Haven't tried Polaron Bombardment, but I didn't much like MGD. It's too random and sometimes it hits nothing at all because the enemies either move out of the way or just weren't in the right spots to begin with.
MGD will usually do as much or more than a grenade, especially in ground maps like the new Miner Instabilities. It's a target rich environment, it's hard to swing a dead eppoh without hitting a Na'khul.
I use MGD on my Engineer, I just picked it up recently and decided to try it. It's pretty good and has a very large area of effect. It's not an 'instant win' or anything, but it's pretty effective, I like using it.
I have used both and prefer polaron bombardment because it has a shorter detonation timer then MGD. I find enemies seem to escape MGD's blast area more easily.
Polaron bombardment + ambush + grenade is a fun opening attack I find. It'll now down most of the zergs instantly and leave only injured bosses to finish off. I may seek out the MGD as well to see how may I can let go at one time.
I have these two kit modules and I am trying to decide which is better. Which do you like and why? Do these have a shared cooldown?
A clear case of use both.
Polaron will knock em up, gravometric will blow em away...
Then throw a mrico torp and a neutronic grenade.
If there is something left standing, shoot it with your eyelasers.
If you spec into temporal op, you can use paradox bomb for its grav well effect to group em all together... then blast m with the khan guns secondary for insult.
Clear borg swarms like a boss because none of the fckers will ever adapt to kit powers.
If o uare the patient type: the herald overcharge turret hits like a truck too.
Loltastic: romulan navy armor from Uneasy allies buffs secondary attack damasge, combine with any reputation gun that has a massive secondary attack - like the undine phaser/disruptor, photon grenades, terran rep gun orthe janeway phaser.
Boolean assault gun - the kahn fun gun - will do splendidly with bunched up targets (oh hai paradox bomb...) since the secondary is a double quick shot of doom.
Herald staff od win als ohas a nice secondary attack that will hit hard.
My character Tsin'xing
If you use both, are they on the same cool down?
I may seek out the MGD as well to see how may I can let go at one time.
My character Tsin'xing
A clear case of use both.
Polaron will knock em up, gravometric will blow em away...
Then throw a mrico torp and a neutronic grenade.
If there is something left standing, shoot it with your eyelasers.
If you spec into temporal op, you can use paradox bomb for its grav well effect to group em all together... then blast m with the khan guns secondary for insult.
Clear borg swarms like a boss because none of the fckers will ever adapt to kit powers.
If o uare the patient type: the herald overcharge turret hits like a truck too.
Loltastic: romulan navy armor from Uneasy allies buffs secondary attack damasge, combine with any reputation gun that has a massive secondary attack - like the undine phaser/disruptor, photon grenades, terran rep gun orthe janeway phaser.
Boolean assault gun - the kahn fun gun - will do splendidly with bunched up targets (oh hai paradox bomb...) since the secondary is a double quick shot of doom.
Herald staff od win als ohas a nice secondary attack that will hit hard.