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Reman BoFFs/Ships

beldair#6049 beldair Member Posts: 31 Arc User
I just feel like Reman's need more.

I've been trying to fill my boff with Remans (and Tovan since I heard we can't jettison him off the ship :( ) and been dying for some Reman weaponry, gear, and a Reman Carrier.

And can we get the Reman occupied "dark city" open to explore... I'd love to roam around my people's home XD


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    ezicstar#2795 ezicstar Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    The Scimitar and its offshoots as well as the Scorpion are Reman designs. There's a Reman equipment set you can get as New Romulus rep rewards and the Reman guards consumables. Not bad considering they're a subrace of the most neglected faction in the game.
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    beldair#6049 beldair Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    The scorpion is Reman designed?
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    laneweshlanewesh Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    Yes, the scorpion is Reman, just look at the skin/texture it has, everytthing with those metalic look or dark on romulan side is Reman stuff.
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    beldair#6049 beldair Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Cool, might have to run elite scorpion fighters on my Flambard Science Dreadnought Warbird....

    Still want the Reman occupied "lower city" to be open for exploration. I feel like there could be some creative textures Cryptic can do in that city with the color scheme you see from the cliff.
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