So I've been playing my Klingon more and more, and I've been having a lot of difficulty with the Admiralty missions, and in gaining Pass tokens to skip missions.
For one thing, I've only got 24 ships to use for the Admiralty system. Most are the ones you get for leveling up, a few summer event ships and one or two ships from the c-store.
My problem is that I don't have enough higher end ships to do missions that require high stats, and all I seem to be getting are missions that require over 100 on at least one stat, and I can't gather pass tokens because I don't have enough ships that seem to push the critical chance up beyond 50%. So I'm basically getting screwed. Even using ships to knock those missions off of my list without any chance of success just seems to result in more missions that are too high for me to ever succeed at.
I don't have the expendable cash to buy a bunch of ships from the C-store at the moment, and Dilithium is another sore spot - plus those ships are mostly lower to mid range on the stats, so they wouldn't help much anyway. That, and it annoys me that I would basically be burning dilithium on a ship that I would only be using for Admiralty.
So are there any tips or tricks that I'm just not seeing? Any advice on how to better attack the admiralty system as a Klingon?
Thanks for any help you folks can offer.
It comes to about 40 ships all together. So, try to collect ships that you can obtain at a lower bar. Check to make sure you have used all avenues to obtaining ships including running Temporal Ambassador for the Kamarag.
Some tricks I use:
Use shuttles and low low stat ships in one slot and start the high stat assignment just to get it out of the way. Yes it takes up a mission slot but it advances the mission queue...possibly bringing up another Tour of Duty one.
Use missions with lower qualifications (like 10-Eng/10-Tac/10-Sci/no + events) and use higher level ships on those to drive the critical above 40%-60%. Those will net you a better chance to get a pass token.
Also, I have held back on collecting an assignment if there is a pass token reward and I am above my limit of I don't lose those. I feel the "sweet spot" is about 40 tokens in the reserve, so as not to lose any pass tokens from rewards.
P.S. One last thing, I remember reading in the forums: one of the newer missions has a reward of one-time-use Admiralty cards. Hopefully someone stops by with information on which mission that is.
(I can't keep up with all those newer "video game" I haven't bothered doing most of them.)
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I've only got 27 ships at the moment, and all I seem to be doing is clearing out missions with high stats. It seems that every mission has at least one stat that's over 100. I can't seem to avoid them at the moment. Needless to say, that makes it impossible to actually gain anything, I've burned through the few passes I was able to save up, and I can't get the critical up over even 40% with the crappy ships I've got to get more. It's pretty frustrating.
Thanks for the ideas! I'll keep plugging away at it.
Anyways, make sure you have both KDF shuttles that can be gotten with EC. Consider grinding out the To'Duj fighter (500Z) if you don't have it already, as it is not only low-cooldown, but gives +10 all stats for each large ship on the assignment. On the Mirror ships, the KDF versions are typically far more expensive than the Fed Mirror ships unfortunately. Also, I can't recall of a good Sci stats one to get. Prime Vo'Quv has decent Sci stats, but the Mirror version has high Eng instead. There's also the cross-faction 'Secondary prize' T5 ships that came with some of the newer lockboxes, like the APU Cruiser, Malon Battlecruiser, etc. that are usually cheaper than proper Mirror KDF ships.
As for the mission card one, that's the U.S.S. Pastak Epic card from your first run of the mission Time and Tide. Apparently, replays give the option of selecting "Time and Tide Admiralty Bundle" which has 1x random one-time use card and 2x pass tokens.
If you can get your "fleet" to about 35-40 ships, including Shuttles, you will do better as well.
Making a mission go Critical is still something I cannot achieve with any certainty. But as with the DOff missions, if I can get the Critical Bar above 50% I usually get awarded the secondary prize as well. If there is no additional award and the Mission Crits, I sometimes get a Pass Token. Pass Tokens are limited to 50 in number.
Like so any things in STO, sometimes you have to "fail through" something to get to the award you're after.
And two pass tokens on top of the Pastak card. BTW...thanks for the info, tom61...keep that in the back of my mind for my Feds...they are the ones having problems for me.
And I checked my list of ships...and I did buy everyone that Tholian Meshweaver Escort, and I find I use that card all the time. When I made the purchase it was 3M. Not sure what it costs now.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I'll have to see about running that mission, though I hate doing repeats, so I'll have to make due with whatever I can gather elsewhere I think.
Regardless, thanks for all the useful info guys. It's already helped to alleviate some of my frustrations. Now if I could only stop constantly drawing missions have stats (at least one, every time) over 100, then I'll be a happy camper.
Definitely make sure that you own any shuttle type craft you can get (without spending real world money.)