With not many benefits for subscribing and all the good stuff being hidden in gambling boxes, I'd pay whatever they want if life membership meant I didn't have to gamble for anything. Let lifers buy account bound lockbox items with ec or something and it will finally be worth while.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
You can already turn the 500 zen a month you get as a lifer into keys if you really want to though.
Thinking about Voth, Na'kuhl, perhaps even Krenim. Plenty of species that have at least some individuals or factions within them that don't see the Alliance as their enemies so it could work from a storyline perspective.
Over the course of the year you'd pay 1200$ (plus that initial cost of LTS), and get what ? 4 or 5 premium ships at most per year ? which would work out to 300$ per ship for 4 or 240$ for 5 ships...that's pretty much what you have to pay if you're gambling anyway (1:200 odds normally on scoring a lockbox promo ship)
Maybe they could throw in 25 lobi stipend a month for a platinum membership, along with the 500z.
Yeah I know, this would probably never happen. But at that cost, it really would be like you were gambling on every lockbox anyway. And it would provide a way for people who don't like the idea of gambling to get the new premium ships.
Of course, all these ships are listed on the exchange and you could just buy them for ec. Which is also a guarantee.
But yeah... I'm just thinking out loud here lol. It's an interesting concept. Far fetched idea though, but nothing wrong with mulling it over.
The point isn't getting more chances to get it, it's getting the thing for paying for it.
Paying for it or grinding for it isn't getting it handed to you. It is giving an input and getting an output.
Some people might have money to burn on 100 keys and be happy to not get the thing they're after. I prefer, when 100 euro down, to at least have the thing I'm after. Charge me more, sure, I just want to know when I've spent the money I get the product and not a bunch of coupons or rocks that are worth nothing to me. It makes it harder for those of us on limited budgets to get anywhere near that gear and it is dirty business to depend on that for income. There's a reason things like this are usually limited to the shadier end of the high street. A friend of mine lost her whole family fortune, plus extra, on gambling - always hoping to get that small chance of a big win. Jumped off a railway bridge last year. At least Betfred got a windfall? There are more honest ways to make a profit.
There is a difference between adding $150 to the cost of LTS and buying the Connie separately:
If it's sold separately you can choose to spend the money on something else.
If you'd REALLY pay "whatever they want" (99% of the time this is wild hyperbole) just pretend a LTS costs $1,000 and go ahead and buy yourself a Connie with part of that cash monies:
Problem solved OP, problem solved.