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dreadnaught vs. battle cruiser

What is the difference between a Dreadnaught Cruiser & and Battlecruiser? I was told that the Operations Battlecruiser was an amazing tank. I saw a very impressive tank build based on a Fleet Dreadnaught T5U. Thanks


  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    The biggest difference seems to be that the Dreadnought Cruiser has 1 hangar while the Battle Cruiser doesn't. Most Dreadnought Cruisers have 2 Cruiser Commands while Battle Cruisers have 3.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Battlecruisers are also more maneuverable than dreadnought cruisers.
    Though at this point it's hard to generalize because we have about as many exceptions to the rules as regular ones. The only clear line they seem to follow anymore is the cmdr engineering.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    I am not sure there is a clear line that goes beyond something like:

    Battle Cruisers tend to be more maneuverable then Cruisers. And in some way more "battley".
    Dreadnought Cruisers tend to be less maneuverable then BattleCruisers. But still more "battley" then Cruisers.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    Honestly, Star Trek Online sucks when it comes to defining things like this.

    You really have to just compare ships directly to each other and not by the arbitrary class descriptions they give. Generally speaking, they just slap the 'Dreadnaught' term on ships to make them sell better, same with 'Battlecruiser.'

    As some said, for the most part, Battlecruisers are more nimble and don't have a hangar bay. But of course, they slap the Battlecruiser label on the T6 Command ships that have a Hangar Bay. Dreadnaught is a term they throw on larger ships like the Galaxy X to make it seem more powerful.

    For every rule you find to define a ship class, there is probably some ship that breaks that rule. Honestly, in this game, they use all of these terms very arbitrarily, and usually with no real hard set rules. If you want a breakdown of differences between two specific ships, just post the ships in question and I'm sure you'll get plenty of feedback. You should totally ignore terms like 'Dreadnaught' and 'Battlecruiser,' in this game it often means next to nothing.
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  • sadorsador Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Classically, meaning when the terms came into modern parlance, a Dreadnought was just an upgunned cruiser with thicker armor and somewhat fewer small caliber rifles along her flanks. When you think of the biggest, baddest warships circa WW2, it's probably a dreadnought.

    A Battlecruiser carried the same armament as a battleship, but had much of their armor stripped away to make them faster and more agile than the ships they were intended to hunt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlecruiser

    By the end of WW2, Dreadnoughts and Battlecruisers had for all intents and purposes become the same classification of ship.

    For STOs purposes, BCs should be smaller, faster turning in sublight battles, and have noticeably fewer hit points. Not as small or agile as escorts, but better than full blown cruisers or dreadnoughts. Dreads on the other hand should almost be mobile starbases. Large, powerful, but slower than molasses.

    If we had a different combat model that utilized combined arms tactics(where the escorts(destroyers) harry the enemy to keep them from escaping while the cruisers destroy them with fusillades of heavy gunfire and dreadnoughts are C&C ships with giant, long range guns.
    Post edited by sador on
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    Namign conventions in this game are TRIBBLE anyway.

    Here is what you need to know:

    The scimitar aside, all "dreadnoughts" are worse from a pure min max point of view, than the Battlecruisers offered.

    Galaxy X t6 vs Arbiter? Arbiter wins by landslide on account of being maneuverable and having a very flexible boff layout.
    The same goes for the klingons.

    As for romulans: Scimitar is best. At every task. ^^

    The operations Battlecruisers are essentially only bought for their traits.

    Then why do you see so many Galaxy X and Galaxy's around?

    Well they handed out the Galaxy for free and the Galaxy X is essentially a guilty pleasure for many of us. Also we are long established players and can load the lady full of the best op TRIBBLE we can find, so some stat and boff weakpoints stop to matter. ^^
  • sagen#3662 sagen Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    Great info guys. I thought I saw some "Battle Cruisers" with a hanger bay but could be mistaken. So out of the box Dreadnaughts sound more tanky if you just sit there and slug it out. Players describe their ships as not being able to die. I suspect these are specific builds and complimentary engineering stacks for heals and power levels and not really an out of the box condition. I run a Shamshir Scimitar on my main and I love it. I guess that's a Dreadnaught, right?
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    Great info guys. I thought I saw some "Battle Cruisers" with a hanger bay but could be mistaken.

    They exist, it's the command battle cruiser bunch. They're pretty wonky hybrids with stuff from pretty much all cruiser subclasses which makes them kinda hard to define proplery.
    Almost as agile as other battle cruisers, almost as beefy as a dread, 1 hangar, shield frequemcy + attract fire command and can load dual (heavy) cannons.
    They're kind of a mixed bag but with the right stuff thrown together.
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    sagen#3662 wrote: »
    Great info guys. I thought I saw some "Battle Cruisers" with a hanger bay but could be mistaken. So out of the box Dreadnaughts sound more tanky if you just sit there and slug it out. Players describe their ships as not being able to die. I suspect these are specific builds and complimentary engineering stacks for heals and power levels and not really an out of the box condition. I run a Shamshir Scimitar on my main and I love it. I guess that's a Dreadnaught, right?

    No. A dread has basically one Commander Engineering BOFF slot over the Battlecruisers.

    What could you slot? Aux2sif for a good sized heal every 10 secs. Warp plasma for wasting your time. Polarize shields for up to 21 seconds (with doffs) of energy weapon immunity? Aceton beam? lol. Aceton beam is TRIBBLE.

    A battlecruiser cna fit the essential engineering powers:
    engi team 1.
    Power to shiels 2.
    Power to weapons 3.

    Then just murder everything.

    The flexible boff layout of the BC allows you to: take a science control route (grav well), or take science heal (TSS2 and Hazard emitters3), or take more tac, or take more eng.
    Also, the Arbiter forxample has acess to intel powers, one of which is the win button - override system safetys. that gives you massive power bonus and a max power bonus.

    More power = more everything. Yould also take surgical strikes for a crit severity build....

    so many options.

    Ge the t6 battlecrusier is what i say. It tansk just as well and is way more flexible. Also, the trait is awesome.

    Although you might want to hold off now, sicne the new t6 ships will release soon. No reason to commit now.

  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    Battlecruiser only means that the Cruiser can use DHCs. That's it. Because that was the main fundamental divide between Starfleet and Klingon designed KDF Cruisers.

    Dreadnought is really only a stupid catchy name to dupe people into buying something.

    "Dreadnoughts were powerfully armed, armored ships IRL, so that must apply to them in STO as well."

    Except that is completely false. I would rate the KDF Qib, T6 Mogh, Starfleet Eclipse, T6 Avenger as more worthy of the name "Dreadnought" than the Galaxy-X and other ships actually sporting that title.
  • sirmaydaysirmayday Member Posts: 535 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Broadly speaking:

    A battlecruiser is more maneuverable, can mount dual cannons, and is missing one or more cruiser commands. Warbirds aside, I'm pretty sure the only ships with a 5/3 weapon slot setup are battlecruisers.
    A dreadnaught is a 'super heavy' cruiser. It is more likely than a battlecruiser to have a hangar, but neither class is guaranteed to have (or not) a hangar. It generally turns slowly but cranks the tankiness up to 11.

    Both generally have strong tactical options as their 'secondary' function, while sporting cruiser-approriate boff and console options. The only exception that springs to mind in the Starfleet and KDF inventories is the Martok, which the wiki says is a battlecruiser but mounts 5 tacitcal consoles.

    Little of this applies to warbirds; the Romulans apparently make everything that isn't the ol' Double D with an 'escorty' mindset. Also, the Gal-X (and subsequently, the Andromeda-X) was the first ship with the dreadnaught label, and so has some wonky features, like being able to mount dual cannons while turning like a salted slug.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    @seaofsorrows I just wanted to tell you that on your consistent encouragement and my own research I've just used today's big sale to buy the cross-faction battle cruiser pack. Really looking forward to flying those monsters and unlocking what looks to be a game-changing Ship Trait across my whole stable of captains :yum:.
  • sirmaydaysirmayday Member Posts: 535 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    @seaofsorrows I just wanted to tell you that on your consistent encouragement and my own research I've just used today's big sale to buy the cross-faction battle cruiser pack. Really looking forward to flying those monsters and unlocking what looks to be a game-changing Ship Trait across my whole stable of captains :yum:.

    That's a good choice. The Arbiter is one of my favorite craft, and the Kurak was my KDF toon's ship of choice for even longer.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    nikeix wrote: »
    @seaofsorrows I just wanted to tell you that on your consistent encouragement and my own research I've just used today's big sale to buy the cross-faction battle cruiser pack. Really looking forward to flying those monsters and unlocking what looks to be a game-changing Ship Trait across my whole stable of captains :yum:.


    You're in for a treat.. those ships are simply incredible. Honestly, they have no weakness at all.

    Great BoFF layout, excellent console layout, useful console, stellar trait.. there is just nothing not to like.

    Let me know what you think of the ships after you have had a chance to take them out for a spin. :)
    Insert witty signature line here.
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