So since we're all playing through the game again I thought this might be a good opportunity to point out some of those (sometimes long standing) issues that we've seen throughout the game. Add to the list, but let's stay on topic, please.
1. All throughout there is a bug that has characters stand on their chairs during cutscenes.
2. I've brought this up before, but the New Romulus mission really need to have their own episode list. Anyone new to the game probably missed these and has no clue how they got from fighting borg to going through a gateway.
3. "Surface Tension." Hoo boy this mission isn't that old but it has not aged well. The opening recap isn't really needed anymore and the Starfleet characters are all wearing the old style uniforms despite the character seeing them up to that point in the newer Oddy style. The level itself is full of glitches and bugs like the zombie Undine that just stand around. It also has a huge section devoted to the old ESD getting wrecked. Now that was a cool way to transition to our newer, better ESD, but again anyone who is playing through the 1st time is going to wonder why the ESD section looks nothing like the ESD they've seen the whole game. Even the big reveal of Egg doesn't make any sense since he's not on the new ESD.
4. I've noticed that every time there is a mission that puts me in a story ship all of my traits get scrambles or turned off completely.