So, I'm not sure how bruised my ego should be, but I just got my butt kicked by the Voth...badly (as in six deaths)...during "Tower Control" ( Holy TRIBBLE, they were tough. I completed the mission, though, but man...
I tried a bunch of things too: my AntiProton resist was at 38.3, I tried different combos of cannons (inbetween deaths, that is), and even gave that damned Phaser Lotus a go--six bloody deaths just to blow up 10 of their ships.
And it ain't like I have that bad of a build: Quantum torpedo (MkXI w/ CH); Quad cannons (can't increase Mk, yet); Heavy Plasma cannons (MkXII w/ CH & AC); Piercing Tetryons (MkXI); a series of XII and XI turrets. Defensively, I'm using the MkXI Paratrinic shield.
Point is, it's not like I was flying in with generic phasers/cannons...
Anyone have any commentary on this? I know it says it highly recommends not doing it alone, which I (mostly) did...there were two other ships that showed up (looked like they were having it about as bad as me) for a moment or so, but still...I wasn't expecting it to be that crazy-bad.
I mean, I got through it, and am moving on through the remaining story-Episodes, I'm just saying...holy hell.
Hey hey now..Generic Phasers are ok..Might have to hit and run, pick ships off on the outside and work your way in (till you get help or slightly better gear). Dont forget ..Voth have immunity shields and The City Ship uses a form of feedback pulse, which will wipe you out with your own damage...
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
That's how we did back in the day and that's how my Golfball of Doom (T6 Daedalus) does it right now.
Back then it was all about using protonic stuff which not only did the cooking, but also had +Voth damage. These days there's a bit more bang for your buck from Temporal abilities and the like.
First, keep an engine battery handy for emergencies, and keep your other speed boosts such as Evasive Maneuvers ready. You must get out of the huge AOE cone before the weapon goes off, but remain mobile because one ship will target you, you will use evasive, and as soon as its timer expires another will target you. Engine Battery ensures you have at least one way out of that cone.
Second, stay away from those green gas blobs. This is a mine attack, and it not only eats hull regardless of shield strength, but it immobilizes as well. These mines are very hard to see in the screen clutter, and so are the massive toxic clouds they create upon impact. In fact it was quite a while before I became aware of the green clouds simply because I didn't see them. Consider constantly drawing the Voth away from their spawn point as opposed to charging in for the kill. If you must fight at close range, try CSV or FAW as you enter knife-fighting range to knock out any nearby deployed mines before they explode and create that huge toxic ball.
Third, the Voth work together, so divide and conquer. Hitting a ship on the fringe of their group is more likely to allow you to survive than taking them all on at once. Take out the support craft before you go after the main ships.
Fourth, Tab is your friend. When a Voth ship puts up its immunity screen, shift attack to another target. You cannot damage that shield facing or get any bleedthrough damage while it is up. You can damage it from another angle.
After I learned these tricks, my performance improved. I have repeatedly beaten Voth spawns without dying both in a T5 BoP and in a T5 Recon Sci, but one mistake and it's respawn time.
Don't be too proud and try to sit in the middle of a bunch of them -- fight your way out and go after one edge of their group.
Oh..yes..they also spam tykens drift (drain hazard)..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
That area is meant for 3-5 players working together, if you solo you will die... a lot
I learned that pretty quick.
That's what ended up working best... Luckily the Chimera's pretty quick for it's size, so I was able to and kinda squeak through the objective.
Where do I find protonic weapons? I'm sure I could wiki it, but figured I'd ask.
Not making excuses, or anything, but it's pretty difficult to do that on console, currently. I'm learning as I go as far as the nuance to the controls, but targeting isn't a smooth practice in the console version.
Voth are difficult (mostly due to them using like..all the science: Subnuke,ESiphon, tykens,Grav Well Feedback..)) but it only gets worse from here with Vaadwar and then the Iconians (Intel stuff can be particularly interesting if your not prepared for it)...
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Since your flying a 1000 day veteran heavy destroyer.
Sounds like you are mistaking dinos for Naks.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
The threads are gonna be awersome when they meet them
Fortunately for the PC crowd..Intel had some nerfs BEFORE npcs got them...
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Im looking forward to the forum fires
I'm not. I constantly mistake console player posts for PC player posts. And I mean think about this ... combine that with my constantly falling for necro threads?
60 days from those forum fires, is going to be a complete life in hell for me because it'll all be thread necros on console complaints and I'll be some doddering old PC player responding like they were made just yesterday!
Thankfull that tower control nonsense of a mission is generally over quickly and sometimes you get lucky with another player or two joining the battle.
This also works with the citadel. With a proper build, it won't last seconds, also thanks to all the minions around it. This even bypasses the voth shield immunity though.
Anyways, I usually skip this mission.
I'm half-wondering if maybe my all-particle build might be hurting me. I thought I read somewhere that, with destroyer/escorts, in particular, that you want to choose a weapon-type and stick with it; but with my Chimera, I'm curious if I should go with beams, instead, or even a mix.
By the way, are the Iconians just bigger/badder versions of the Voth, or is there more to them?
Ja. Except, there's currently no subscription fee for either console version (something about Cryptic not wanting Xbones to pay for both Gold and Cryptic's monthly, which is pretty considerate of them), so it's currently more of a half-priced multi-bonus-content pack.
What makes the Iconians worse than the Voth is the use of Intelligence (science friendly) specialty abilities such as the awesome all systems disable: Electromagnetic Pulse Probe,in addition to Polymorphic Probe Array (Viral Matrix console),Subnucleonic Carrier Wave,and Ionic Turbulence.
Certain build types are better at handling them than others..but when you have a map full of em..It can get..interesting.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
The Iconian things I took the most damage from were the Baltim Raider gateway ramming shenanigans and having solar gateways spawn in spots I couldn't target easily (usually dead behind the camera). AoE powers and keeping a little distance helps with most of the other powers.
Best tactic on the anchor drone is to destroy it. I use it to lock players down for nastier stuff (can be launched while cloaked).
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
I'm using a Tactical Officer at the UnvLtComm station; I'm thinking about using a Sci Officer, instead--curious if that'll help.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Using viral impulse burst as soon as you hear the activation makes for an interesting and funny crowd control. They go zooming out of range.