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Reputation "Event" Store

nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
Hey, I've participated in the winter event on every toon I have. Why can't I buy a warp core for my new Temporal Agent character based on the "account wide unlock" I believe I am supposed to have from past events?

Anyone know? Thanks!


  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    You need to unlock the store on each character separately. Which can only be done during the event.
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    Maybe Temporal Agents ought to be able to play it like they time travelled into the past (like 7 or 8 months) & got the unlock?
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User

    I've also found it a bit annoying myself. While I never really cared for the warp core, those frosted boots for example can make a huge difference. I don't know why we need to unlock it on each character, but if they can relatively easily change this, then I hope they will consider it.
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    Agreed. I was hopeful when I saw that "Winter of Discontent" blog post that it would be a thing for a couple of weeks. At least let us unlock it for a few rep marks or fleet credits; something like that.
  • nccmarknccmark Member Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    AoY characters are not special. You can access the winter store in early December.
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    In referencing my AoY character, the bit which you failed to pick up on was a little thing called sarcasm. Perhaps it was your zeal to reply in a way that was demeaning?

    I think it should apply to all newly minted characters regardless. We've put in the effort already, ffs.
  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    'Winter of Discontent'? Discontent is not limited to the Winter around here. :)
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    Yeah, I know it. Seems like "the grind" is doubled down upon the more it gets mentioned. It was a big giant "we hear you but don't care" to folks when they made that the theme of the winter event a while back.
  • nccmarknccmark Member Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    You didn't use sarcasm in your OP. You seem to believe your AoY toons gets access to the store via account wide access...no such thing exists for these stores.
    You get a seasonal currency and spend one of it, at the in-progress event, for access. Has always worked that way.
    I'm fine if they do it your way and fine if they don't. But no...you are not "supposed to" have that access for AoY toons right now.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,788 Arc User
    I had a sad too when I took the Breen carrier out to play through the Borg story arc, with the Breen consoles and the space set ... except for the warp core that can only be acquired during or after a Winter event. So, my Breen fun was missing a piece and a clicky :(

    It was a great change to make the event ships account-wide unlocks that are always available to your new characters as soon as they level up, no need to wait for an event. I do wish they'd make the same change for event store access.
  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    nccmark wrote: »
    You didn't use sarcasm in your OP. You seem to believe your AoY toons gets access to the store via account wide access...no such thing exists for these stores.
    You get a seasonal currency and spend one of it, at the in-progress event, for access. Has always worked that way.
    I'm fine if they do it your way and fine if they don't. But no...you are not "supposed to" have that access for AoY toons right now.

    Well, you are "right" about one thing - the sarcasm came after the original post. Did you read it, or just fail to understand it? I'm guessing you know what I was talking about, and tried this method to avoid looking like you were simply being a troll.
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  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Actually his post is entirely factually correct.

    Entirely trolling, just like you.
  • edited August 2016
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  • nickodaemusnickodaemus Member Posts: 711 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    ...no dice no matter how you want to try to spin it.
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