that zone is almost unplayable, and not able to move quick enough to get away from Heralds' red effects that one shotted, 4-5 red rings at once is too much.
longer i play and the crash occurs.
what i noticed, too much partical effects on the walls, suggesting to reduce light effect into smooth crystaline walls, and less polygon counts. there is too much circular textures, need to flat some bases, or reduce that zone size, i see few dead end hallways and they are too excessive and serve no purpose except for lag effects.
i have been on most of other zones with no problems, this zone, iconian factility is the worse.
still stuck with 1st herald, it just went into the wall and became untargetable and stayed there, unlureable, and killing my away team and i with a single instant death grenade.
took me about 30 mins to get him out of the wall, and several revives near respawn point, then finially got him down and out, then within seconds, i got crashed. i dont like to repeat same problems.
it seem that i need a teammate and i am not on all the time.
this mission is from the hell.
what up with 1 shot kills, i have my away team on purple mark 12 sets and it seem like i was playing on extreme mode.