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(Xbox1) Starting pvp?

centricitycentricity Member Posts: 48 Arc User
Looking to start a small pvp community on Xbox, i know some new players get pwnd in the ques by some of us who have had experience in the game.

Some one reached out to me after a Match and asked how I shredded there ship and how come they can't do any damage, started from the bases & asked what he was running, he said one torp, dual plasma beam, phaser beam, a cannon (no this is when most of us are like wtf hahaha) he genuinely had no idea that he was doing something wrong, now there's way more he had to fix but you get the point,

In anycase, if you're on Xbox and what some help with pvp, get at me. By no means am I claiming I'm god at pvp, but I know a little in my 8 years of playing to help beginners.

I'm posting this cuz I don't want to see what little pvp players we have be chased out the Qs,

Gamertag: Drega D Dragon
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