Do you have an epic landscape you want to capture with HD lighting? Or does your shiny new armor reflect your pet cat so perfectly you want to capture it? Did you glitch the new lighting engine and take a screenshot of it?
Post your epic screenshots with the new lighting here!
Note to Cryptic: this would make a good monthly screenshot contest.
[i][b]HOW TO GET SCREENSHOTS (in beta- Tribble)[/b][/i]
If you have a graphics card like Nvidia with GeForce Experience, get the beta and make sure Share (alt+z) works. Then, press the show/hide hud keybind (may have to bind it in settings first) and press alt+z, then configure the settings (like save location), then press the x on the top right coner and press alt+f1. It will save the image into the folder you specified before. There is probably an AMD equivalent.
If you do not have a graphics card like so, use the printscreen key (PrintSc) (if your computer has it). If you are running a windows version like 7 or 8 (i think), hide the hud like said above, move the mouse to the corner of the screen, and press the printscr key. It (probably) saves the image to desktop. If you are running Windows 10, search for a setting to save screenshots to OneDrive (and set up OneDrive). Then screenshots should save to pictures/screenshots/ in your OneDrive folder.
ON PC.....My game locks up and crashes to desktop every time I go on Tribble and try to take a screen shot. So....I hope they get that fixed before they put it up on the Holodeck.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
ON PC.....My game locks up and crashes to desktop every time I go on Tribble and try to take a screen shot. So....I hope they get that fixed before they put it up on the Holodeck.
Oh, I thought it was released with the console release. Now on STO, I see that it is not. I guess I can go onto Tribble and get a few screenshots then.
ON PC.....My game locks up and crashes to desktop every time I go on Tribble and try to take a screen shot. So....I hope they get that fixed before they put it up on the Holodeck.
Same thing happened to me on Tribble. Well, to be precise, I set the Renderscale to 4x and tried to screenshot. It wedged the application and I had to kill it. I just assumed the new lighting system was too much at real-time processing @4x RS for my GPU. I was going to try DemoRecord instead, but haven't yet.
Although in this image the ship in the window isn't blocking the sun, when it does, you can actually see the ship's shadow thru the window!
Look carefully, new falling animation!
HOW TO GET SCREENSHOTS (in beta- Tribble)
* If you have a graphics card like Nvidia with GeForce Experience, get the beta and make sure Share (alt+z) works. Then, press the show/hide hud keybind (may have to bind it in settings first) and press alt+z, then configure the settings (like save location), then press the x on the top right coner and press alt+f1. It will save the image into the folder you specified before. There is probably an AMD equivalent.
If you do not have a graphics card like so, use the printscreen key (PrintSc) (if your computer has it). If you are running a windows version like 7 or 8 (i think), hide the hud like said above, move the mouse to the corner of the screen, and press the printscr key. It (probably) saves the image to desktop. If you are running Windows 10, search for a setting to save screenshots to OneDrive (and set up OneDrive). Then screenshots should save to pictures/screenshots/ in your OneDrive folder.
(hint: click the image to go to my youtube channel)
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Oh, I thought it was released with the console release. Now on STO, I see that it is not. I guess I can go onto Tribble and get a few screenshots then.
(hint: click the image to go to my youtube channel)
Same thing happened to me on Tribble. Well, to be precise, I set the Renderscale to 4x and tried to screenshot. It wedged the application and I had to kill it. I just assumed the new lighting system was too much at real-time processing @4x RS for my GPU. I was going to try DemoRecord instead, but haven't yet.
Although in this image the ship in the window isn't blocking the sun, when it does, you can actually see the ship's shadow thru the window!
Look carefully, new falling animation!
HOW TO GET SCREENSHOTS (in beta- Tribble)
* If you have a graphics card like Nvidia with GeForce Experience, get the beta and make sure Share (alt+z) works. Then, press the show/hide hud keybind (may have to bind it in settings first) and press alt+z, then configure the settings (like save location), then press the x on the top right coner and press alt+f1. It will save the image into the folder you specified before. There is probably an AMD equivalent.
If you do not have a graphics card like so, use the printscreen key (PrintSc) (if your computer has it). If you are running a windows version like 7 or 8 (i think), hide the hud like said above, move the mouse to the corner of the screen, and press the printscr key. It (probably) saves the image to desktop. If you are running Windows 10, search for a setting to save screenshots to OneDrive (and set up OneDrive). Then screenshots should save to pictures/screenshots/ in your OneDrive folder.
(hint: click the image to go to my youtube channel)