Greetings fellow captains. As the Public Relations and Personnel Officer for the Galactic Guard fleet, it is my duty and pleasure to announce that we are actively recruiting new members into our folds. If you're an active player (casual or otherwise) and looking for a fleet to join, consider us. We are currently a Tier 3 fleet, but we are relatively small. Hence, why we are looking for new members. It doesn't matter to us if you're new to the game or an STO Vet. So whether you're joining a fleet for the first time, leaving your current fleet for a new one, or simply need a new fleet for an alternate character, the Galactic Guard may be the fleet for you.
If you're interested, just reply here or send me a personal message in-game at Daniel@Kiethblacklion
~Fleet Admiral KBL~
~Fleet Admiral KBL~
Galactic Guards' Public Relations Officer
Char. Name: Daniel@KiethBlackLion