Following the NoBS V tournament, the German PvP community is proud to announce the next PvP tournament: The PvP Summer Night Games 2016
First of all, the rules, these are meant to be as fair as possible so they can ban OP and P2W stuff:
-matches will be 3v3 -only T5-U fleet and storeship are allowed (no lobi, event, box) -only Mk XII very rare equipment will be allowed: exceptions are:
.no equipment that was introduced to the game with delta rising or later is allowed
.fleet equipment is allowed except for spire consoles
.no R&D weapons and consoles are allowed (if they have normal mods such as [CrtD]x2 [Dmg] they are ok)
-krenim boffs are not allowed
-no lobi equip is allowed
-no personal traits that were introduced with the R&D system or later are allowed (this includes episode rewards and box traits too)
-no reputation traits that came with delta rising or later are allowed (5th slot can be used though)
-no ship traits are allowed
-no specialization is allowed (to disable: commando secondary and pilot primary, then set pilot to secondary and commando again so the ground spec is the only active one)
-any equipment that came with delta rising is not allowed (including mission rewards)
-no boffskills that came with or after delta rising are allowed (kemocite, subspace vortex, structural integrity collapse, endothermic inhibitor beam, focused assault, destabilizing resonance beam, any specialization skills)
-only 1 ship with a cloak may be used per team (this means built in devices and universal consoles - not using a cloak but having more than one in your team is not allowed)
-the fluidic phaser decoupler universal console is not allowed to be used
-per team there is a limit of one each subspace integration circuit and antimatter spread
-only 1 aceton assimilator per team is allowed
-biologist doffs for scramble sensors are not allowed
-switching consoles for reducing cooldowns is not allowed
-the doff emergency conn hologram is not allowed
-the gateway must be set to visible over the pvp events duration
-only 1 nadion saturation bomb is allowed per team
-only 1 hirogen alpha deception field is allowed per team
-there may only be 2 captain of each career per team (so maximum 2 sci/tac/eng per team)
-you can sign up as many players as you want for your team
-matches will last 20 minutes (40 minutes for final round)
The match times will be published in near future. Important: the event is a German one so it will be in German/European timezone!
Teams can sign up here or via PM, breaking the rules will lead to a disqualification.
If there are questions I'll answer them.
Teams that signed up so far (including additional players to chose who plays before each match):
-The New Order-
Raumpatrouille Elysion