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whats the end game? x1

i'm lvl 20 something. i'm wondering what the end game is cause what do i do after i hit max rank and do all the story missions? do i replay story missions till i get bored are there pve raids? do i farm dilithiam for zen and lockboxes?


  • plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    Grind resources to get better stuffz and ships. Just don't do things too exessively, set yourself one or two goals and "work" on those, then set yourself new goals. Enjoy the journey and don't strive to finish everything ASAP.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    The endgame is reputations and level 60 story missions. The reputations require you to run the same content over and over until you are sick of it. The story missions aren't that bad. It requires about 3 or 4 runs at the most to get all the unique equipment from that mission.

    Then there is the Foundry which allows anyone to create new missions for others to play through. However, it might be a PC only feature that will never be available for the Xbox One. Microsoft allowed Fallout 4 mods on the Xbox One so it is possible that the more popular Foundry mission could be imported to the Xbox One.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,777 Arc User
    Space Barbie and Forum PvP
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    Teamed 5-man PvE.

    Sadly only few do it.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • bonzodog01bonzodog01 Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    As you get your last free ship at level 40 (T5), you will find yourself grinding a lot for the dilithium ore to buy a decent T6 ship, or to exchange it for Zen to do so. Also, you are going to need a few hundred thousand EC (at least) to use the exchange to buy decent ship and personal equipment for you and your crew. Never forget to keep your crew equipment up. By the time you are level 50, you will be able to have about 10 officers on your ship, all of whom need shields, weapons, and devices for ground based missions. Also they need to be trained in skills from the training manuals, some of which will drop, but you will fiind yourself having to buy a few.
    XBox One - NFV Rylon - T6 Kolasi Siege Destroyer
    British Imperial Armada
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Reps, specializations, R&D grinds.
    Getting space rich, playing exchange ferengi
    The long/expensive quest to gold your favorite loadout
    PvP if you've got a few loose screws
    PVE/Battlezones with fleetmates friends.
    Space Barbie and RP (if youre into that)
    Accolade hunting
    Visiting every system on every map
    Crafting and selling high priced items
    Starting an alt army to rake in resources for your main...
    Zone chat troll pvp, and jokes..
    Plenty to do :sunglasses:

    And don't worry about paying for an end game T6 ship, you'll get one during the upcoming winter event.
    The most recent summer event freebie T6 Vorgon, is an amazing and very capable escort. You can soak a lot of DPS out of it with a f2p build.

  • d0nomegad0nomega Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    So it's like every other MMO but instead of gear for your character, you get gear for your ship? lol
  • darthjafodarthjafo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Sadly most of that isn't available on consoles. I'm 27 now and trying to only do a few missions per day but even still should be end game next week.

    Really wish they allowed foundry on consoles. Not creating them, just bring over the top rated ones from pc. Really kills the longevity not having them .

    By the time research and crafting get added I'm sure many will have moved on
  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    d0nomega wrote: »
    So it's like very other MMO but instead of gear for your character, you get gear for your ship? lol

    You get gear for your ship and character.

    Wanna know the best part? Endgame pve is made up of many different "raids" against different types of enemies. The raids reward their own kind of reputation marks based on the enemies you fight. The marks are needed to buy gear that helps you improve your performance against each specific enemy type in each specific raid. Once you max out your reputation and get all the gear that works best for a specific raid, you have no need to do that raid ever again. The epic gear you can earn is only useful to you before you earn it.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,509 Arc User
    You have more than one character slot. If you rolled Fed the first time, try Klink or Rom. Until you hit Captain, the experience is quite different - even the tutorials are entertainingly different, as a Klingon starts off as third officer of a frigate who has to kill the captain for betraying the crew and the Empire, and a Romulan begins as a refugee from the assault on Virinat, with an aged war-surplus T'liss, who hooks up (possibly reluctantly, depending how you play it) with the nascent Republic.

    Or try a different specialty. They do play differently, to the extent that my roommate (who plays a Tac exclusively) became confused watching me play my main (a Sci).​​
  • kjfettkjfett Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    There is a huge volume of content in this game. My main is all lvl5s on Rep, has more ships than I could ever use, my Boffs are even geared in all Rep gear at MKXIV. I have so many Spec points, I don't even worry about what I do with them and I still load into some battlezones and never recall setting foot in them before (In fact, I did a run of BZs last night with a group from my fleet and hadn't seen half of the BZs we hit). Add to this that they do add new missions as time goes on and there is always a reason to keep playing the main.

    When you need a break, load up an alt and play another faction for a bit of a change.

    The end game is way more than just STFs and Rep. There is even a difficulty setting that you can change when you rerun missions to make them more difficult, just like the levels of STFs.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    i'm lvl 20 something. i'm wondering what the end game is cause what do i do after i hit max rank and do all the story missions? do i replay story missions till i get bored are there pve raids? do i farm dilithiam for zen and lockboxes?

    Mission Replay is definitely part of it. For instance, say you want the complete Kobali Set for your ship. You have to run that mission one time for each item.
    • There's also STFs. Running them in Normal, Advanced and Elite.
    • There's joining a fleet, and helping that Fleet build out all its holdings.
    • There's getting that fleet involved in an armada, and helping each fleet in the armada build out its holdings.
    • There's completing the DOFFing ranks for each tree of DOFFing.
    • There's Completing each reputation.
    • There's getting gear from each reputation that you want.
    • There's completing each crafting school.
    • There's upgrading your gear to Mk XIV Epic.
    • There's the admiralty trees. Maxxing each to level 10.
    • There's the specialization trees, maxxing out each one.
    • There's events, such as this weekend the DOFF appreciation event, or the Mirror Universe Event that just finished.

    I mean essentially all of these things turns into a specific type of "grind" but from a gameplay perspective I say take them all bit by bit. Do what is fun. And don't try to do it all at once or you'll burn out. A great example is DOFFing. My main has two DOFF trees yet to complete (Trade and Recruitment). And I'm slowly working on it. I'll get there. Eventually.

    I recommend finding a few people in game you like to chat with and fly around with. And I recommend finding a few activities or missions you really like doing. And that way you can log in each day and at least do that.

    My rec is the Star Trek Battles channel. They're good people.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    "End Game" is whatever you want to do that you find to be fun. However, most if not all activities require some form of grinding as you wait for new content to be released. New content requires time though, for example, the devs stated that it generally takes 6 weeks to design and test a mission before it is released. The mission would likely take around 30 - 45 minutes to complete so content consumption always outpaces content development.

    Some of the things I do are as follows:
    - Play queued end game STF missions
    - Play Adventure / Battlezones
    - Play the Exchange from time to time to earn a bit of EC
    - Use said EC to purchase upgrade accelerators; spent around 250m EC on accelerators during that past 3 weeks.
    - Upgrade gear, but waiting for the Double Tech Point Bonus Weekend to get the best bang for the buck.
    - Replay some of the old missions if they have gear that I would like to have. Whether for myself or to upgrade and post on the Exchange.
    - Play Foundry missions (PC only) which are community created missions. Some are good, others are at best average.
    - Play special events that Cryptic runs from time to time like the current Junior Duty Officer Appreciation Weekend. I received a very rare Damage Control Engineer for my AoY captain yesterday who is also an engineer.
  • jaturnleyjaturnley Member Posts: 1,218 Arc User
    d0nomega wrote: »
    So it's like every other MMO but instead of gear for your character, you get gear for your ship? lol

    Basically, yes. The bright side is that unlike most other MMOs, the gear you spent months grinding to get doesn't immediately become garbage and you don't have to start over every 18 months, you can upgrade what you have if you want to and still stay competitve. The upgrade system is a bit of a pain itself, but nowhere near the pain that WoW players go through every time they launch a new expansion.
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    d0nomega wrote: »
    So it's like very other MMO but instead of gear for your character, you get gear for your ship? lol

    You get gear for your ship and character.

    Wanna know the best part? Endgame pve is made up of many different "raids" against different types of enemies. The raids reward their own kind of reputation marks based on the enemies you fight. The marks are needed to buy gear that helps you improve your performance against each specific enemy type in each specific raid. Once you max out your reputation and get all the gear that works best for a specific raid, you have no need to do that raid ever again. The epic gear you can earn is only useful to you before you earn it.

    Very inaccurate. For instance, the 8472 counter command ground set gives a lot of tox resistance, which is very strong on delta alliance reputation missions that feature the bugs. That's not the only overlap, there's plenty.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    End game for me is simply playing the exchange for profit, gambling and trying to minimax my ship to death. My main is parked on ESD and has been for months hitting an occasional queue. When I get bored of that, I play an alt to get it to the same place as my main. lol
  • kjfettkjfett Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    d0nomega wrote: »
    So it's like very other MMO but instead of gear for your character, you get gear for your ship? lol

    You get gear for your ship and character.

    Wanna know the best part? Endgame pve is made up of many different "raids" against different types of enemies. The raids reward their own kind of reputation marks based on the enemies you fight. The marks are needed to buy gear that helps you improve your performance against each specific enemy type in each specific raid. Once you max out your reputation and get all the gear that works best for a specific raid, you have no need to do that raid ever again. The epic gear you can earn is only useful to you before you earn it.

    This is way overgeneralized and inaccurate. My Iconian space set is viable in all STF runs. My Adapt MACO set is also useful in many ground STFs, not just against the Borg. I can't think of anything I've gotten from rep that I felt like was at a dead end by the time I hit lvl5 for that rep...and I have lvl5 rep in all reputation lines.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    As well as content mentioned by others, there are also the other storylines.
    The character storylines you have are:-
    1. Fed
    2. Romulan-Fed
    3. TOS-Fed
    4. KDF
    5. Romulan-KDF.

    Just when you think you have done 'everything', you will find something else hidden in the game somewhere. Despite lack of actual exploration, explore everything everywhere. You also have accolades hidden too for little 'bonuses'.

    Despite this game being free to play, it still has way more content than the majority of purchased games out there!
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,130 Arc User
    bonzodog01 wrote: »
    As you get your last free ship at level 40 (T5), you will find yourself grinding a lot for the dilithium ore to buy a decent T6 ship, or to exchange it for Zen to do so.

    Probably you will. But you can get cheap and buy "only" a Fleet Upgrade and then T5-U. Not quite the same, but a good ship it still will be. In the long run you will be missing out, though, since toying with boff abilities of the Intel or Temporal or Pilot kind is a lot of fun, too.
    bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Also, you are going to need a few hundred thousand EC (at least) to use the exchange to buy decent ship and personal equipment for you and your crew.

    I'd say "a few million", but it shouldn't be that much of a problem to gather them. TdG, some foundry missions, opportunistic behavior at the exchange and it's yours. Or you can craft it or get it from mission or rep gear. Heck, if you play enough, you can even deck out a decent loadout by using drops alone.
    bonzodog01 wrote: »
    Never forget to keep your crew equipment up. By the time you are level 50, you will be able to have about 10 officers on your ship, all of whom need shields, weapons, and devices for ground based missions. Also they need to be trained in skills from the training manuals, some of which will drop, but you will fiind yourself having to buy a few.

    First sentence is very important. Having a second (or thirty-seventh) character who may have parked and only done doffing may give you a nice surprise when you try content geared for lvl 50+ in MkIV gear. (Been there, done that, hurts). But you only need gear for four bridge officers, since you'll never take more with you, and except for a few very select circumstances it'll probably be the same four anyways. Also, drops will make you able to outfit everybody with (sooner or later) green+ MkXII gear. Reps help get the weapons on overkill, shields and armor not so much though. But there really is a lot of time for that.

    The training you can get from the boff trainers is usually enough (and costs 10k for a commander ability). When you set your build you may want to improve on it by looking for the few craftables (you can craft them yourself if you were patient with R&D 6000 XP assignments), like a Grav Well III instead of Grav Well II for your Sci ships. Many will fill higher slots though, changing your build. The few "exchange only" items (basically meaning lockbox or other prices) are sometimes very nice, but expensive - and not really that necessary.
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
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