with this issue, though. I don't know why. Because almost everyone is talking about Science.
I do not do Mirror Invasion... I tried it a couple of times, but not my thing.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
The Hegh is an Engi ship, it just has +20 sci per any ship. The Zdenia from lvl 10 ROm is +15 Eng per Sci and Tac ship, I believe. If you have it the Vorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort is +15 Eng per Tac ship. If you have the Stadi, that's a Eng ship +20 Tac per any ship. But as you said you didn't do Mirror Invasion for it. Though you only need to do this once per day, per toon you wanted it on during the event.
If you have open ship slots, from dismissing or dry docking. You can go back to the ship store for your faction and use dil to buy some of the promotion engi ships. Which you can buy, make sure you have the Adm card for and then dismiss. You'll keep the Adm card for that ship. So you can get some of the lower tier Engi ship cards in this manner.
If it's for a Romulan. The mirror versions of the Rom ship might be good for this. A bit more expensive on the exchange, just like the KDF ones. I know the Malon Battlecruiser is fairly well priced, down around the 3-5mil EC marks and is a Engi ship. The APU is another engi ship you can buy on the exchange.
Been looking on Tribble and with the upcoming Kit revamp, I am going to have to start using my EC for Kit Modules instead of ships because I have to get rid of all my non-modular kits I been using.
I hate all of this "upkeep" stuff...just let me play the game part of the game, please.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
If you go back and look through the Episodes. There are a few that give "Career specific kits" they usually come with a random kit mod. This just depends on which mods your after. The thing here, is if you need a kit. Look for one that's Mk XII on the Exchange that you like, and buy it. Beyond that, you really don't need to change it out. Just replace the mods as you see fit.
I can't say much. My two fed chars still used the Mk X ones from the old Omega Store, for the longest time. The cost comes with the mods you choose. Those can get pricey. I think I outfited my Klingon with mods at a total cost of 500K EC. This can vary depending on Kit and Mods. But they're usually so abundant that they're fairly cheap on the exchange. Ships, Ship gear, and doffs tend to be the higher cost to deal with. The highest priced ground gear item you might have to buy will be if you decide to get a TR-116B. They're usually up around a mil.
My character Tsin'xing
Ehh I don't have an account bank. So I can't consolidate all the lobi I have on different characters. I would bounce through the dilex to get it. But at current dilithium prices, not going to happen. The one thing I am not is a blind consumer that will buy no matter the price. I won't buy a console or console games for that reason. $500 for the console, when I can use that to get a low to mid-grade gaming pc/laptop. That, and I don't have to buy another one. I can just upgrade the one I have.
I'm also not an EC farmer. I've had at most on my chars 30mil. Been playing since 2012 and just bought the EC cap increase this year.
That and looking over the ships they have for sale. There are actually very few that I would buy. But this is mainly because I'm not a "one cruiser fit all" player. My Sci officer was in the vor'cha until I got the vorgon. The annoying part of being KDF, the only good Sci ship we have is the Temporal one.
As far as Admiralty cards go. Ehh, on my main KDF char, they're all level 10 and I did it with just buying some promotion ships with dil, the tholian meshweaver, the Stadi, the vorgon heavy escort and the ships you get maxing the admiralties. There wasn't a need for any more ships. The higher stat ones where the least selected and 70% of the time on those, I just threw three ships at them. I didn't even slow down to care what the % chance was. I just started one like that today, the rewards wasn't worth going after, and I didn't want to waste a pass token on it. So I threw like 3 T1 and T2 ships at it. Think it has a 30% chance at success.
A crit success is far better than a success. I also tend to skip the more useless ones in this manner, i.e. colonist/prisoner missions. I tend to focus more on rewards of Admiralty Cards, Dilithhium, and Crafting Materials.
Forgot the Pastak you get from playing through future proof.
My character Tsin'xing
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin