Running through the Agents of Yesterday arc again. (starting with a level 12 ToS engineer that had just run them yesterday)
Firstly - I can now set my 23rd century bridge officers up as my standard away team members... so yay!
Secondly - Mouth animations in the pop-ups & cut scenes are still horror show of weird lips & teeth. O.O
Shadow of Cestus: Everything looked fine ... apart from one of the 23rd century T'liss firing off a Destabilized Plasma torpedo ... ouch. (Again ... this is on a level 12 character ... so it shouldn't have access to the modern T'varo console ability)
Painful Omens: Some of the Infected Feds are still not falling down & playing KO'd properly ... not all, just some at random. Scotty, T'Met & 'Hunter' are either running off randomly or in 'Hunters' case - trying to walk through the walls & ignoring most combat. Also ... I must have had a K-13 staffed by clones ... almost all the NPCs were the same blonde, buzz cut Yellow shirt. o.O
I'll update after I run the rest of the missions.
- When in the 23rd century disguise, my legs 'tear' through the pants & the pants 'tear' through the shirt bottom.
- On the Orion ship ... some of the Na'kuhl aren't dropping when they die (mainly the Lts.)
- In the cut-scene beam-out ... my all 23rd century away team uses the modern beam-out animation/sounds - apart from my actual character, which does use the correct 23rd century TP effect.
- After exiting the mission (that I started in the present) ... I'm back in the 23rd century ... so I took my Nova to 23rd century ESD ... O.O
Update: I was not just back in the 23rd ... I was stuck in the 23rd ... only by using a mission transwarp (the Risa event one in this instance) was I able to get back to the present. I did get some neat screenshots of my Nova & the 23rd century ESD ... If I could figure out how to post them (bit of a luddite here.)