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Event Project and Currency Updates



  • rjewkesrjewkes Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    I think this is perfectly clear but then i must be the only one who understands math science and english, thanks common core....... But seriously they changed it from auto remove of old currency and old slotted project to can be finished after the event from lobi store purchases. Perfectly clear there. Most of this is stuff allready changed last summer event. And still loving the fact that only 1 character has to run the event for the ship instead of all. Now if only we can get the MU and CC event rewards to be account reward unlocks. even if additional characters only got half of the first character.
    Formerly Jewkesman Member from Nov 2009!
  • generaldisaster#4313 generaldisaster Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    this really sucks..... I don't have the money to spend on lockboxes to get lobi. either hold an another free lobi event (obtained from running episodes) or do something else, like an project completion event where we can choose the prize vouchers that we need at the end of the mission. a limited time reintroduction of the 'no win scenario' PvE might serve as the mission to use for such an event. the more waves completed, the more event vouchers made available at mission end.
    Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
  • mrlyallmrlyall Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Why so little reason to actually play. and why so much force to PAY ? More ways to get stuff by just playing would make use of the free to play crowd well. instead of pushing them away by showing so much forced purchasing around having nice things.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    I'm still upset that I can't get the Risan Luxury Cruiser. I earned the pearls the year it was available with every intention of getting it, and in fact I thought I had bought it on at least one character, but it turns out I forgot to slot and complete the project. Oops! I have well over 2000 pearls and no way to buy the ship I earned with my participation in the event. I am NOT happy about this.​​
    And who's fault is that?
    spielman1 wrote: »
    Does this also mean that players that did not get the chance to get a ship from an even due to the fact of reasons like joining late or game issues and or personal life issues or bugs will be given a chance to get this ships.

    I think that this answers it.
    [*]All Event ship projects from previous years that aren’t already slotted cannot be started - This is not a change
    So if you joined late, then no you can't get the ship. But even if you have had game issues, personal issues, or bugs yet you managed to initially slot the project and haven't deleted it, then you are good.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • daiphdaiph Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    I think we should congratulate Cryptic on managing to take even the slightest shuffle in the right direction away from the exclusivity of mechanics-involved content. To that end, I'd also like to applaud the comments by neok182 and darkbladejk specifically relating to the cost of Lobi and continued lack of availability of earlier projects.

    I feel I should point out that I've been fortunate enough to have been in STO for all the events so far, from all the way back at the launch of F2P with the Odyssey and Bortasqu' as the free ships for the 2nd Anniversary event, in which I missed out on the Bortasqu' due to the level limitation imposed on starting a KDF toon. From a completionist standpoint, I would have liked to be able to get the project in order to have all event projects completed even though I could now easily purchase the Bortas with Fleet Creds. My reason for stating this is simple; I currently have no direct benefit in continuing to oppose exclusivity imposed on content which then constricts potential game play with others, even if it's literally something as minor as a build conversation with someone using a ship their interested in. If they're unable to obtain that ship, that's a loss for all concerned, but that the method being implemented is through use of the Lobi store and it's horrific associated cost is an improvement, well that speaks volumes.
    I don't want to tangent too far off point here, but I and others have seen a substantial increase in spam messages about purchasing master keys from 3rd party sites over the last couple of weeks. Perhaps if more was done to combat these spammers/scammers in addition to various 'multi-instancing' methods, Cryptic/PWE might find more spending on STO which would allow them to provide better value overall.

    Let's be honest here, one way or another, tying the event rewards to Lobi is about getting more money into the game and that isn't necessarily a bad thing if we want continued development however, there's a line between offering people the opportunity to claim any piece of gaming content, and gouging them for cash to do so. Lobi can be obtained freely but I can tell you as someone who's done it, getting 800 Lobi together to claim a ship through free methods is more than just a gruelling grind, it's enough to have you burn out and stop playing, which I did for at least 3 months before returning and completing the task. At the time the ship in question was still available through lockbox drop in addition to Lobi, something else I wish had continued, so I kept opening the boxes in the hopes of attaining it and instead found myself with the Lobi to do so. In hindsight, I would've been better off just purchasing it off of the exchange directly (~350million+ EC in keys vs ~200million EC directly - this was a while ago)

    As has been pointed out already, not being able to slot projects for or otherwise obtain earlier ships is going to cause issues one way or another. From simply not offering fans of various factions the opportunity to play with content designed for it, to removing the possibility of completing sets gained in part from the Zen store and the reduction in value that represents. If this were merely costume options or vanity items then I (like to think at least) believe we wouldn't be seeing the same degree of response.

    Perhaps if we're really lucky, we'll see the following changes:
    • Event tokens awarded, per pack, for previous events increased, or a direct purchase of a reasonable number of tokens per investment...
    • Previous event reward projects can be slotted and completed
    • Current event tokens can be spent on previous event projects (thus, not allowing players to pre-save for the next event, but still being able to finish past projects using the daily event mission)
    • 'Minor' events such as Crystalline Catastrophe, Mirror Incursion, The Breach, etc, all have their main, mechanics-driven, reward account unlocked while the dilithium and marks, etc all character completion specific as per current 'major' events
    What everyone buying Zen are really saying while all these bugs are still floating freely:
    Stop new content until quality returns
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    I'm still upset that I can't get the Risan Luxury Cruiser. I earned the pearls the year it was available with every intention of getting it, and in fact I thought I had bought it on at least one character, but it turns out I forgot to slot and complete the project. Oops! I have well over 2000 pearls and no way to buy the ship I earned with my participation in the event. I am NOT happy about this.
    And who's fault is that?

    Yes, I made a mistake. I'm human, errors happen. I don't happen to think it's very fair that I am to be penalized for an honest mistake when I participated in the event properly and otherwise fulfilled all requirements to earn the ship.

    mistakes happen, once must own up to the consequences of making mistakes... also, despite the efforts of the p.c. special snowflake legions, life still aint fair.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    As for the exclusivity thing, it's a bunk argument because in no way does someone else acquiring those ships after me in any way effect my gameplay. By the logic of exclusivity people who didn't buy the t6 flagships like I did on the opening day shouldn't be allowed to have them. There's no legitimate reason for it. Overall it's a very bad mistake on their part by not having an alternative means of getting these ships in game even if it is lobi store. As good as some of those consoles and set pieces are, people will most certainly buy them, so it's money left on the table for no reason at all.
    Indeed, sir; this 'exclusivity' in its current nonsensical form is very much a turn-off for newcomers, as you correctly point out. Could someone explain how exactly it 'hurts' the game if a player can, for instance, start up any available (i.e. not completed by another character on their account) project of their choosing while the event is running? 'Metrics' can't be a reason because... well, three guesses how such a player is earning the vouchers to put into those projects. That's right, playing the game and earning (using the summer event as an example) Lohlunat Prize Vouchers. None of this changing them every year, either.

    This said, the only 'exclusivity' which might be acceptable is in the realm of the purely aesthetic. Now that ship visual slots are a thing, why not have a special 'first run only' hull pattern (an item which can only be placed in that ship's shield visual)?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Uh yeah, I play games where there are lots of exclusive events... while you can get the prizes later... maybe.... they always come at a much greater cost than if you had been there for the event.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • spc1spc1 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    neok182 wrote: »
    Copy/Pasted from Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/4mfsbm/event_project_and_currency_updates/

    Here's the problem I have with this. The lobi-cost is absolutely DISGUSTING.

    I have the Samsar project that I never finished. I never finished it because Delta Rising pretty much made me quit the game for a while. I then screwed up this last anniversary and didn't finish it on my main instead doing the new ship. Yes I realize this was a mistake and my own fault but I just figured alright I'll go do it next year. Now this happens.

    So now I can still get the Samsar but I have to now pay in Lobi. I don't really have a problem with this, but this is a standard T6 ship that originally was FREE, and now I have to pay in master keys. Now I'd gladly just drop $30 on it since it's a T6 ship and that's the cost of a T6 ship. But through Lobi that's not the cost.

    To get my ship I need 560 Qmendations. 5 Lobi will get you 10-20 of them. I'll be generous here and base it on 15 for every 5 lobi. Now each key gets you a minimum of 4 Lobi and I'm going to base it on that because getting a lot more is pretty damn rare from what I've seen. Even if I get some more I'm looking at about a minimum cost of $45 in keys to get the ship. Assuming the worst, only getting 10 Qmendations from every 5 lobi and 4 for every key I'm looking at nearly $70 to get this ship. Someone who needs all 1000 is looking at possibly as high as $125.

    Now I get it Cryptic, you want money and you want us to pay more for not finishing it. I can understand that. But these prices are absolutely disgusting and just make you look insanely greedy.

    So here's my recommendation. FOR OLD PROJECTS ONLY. Make it 5 lobi for 20-30 Qmendations. This would bring a maximum price of about $64. Still a lot of money but not a disgusting $125 for one ship that WAS FREE. For all NEW projects, Summer 2016, Winter 2016 and so on they can continue to be the same price. But just for Anniversary 2016 and older projects do this.
    The reason why is simple, all of us who kept these projects slotted assumed that we would be able to finish them for free in the future, personally I think charging us for them is complete BS but if that's the way your going to do it I'll go along with it, but charging the same price as someone who just wants to get a future ship early isn't fair. Do something good and right and make this change.
    Well i was also on holidays when 2014 4 Year Anniversary Event started so i couldn't even start the project for Solanae Dyson Science Destroyer, but now i have to get 600 lobi cystals and 1 key gives me 4-5 lobi crystals so this will take me few years to get since i can only have 10 milion EC.
    It would be very nice if i could start this project but this is not the case.

    Also Fleet modules are now above 10 mil EC, which means i can't get those ships either although i have alot of fleet credits.
    So for example Obelisk Carrier is also out of my reach, although i have Breen Sarr Theln Carrier which is 10000x better, i would still like to have Obelisk Carrier.

    Also for those that are selling Fleet Ship Modules, if you reduce the cost to 8-9 milion you will sell a ton more, because free 2 play players will be able to afford those.

  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    neok182 wrote: »
    Copy/Pasted from Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/4mfsbm/event_project_and_currency_updates/

    Here's the problem I have with this. The lobi-cost is absolutely DISGUSTING.

    I have the Samsar project that I never finished. I never finished it because Delta Rising pretty much made me quit the game for a while. I then screwed up this last anniversary and didn't finish it on my main instead doing the new ship. Yes I realize this was a mistake and my own fault but I just figured alright I'll go do it next year. Now this happens.

    I see this as a positive improvement on what they originally had planned which was to delete unfinished projects entirely, at least it is now up to the players if they want to suffer the cost of acquiring lobi or delete the project themselves, IMO this is the fairest solution all round.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    DISLIKE the whole exclusive thing!

    @salazarraze if u have no clue better dont psot at all
    in the past you could slot ALL the event projects from previous events
    so as a new palyer u were able to get ALL the previous summer event ships for example
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    scrooge69 wrote: »
    DISLIKE the whole exclusive thing!

    @salazarraze if u have no clue better dont psot at all
    in the past you could slot ALL the event projects from previous events
    so as a new palyer u were able to get ALL the previous summer event ships for example
    Actually you should refrain from "psoting" if you don't have a clue. A new "palyer" that joins RIGHT NOW cannot slot the old projects to get the old ships. I am well aware that in the past you could slot these projects since I personally did so.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    @salazarraze how cant u see why ppl r complaining lol

    abviously soemnth has changed into a bad direction and it is not gettign better
  • xsi1exsi1e Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    I can't see why anybody is complaining about this. Before, there was NO way to finish your old slotted projects. Now there is a way.

    Actually before last year, every subsequent year used the same exact currency. So you could still complete a previous years project. They should have left it the way it was, but obviously didn't like the fact that some players would keep running the event so that they already had in advance, the next year ship currency requirements.

    This is clearly just a blatant attempt to sell more lockbox keys. Since that is the only way to get Lobi.

  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    xsi1e wrote: »
    I can't see why anybody is complaining about this. Before, there was NO way to finish your old slotted projects. Now there is a way.

    Actually before last year, every subsequent year used the same exact currency. So you could still complete a previous years project.

    This is clearly just a blatant attempt to sell more lockbox keys. Since that is the only way to get Lobi.
    As I pointed out to the above clueless poster, I am well aware of the pre-summer 2015 system as I participated in it for many years. The quote from me "I can't see why anybody is complaining about this. Before, there was NO way to finish your old slotted projects. Now there is a way." is a clear reference to the fact that this announcement from Phil in this thread is an improvement over what we CURRENTLY have, not a reference to the older 100% non-exclusive system that predates the 2015 summer event.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • xsi1exsi1e Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    xsi1e wrote: »
    I can't see why anybody is complaining about this. Before, there was NO way to finish your old slotted projects. Now there is a way.

    Actually before last year, every subsequent year used the same exact currency. So you could still complete a previous years project.

    This is clearly just a blatant attempt to sell more lockbox keys. Since that is the only way to get Lobi.
    As I pointed out to the above clueless poster, I am well aware of the pre-summer 2015 system as I participated in it for many years. The quote from me "I can't see why anybody is complaining about this. Before, there was NO way to finish your old slotted projects. Now there is a way." is a clear reference to the fact that this announcement from Phil in this thread is an improvement over what we CURRENTLY have, not a reference to the older 100% non-exclusive system that predates the 2015 summer event.

    Why thank you for your clarification, maybe next time you can leave personal attacks out of your responses.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    xsi1e wrote: »
    xsi1e wrote: »
    I can't see why anybody is complaining about this. Before, there was NO way to finish your old slotted projects. Now there is a way.

    Actually before last year, every subsequent year used the same exact currency. So you could still complete a previous years project.

    This is clearly just a blatant attempt to sell more lockbox keys. Since that is the only way to get Lobi.
    As I pointed out to the above clueless poster, I am well aware of the pre-summer 2015 system as I participated in it for many years. The quote from me "I can't see why anybody is complaining about this. Before, there was NO way to finish your old slotted projects. Now there is a way." is a clear reference to the fact that this announcement from Phil in this thread is an improvement over what we CURRENTLY have, not a reference to the older 100% non-exclusive system that predates the 2015 summer event.

    Why thank you for your clarification, maybe next time you can leave personal attacks out of your responses.
    Responding to the other poster's personal attacks is fair game really. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    nice to see the sewage flow in here too... because you know the devs love nothing more than reading gutter trash instead of good feedback and constructive criticisms
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    On single, easy thing they could do is simply make the mark crates have a set amount - I do not enjoy having to pray to rngesus for a box to have more than the minimum for the investment made (and, you know might actually get more lobi sales as the player isn't (as much, mind) ripped off by the rng

    It also makes little to no sense if you think about it - when have you ever bought a packet of biscuits and found more or less than specified?​​
  • marcussuridiusmarcussuridius Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Fantastic, this will guarantee that I won't ever get the ships I have queued up. Cryptic please stop giving us reasons not to play the game.

    Have to use lobi to get queued ships, no way to get lobi unless spending money on keys. Free ships are no longer free.
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    Glad this is getting a little better, especially for old ships

    But especially for bundled ships whose console sets included anniversary ships, can't we stick them in the Lobi store?

    Yeah, bringing this out again.
    Fate - protects fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise Will Riker

    Member Access Denied Armada!

    My forum single-issue of rage: Make the Proton Experimental Weapon go for subsystem targetting!
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,432 Arc User
    I have 400 vouchers toward the Krenim science vessel, the six year anniversary event ship. I just went to the lobi store, and did not see the vouchers on sale. When will they be available? Or, did I just not look in the right place? The Risa event starts this week. Do I have to finish the anniversary project before I can get the new Risa event ship, or can I work on getting both at the same time?

    *SIGHS* It because it NOT been patched in yet!
    spielman1 wrote: »
    Does this also mean that players that did not get the chance to get a ship from an even due to the fact of reasons like joining late or game issues and or personal life issues or bugs will be given a chance to get this ships.

    If the game has had issues they generally increase the time of the event, however, if someone joins late, misses days or something like that, then it's tough, NO extension. Cryptic can't afford to plan around people's lives or events would NEVER end!
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,916 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    spc1 wrote: »
    neok182 wrote: »
    Copy/Pasted from Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/4mfsbm/event_project_and_currency_upda since i can only have 10 milion EC.
    It would be very nice if i could start this project but this is not the case.

    You can buy the ec cap from the c-store and raise your ec cap to 1 billion. This applies to all characters on the account, so you only need to buy it once.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    Fantastic, this will guarantee that I won't ever get the ships I have queued up. Cryptic please stop giving us reasons not to play the game.

    Have to use lobi to get queued ships, no way to get lobi unless spending money on keys. Free ships are no longer free.

    Uhm did you relise you can buy keys from the exchange for EC?

    just grind EC and buy keys off the exchange , and voila free ship is still a free ship, all your out is time spent
  • fatherrockfatherrock Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    so, correct me if wrong, if I have some old unfinished event in que, I can now
    spend lobi to get what I need to finish it out?

    if so, cool
    nice to have options
  • saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    Fantastic, this will guarantee that I won't ever get the ships I have queued up. Cryptic please stop giving us reasons not to play the game.

    Have to use lobi to get queued ships, no way to get lobi unless spending money on keys. Free ships are no longer free.

    Uhm did you relise you can buy keys from the exchange for EC?

    just grind EC and buy keys off the exchange , and voila free ship is still a free ship, all your out is time spent

    Not really sure how viable that plan is. Keys will probably skyrocket again and getting decent lobi from that is hit and miss, mostly miss. Unless of course you have a few hundred million ECs laying around. Most probably don't.

  • kurgis1kurgis1 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    So I have to pay lobi to finish ships in events that I couldn't complete due to your bugs?

    (Talking the anni event here - kept getting every single day a planet I could never start the mini game even ontop of a node - gave up after a few days, reported it at the time)

    I think not.

    Seriously, appreciate the communication but this along with the exclusivity nonsense, the threat to remove uncompleted progress of players in these things, SNR on transition to most episodes and fleetbase transfers (your server dosen't seem to be allocating space in a timely manner is my guess) means it may be time to spend my money elsewhere again as this game is just going downhill for me.

    I'll wait for the new expansion (which I have payed for) but if this dosen't change and the SNR aint fixed (which will render the new expansion fairly unplayable) probably best for me to walk away.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,619 Arc User
    It was 3-4 days before they fixed the planets for the anniversary. There were still 16+ spare days. You gave up too soon, and apparently stopped reading the news and forums to see if it was fixed. That's too bad, but it was self-inflicted.
  • geekboy#2650 geekboy Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Let me get this right. We now have to purchase lock boxes to get Lobi in order to purchase a "free" ship?

    F U Craptic. Your BS just got un the fk installed
  • geekboy#2650 geekboy Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    > @darthmeow504 said:
    > geekboy geekboy#2650
    > wrote: »
    > Let me get this right. We now have to purchase lock boxes to get Lobi in order to purchase a "free" ship?
    > F U Craptic. Your BS just got un the fk installed
    > It was a limited time offer, it's not out of line to increase the cost after the offer expires. I'm glad they are adding a new way to acquire those limited-time items, and hope the trend continues in a positive direction. Now, if they'll only let me slot the project I forgot to do two years ago that I have all the currency for just sitting in my bank waiting to be spent...​​

    Thy never indicated it was limited. They have been allowing people to finish before. Not all of us have the time to be on here daily. It don't matter anymore. I am done! After playing since 2012, and spending a bit of money on the game, all I get in return from them are bugs, and money grabbing F THEM!!
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