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How the hell do I get and put on an off-duty uniform???

elfleshelflesh Member Posts: 21 Arc User
Yet another hidden and badly documented feature.
I go to the tailors, and there is NOTHING there I can see that will give me an off duty uniform.

Can someone help with this PoS game that is all we have for Trek?
Klingon Academy was so much better.


  • draenar13draenar13 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    You have two outfit slots by default, and access to a third once you have joined a fleet (plus more you can buy from the Z-Store). The first is always a uniform slot, the others can change. To create an off-duty outfit, either create a new outfit or open one of your outfits (other than the first) for editing, go to either the "head" or "uniform" tab, and use the drop-down menu at the top-right to select "Off Duty".

    Be prepared to be completely underwhelmed by the options, because they're rubbish. But they are there.
  • elfleshelflesh Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    ew. I have to join a FLEET??? Like I can't make my own fleet with my friends?

    Looks weird running around Risa in my goldshirt. Don't think Kirk would have even done that. SHATNER (the only real Kirk) would have gone bare chested after lifting some weights.
  • misterlozmisterloz Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    If you have four other friends you can create a small fleet.
  • draenar13draenar13 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    Creating a fleet is a subset of joining a fleet. Note also, you don't have to stay in the fleet, you can just join and leave (and unfleeted characters tend to get invitations occasionally, just accept one then leave). Note also also, the second slot you have available as an unfleeted character can be an off-duty costume.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    You can hang out at esd or qoonos and when you see someone ask for volunteers to found a fleet you step up. Sometimes those guys pay like 100k or more as a thank you to the people who help. Even if they don't you still get your costume slot unlocked.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    elflesh wrote: »
    Yet another hidden and badly documented feature.
    I go to the tailors, and there is NOTHING there I can see that will give me an off duty uniform.

    Can someone help with this PoS game that is all we have for Trek?
    Klingon Academy was so much better.

    Are there any MMOs that are generally considered to have well documented features?

    I never played Klingon Academy, but I have played Star Trek: Starfleet Command I & II. I would say single player games are generally easier to design than MMOs since the developer can focus on certain aspects of the game to make it appeal to a certain type of player rather than a general approach to make the game have a broad base appeal for people looking for an "immersive" game with good social aspects to the game.

    For example, I would rather play Morrowind and Skyrim any day of the week compared to Elder Scrolls Online. I did not even both giving ESO a test run when it went F2P. I did not like Oblivion that much... perhaps it was too much of a change from Morrowind. But when Skyrim was released, I had time to accept the gameplay changes to that genre.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    elflesh wrote: »
    ew. I have to join a FLEET??? Like I can't make my own fleet with my friends?

    If you have friends that play STO, then you can ask them to help you start a fleet. You need to have 4 other friends with you when you create a fleet. Your friends can elect to quit the fleet if they do not feel like being part of a fleet. Once a fleet is created, the 4 other people can simply quit the fleet if they wish.

    I even seen a few requests in chat where players were offering something like 1m EC to other players simply to take time and help them create a fleet. Afterwards, the get their 1m EC and quit the fleet.
  • elfleshelflesh Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    Thanx for all the helpful answers, guys! This forum so far isn't like any other one I've been in!

    Lemme tell you all: the ULTIMATE Star Trek capitol ship battle game IS Klingon Academy! Once you master the Verbal Order System (VOS), you're OK most of the time. Master players will select your subsystems, drive them offline, tractor you into a Black Hole, asteroid or Gas Giant! It's really super cool. I wasn't able to get into this game because of KA. I dabbled in it a bit as a Gorn, but didn't care about Feds.

    I only got into this one recently because of the TOS content that was released this summer.

    Oblivion was repetitive after awhile, while Skyrim doesn't seem to be....too much. I have modded the hell out of it.
    In this game they could have easily documented it better. It's not a thrill of discovery; it's effing annoying, at best. It will make people turn off of the game alot more easily at worst; loads of us simply don't need the aggravation. It is very stupid to ignore the aggravating factors if you're a game designer.
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