I decided to start as a temporal agent for a second time and give it another try...But then this...
With the episodes on the devideans is it just copy paste work here ?
Common Devs I'm a temporal agent why would franklin drake want to conceal it if he is talking with an temporal agent....
Hello I have my ship in 23th century style and I have to use a disguise as an klingon ship I still have to shoot 23th century people
from that time while I'm wearing the darn uniform and why is franklin drake giving me this mission without Daniels.
Really starting to think you took out bunch off missions copy paste it without even looking at them. Just wanted to let you know dev's another disappointment here... I really hope you are willing too look into the story and correct this... Because this really doesn't make any cense whatsoever. At least for an time agent that was born in that time trying to preserve that timeline, it doesn't make sense at all. the way I see it, Drake should have contacted Daniels about this devidean thing and work with the time agency to address this problem and Daniels would send the time agent from 23th century to correct this that would have made a little bit sense. but this is just lazy copy paste work again...
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
As to the ship, the story will generally assume your using a standard ship for the timeframe that the mission takes place in. With the number of ships in the game this is a reasonable compromise.
Exactly. Drake has access to "illegal" time travel (just like Kirk) but he is NOT a Temporal Agent. He does not know who you really are and you are not supposed to tell him.
Also, those "lazy" devs did just update the episode with voice acting and minor story tweaks. I'm pretty sure Drake did not mention the recovery tech as being a Borg node when I played this episode a few months ago.
If no one is supposed to know about you, except 31st century Daniels...and you're to keep your mouth shut about it...
How does Quinn know who you are when you show up at level 10 ?
Is Daniels messing with Quinn's Starfleet personnel records ?
If not... then why the heck does Quinn give you a ship and send you on your merry way with no second questions asked ?
Further to this...how do you get past security and so close to Quinn that you could easily take him out if nobody knows who you are
-Mind Blown-
I hope they wrap up all this time travel stuff soon though.
There is such a thing as time travel overkill.
First rule of Temporal Agency is you don't talk about Temporal Agency.
Gotta remember, your 23c character "died" in 23c - transported to 25c and is now just another Starfleet officer. The identities of Temporal Agents were not known to just anyone. That's why Daniels didn't burn his 23c cover to your character until the Na'kuhl were exposed.
it would appear he is having flashbacks to the recent drug binge, and is once again pretending to be klingon.. in all fairness though, he does do a killer impersonation of j'mpok.
But nice transporter effect and uniform, pal.
Pulling. It. Off.
Posts like this can only be explained by the Dunning-Kruger effect, and there are a crushingly enormous number of examples of that on the forum today.
I wear my STO uniform proudly but the game assumes you would not be allowed to do that. Flying a Tholian ship is OK though, at least once you make Admiral
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
half of the staff have time traveled...they have an officer there to brief you if your a time
traveler....humans line A, Vulcans line B Time Travelers line C,D,E,F
If no one is supposed to know about you, except 31st century Daniels...and you're to keep your mouth shut about it...
How does Quinn know who you are when you show up at level 10 ?
Is Daniels messing with Quinn's Starfleet personnel records ?
If not... then why the heck does Quinn give you a ship and send you on your merry way with no second questions asked ?
Further to this...how do you get past security and so close to Quinn that you could easily take him out if nobody knows who you are
-Mind Blown-
I hope they wrap up all this time travel stuff soon though.
There is such a thing as time travel overkill.[/quote]
Agent Daniels, 31st Century purveyor of the ultimate Witness Protection Program...
Of course he is. He is future omni-Federation officer and has a database with all of the admin passwords ever used by Starfleet. He can just log in with the "omega root user" account and tell the computers to make the changes without logging his access. Notice how he was a redshirt on your crew and you accepted that without question?
Quinn and security know who you are pretending to be, a modern Starfleet graduate who has been on a few missions and is ready to be promoted.
Odd. Mine tell me when a temporal probe is nearby and help me analyze the contents once I crack it open with the awesome power of word jumble or Mastermind. They know what it is, what it means, and who sent it.
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Can you post some links showing us how this looks?
It's not a copy-paste episode, it's the exact same episode. You are playing the completely same episodes as any other Fed captain after you left the 23rd century. The only difference is the insert of the temporal nodes for the event bonuses. Making a completely new episode, even if copy-paste, would probably not be viable.
And yes, there are a few inconsistencies when you have special situations. Wear 23rd century starfleet uniforms and Scotty will still remark how they look funny. Get a Dabo during "Spin the Wheel" and Leeta will still tell you it's not a real Dabo but she needs to cut it short. It would be nice if the devs added some extra stuff for that, but if that's all that is problematic, I can look past it.
I agree, and time travel overkill has already both docked, and sailed.
Daniels is messing with personnel records.... They would have to in order to plant temporal adents in the timeline. We can see Daniels was planted at least twice, once in the Ent era and another time in the TOS era.