Now that we have been give the Intrepid/Voyager bridge and interior, the Original Constitution Bridge and interior I think that all the old bridge designs definitely need some scaling-down. For example, the Gamma Bridge and others like it seem way too big and could be scaled down a bit. I also like to see some new bridge design options added, such as the bridge of the NX Class, Constitution class from the movies, and the Excelsior. In addition, I don't see why we can't have more shuttle interior options (bridge).
In the future, for example if they really wanna have a mission on a realistic Galaxy Class ship they'd make an interior for the mission. Which would translate into a new bridge.
That is also why the Romulan's have no extra bridges.
Making interiors are resource heavy, both in people and ammount of hours put into it. Not just making the interior but placing clicky buttons, seats, NPC paths etc etc.
So new interiors will most likely just be released if they are needed for a mission etc.
Though the new standard Federation bridge is very nice, I love it! And it's proper scale.
To get extra useage for bridges, I would like to see more cut scenes involving the player and characters on the bridge.
They are actually "upscaled" and on some of them its painfully obviously.
All they need to do is scale them back down to their original size and were golden, can't imagine that would be too hard or labour intensive to pull off.
In fact I'd be absolutely shocked if the originals weren't still sitting around gathering dust on some backup drive/disc.
Yeha, the type 8 exterior can fit easily into the runabout's interior and that just seems wrong. More so, when they're using the runabout interior AS the type 8's bridge.
I fully agree with this entire statement. Cryptic has had an almost 100% rate of letdown with this. They come up with ideas, halfass them into the game, then go absolutely nowhere with it. At this point, I don't even know how many people are on the active dev teams for sto or co, so i'd be reasonable to say that they logically just can't do anything at this point beyond the basic foundry mission level stuff at this point. Considering how big of a deal the ship's interiors are in the show, it's a complete disgraceful waste of how they've been handled in this game. The scaling is just another great example of Cryptic's corner cutting (or full blown amputations with how much they take off...) and they really take away from the actual good aspects of the interiors.
yes and no. The reason the devs give for the interior scaling is the camera. When the game launched, they were designing the bigger interiors to work with the camera better, since they can't go through walls or they clip when close to any characters.
They WERE going to have ship boarding as part of the space combat but since that was given up on so early, it wouldn't have affected the ship interiors design as much as a poorly built camera mechanic.
They have the technology, they're just lazy, understaffed, underappreciated, underbudgeted, unloved by their pwe overlords, etc... They'd mentioned before that getting the interiors more customization through the foundry system was something that they wanted to do, but sadly, they just couldn't since they couldn't monetize it and "If it don't earn dough, cryptic don't go".
it IS complete and utter TRIBBLE that they've completely wasted the ships potential in this game. Both exterior and interior. In the shows, the ships (and stations) can be characters in and of themselves, so what they've done here is like that time the Star Wars MMO decided that it didn't need space combat at all... In a Star Wars game... Out of all the asinine, lazy, and poorly planned things in this game (and there are a lot), ship interiors should never, NEVER have been one of them. They should have placed WAAAAAY more focus on them in development. They're our player housing, they're our crafting stations, their our banks and storage, our healing stations, our entertainment areas, our fortresses, our travel, our defense, our offense, our homes and our friends even. There should be a ridiculous amount of things to do in them that Cryptic has done a complete disservice to the fans, the ships, and the IP by doing them so poorly. This is like a superman game where he can't fly and has a health bar. This is like a sims game where you can't control the sims. This is like a Micheal bay film with no explosions, "hot" girl, or bad acting/dialog/directing. This is like a Jackie Chan film where he sits behind a desk doing paperwork the entire time...
They should have done so much more with the bridge interiors that it's ridiculous. And for all the things they should have done but didn't, proper scaling is one of them. My Captain shouldn't have to use his combadge to talk to the engineering station on the bridge. He shouldn't have to yell at the first mate in the next chair over just to be heard. I shouldn't be able to fly a type 8 shuttle craft through the corridors of my ship. I like that a few of the more canon interiors are better scaled, but even then, they can be too big. I would much rather be stuck in an over the shoulder, completely zoomed in, camera on an in scale ship than zoomed all the way out on a ship designed by people who look like they've never seen Star Trek and only had a few reference photos to go on.
We deserve better.
The devs have replied to that, it's in the FCT thread. Basically this is impossible because the game engine doesn't allow it. When you visit "your bridge" you are not actually on your bridge. Your "starship" character gets transformed into your "captain" character and is removed from sector space and you enter a generic ship interior map with your character as if you's play a mission. Nothing can keep track of you traveling somewhere because you are no longer doing it.
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This actually is not impossible, it's just simple math. How far are you from your destination, and how fast are you traveling is the only information needed. They would then despawn your ship as they currently do, but using the speed and distance variables they could easily calculate how far you "travelled" while visiting the bridge and adjust your sector space spawn point accordingly when you leave your interior.
Probably not worth the time it would take to code though.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Additionally, your Captain's Quarters should not be big enough to build a small house with a yard in it.
That said, I would love to have a proper NX interior.
Things I want in STO:
1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
(although, saying that, there is no reason for Bridges to be as HUGE as they are. No way my captain can talk to the helmsman without a megaphone)
You have true in all what you wrote. I can only totally agree with you!
Writer and Author:
"On the world is only one good, and it's knowledge. And is only one evil, and that is ignorance."