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Recruiting RP interested players!!

asklepianasklepian Member Posts: 70 Arc User
Greetings and Salutations Everyone!

I am Miana and I am currently recruiting RP interested players for the fleet I am in, Axanar Squadron. We have a website where you can read a bit more about us if you'd like: http://axanarsquadron.org/ and we also have a TS channel, which you can join if you become a member of the Fleet :)

Otherwise, I'll describe the RP part a bit here :)
We do not require any previous roleplaying experience, though we do not mind it either. I myself have done RP in STO for 4 years, so I do have some experience :)

We prefer players who are 18+ in age :)

We are a friendly bunch and we are only JUST starting out on the RP front, so we have nothing set in stone yet. However, we do have some ideas about RP on a specific player ship, where each person who joins the RP will be given a role to play - Once the roles have been given and the RP starts, we expect the participants to not break character unless given no other choice (say if you don't know what to do or feel like something isn't being done right to or by you) and we strongly encourage players to get involved with the story and help it develop/evolve as we go along :)

We are hoping to have at least one weekly RP event in the Fleet, however we also encourage players/characters to interact with one another outside the official event (and perhaps post these RP stories on the website, so the rest of us can enjoy reading them as well, if it is something all of the participants in the story/stories have agreed upon :) )

If you'd like to know more, check out the website, write a reply in this thread and/or send me a PM :)

Best Regards
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