With the changes to ground and space traits, I think we should add space and ground bonuses to all racial traits. Retroactively boffs should be given their own lesser versions.
Like telerite having base resistance to all in space. Like 10 to all damage .
Vulcans control resistance.
Andorian bonus damage when below ___% health.
Bajorian Bonus incoming or outgoing healing increasing as your health decreases.
Benzite accuracy buff after a miss and/or a defense buff after a hit on self.
Betazoid Perception +
Bolians This one i have no clue except maybe outgoing heal cooldown reduction ?
Catians Team abilities grant damage dodge similar to the engineering
Ferengi bonus damage to High hp targets ? this one is difficult. But I'm sure can come up with something.
Klingon Threat generation + and - threatening stance.
Pakled bonus damage on going into combat.
Rigelian _ % healing is applied overtime.
Saurian also a hard one but maybe increase to impulse or turn speed?
Trill drain resistance bonus
Ferasans same as Catians.
Gorn same as telerite
Letheans same as vulcans or betazoids, maybe a bit of both.
Orion similar to ferengi or humans.
Remans same as betazoids
I think all liberated borg should have warp core potential instead of efficiency as apart of their trait. Because otherwise their trait will be complete useless in any high power build. But that's just my opinion.
Maybe even add one Space and one Ground Slot.
Of course there would be limits...
No Double Traits - can't add a second copy of a trait that the BOff already has.
No Trait that's Species Specific - can't use a Vulcan trait on an Andorian, etc..
No Trait that's Career Specific - TAC's can't use SCI, SCI can't use ENG, etc...
No Trait that your Captain/Admiral Character get's from a Lockbox. (though They could add BOff Specific Traits to future Lockboxes)
Can't put Space traits in the Ground slot and vice versa.
Those kinda things.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion