So, a while back I realized how many +Radiation damage mods we've been getting on gear lately and figured why not give this oldie a go again? The only thing that really holds it back is it's long cooldown and the fact that it's not affected by torp boff skills, but with 3x VR torp doffs the CD is often nearly negated in a torp build and there are better choices for use with TS/HY like the PEP torp.
I don't have exact numbers since I don't parse but I had a lot of fun with it so I figured I'd toss this out there if anyone else wants to try it.
Well that's lame. I know a few other people who were experimenting with it and hoping it was going to be viable. It's still decent damage if it's upgraded but if it can't be buffed with anything that limits it. Given the track record of things like this it'll probably just get labeled WAI.
On the HP torp itself the CD is still somewhat lengthy yes, I meant if you're running a torp build you'll usually be spitting so many torps you can afford to use one with a longer CD and not miss out. With my Paradox I've usually got at least 2 torps ready to fire at any given time, and after putting the HP torp in I'm still almost never going for more than 1 second without a torp firing.