During last year's Delta Recruit event, I followed many other players and made an (Aliengen) TOS Klingon. Despite my intial intentions, the character survived and I could never bring myself to get rid of it - the D7 is probably my favourite Trek ship, I had a torpedo-shooting toy of one as a kid and the ERTL kit hung in my room as a teenager. However, as a very pleasant surprise, it looks like the Cryptic Devs have used AoY to backdoor in everything you need to make a TOS Klingon character. The problem is that a lot of it is hidden and not publicised - my thanks to the forum posters who pointed out the existence of TOS Ship disruptors as a loot drop, for example. So, I'm starting this thread to capture all of the things you can use to make your own 23C Klingon.
The good news is, everything is there; the bad news is that some of it is rare and / or expensive. However, you can get a long way without needing to spend vast sums of Zen/Dil/EC.
So let's start with the basics.
SPECIES - Either Klingon or Alien. As of AoY, Klingons have the option of using a humanoid head with or without bony ridges, allowing for a TOS look. Personally, I think you can rationalise using AlienGen as reflecting the more shifty, cunning TOS Klingons in terms of traits.
UNIFORMS - All there in the basic options! There are some discrepancies with the female mesh sleeves, but just look for anything labelled 23c. One thing that caught me initially is that the 23c female legware is actually shorts - which come under "Pants - tight".
SHIPS - Really, 2 options. Right now, the Temporal D7 is out there for those with a big (real or game) wallet; I managed to score mine for 850M EC on a chat trade by hanging around ESD. For those on a more limited budget, the Fleet K't'inga is cosmetically identical and much cheaper; 4 Fleet Ship Modules and 20,000 Fleet Credits, plus an upgrade token for T5U. That's 2500Z if you go to the Z-store but all can be found on the exchange. You will need access to a T3 KDF Fleet Shipyard as well. The Fleet K't'inga is a perfectly respectable ship, just a standard 2012 Battlecruiser; it won't break DPS records but can handle all content if built properly. It was my DR's ship from the event until now, and had good results using an appropriately old-school A2B build (I kind of liked the mental image of the power levels going haywire as the ship frantically attempted to compete with newer designs). For real cheapskates, the T3 K't'inga is surprisingly tough; I used one to complete all the missions (up to L60) for the Delta Recruit event. Back in 2011, there were diehards using it as an endgame ship!
WEAPONS - Here's where Cryptic have been sneaky (in a good way). TOS Disruptor pistols can be obtained from "Night of the Comet" and "The Core of the Matter". However, as I just found out, Rifles and Space Weapons appear as white loot drops from Fed 23C missions; you can either use a Fed alt to grind for these or hunt for them on the exchange.
The new Disruptor Rifle is a Cryptic invention, an extrapolation of the canon pistols. Interestingly, the tooltip shows is as a Withering Disruptor Sniper Rifle:
These seem to be fairly common on the Exchange right now. I got lucky and found a Mk II one which upgraded nicely!
Space weapons are harder. These are identical statwise to their "Modern" counterparts, with a slightly different visual and that oh-so-60s pulsing disruptor sound effect in space (or TOS phaser sounds for the beams). The only way to tell them apart on the Exchange is by their icons:
Having utterly emptied my reserves on the T6 D7, I'm only partway through upgrading a set; as you have to start at white and can't control the mods, plus the sound effect is the only real difference, this is part of the project that can wait for the next upgrade weekend!
Anyway - please post your TOS Klingons here. The past is too important to belong to the Federation!
And, of course, I am not a ship collector...so, everyone is using the Kor BOP.
And I thought it looked too formal, when plain....therefore, I added those utility type belts, and such.
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