Has anyone else had a problem with the Doomsday Machine mission? I've run the mission several times, and each time, when I get to the point where I'm supposed to repair the ship, it doesn't give me any option. I know it's supposed to be career specific, but none of the career options present themselves.
I search all over the BoP, and can't find anything to help me progress.
Anyone else have this issue?
The Starfleet Renegades
"If you didn't get your ship from me, you probably didn't get the 100,000 light year warranty."
Again, I've already dropped the mission I had before, and restarted from scratch. I dropped the mission, did a couple others, then picked it up again.
Anyone else having the same issue?
The Starfleet Renegades
"If you didn't get your ship from me, you probably didn't get the 100,000 light year warranty."
The career specific mission progress never shows up during the "repair the ship" part.
A Dev posted about this in another thread, but of course I can't find it now...
It worked for me though!
I can verify this worked for me as well. The Captain NPC stayed in combat mode the entire time my turrets or drones where active. Once they disappeared, I was able to continue the mission. It's an annoyance, but when you get to that point, go grab something to drink or let the dog out, by the time you get back, you should be good to go.
Fleet Admiral In charge of Bacon
Fighting 5th Attack Squadron
The Devils Henchman