I am getting very fed up with the spam friend invites/tells trying to sell me stuff for real cash from 3rd party sites. The way you've set up the privacy is horrible. I say only friends/fleet can send me tells, and make myself visible to only friends. Yet I still get hammered with random friend invites followed by a tell. You need to make it so that A ) the friend invites don't pop up on the screen and go to some queue somewhere in the UI we can say yes or no to, and B ) We need to accept a friend invite before they can send tells to us if we have the friends/fleet tells only on. I've been hit 7 times tonight and I've only been on for an hour. And since you're a free to play game, you should making it so Zen must have been bought with cash on an account, it's subbed, or it's a LTS before someone can chat, you'll shut down 90% of the spammers who make accounts just to spam if you make it less profitable for them. Please do something, this is interfering with my enjoyment from the game.