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races available for AoY...or whatever it is called.

I do hope that since Caitians and Kzinti (Ferasan) who were first featured during the STO animated
(the Kirk era), M'Ress was a bridge officer, that Caitians are part of AoY as a player captain choice.
If you purchased it. They were an original Federation race.

The second thing is that I hope, sooner rather than later, If a player purchased
Caitians and or Ferasan that the game would unlock tail choices in the Alien
creation menu (tailor shop) - if you paid for it and only for Aliens or
for the intended races Caitian/Ferasan.

I would be good with that.
Given that is my only real beef with the game, your doing pretty good.



  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    The devs are under the impression that TAS is not part of TOS despite being year four (and maybe five) of Kirk's Five Year Mission.​​
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

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  • jovianusjovianus Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    It's still hilarious to me that with ESD space being chock full of Krenim time ships and Iconian ships and Scimitars and Borg Cruisers and rainbow hulls and God knows what else, Cryptic suddenly wants to rest on 'Trek purity' as an argument to only allow 4 races to be used for the AoY content. They're really, really desperate to farm that nostalgia apparently.
  • fatherrockfatherrock Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I think you get a 50/50 split on that with fans...but since
    there ARE Caitians, it should be accepted that they are game cannon and should
    be considered a Federation original race.

    but as said that is me.

  • diabolical91diabolical91 Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    there are no cats to choose from been on tribble
  • fatherrockfatherrock Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    oh well....I would still be happy with tail unlock in tailor for Alien race.
    If you purchased the expansion race.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Players have been asking for more playable species or factions, and now they've decided that many playable species that are already in the game will not be available for the new faction.

    Makes little sense to me to unnecessarily limit the options available to players.
    jovianus wrote: »
    It's still hilarious to me that with ESD space being chock full of Krenim time ships and Iconian ships and Scimitars and Borg Cruisers and rainbow hulls and God knows what else, Cryptic suddenly wants to rest on 'Trek purity' as an argument to only allow 4 races to be used for the AoY content. They're really, really desperate to farm that nostalgia apparently.

    Yup. And add to that, that our TOS characters will eventually be playing alongside all our other characters (and that we may be moving back in time to even create them in the first place) and we could add a major violation of the temporal prime directive to that list.

    Whatever. Perhaps we shouldn't try to make sense of it. A certain Dev wants things, it will happen, whether his explanation makes sense or not is, apparantly, not important. If I were him though, I would just stop giving explanations cause it's kinda difficult to take him serious since he never bothered to apply the same reasoning (or rather, lame excuse) to the rest of the game and stay true to canon there (or even try to explain certain things; to give just one example: subspace weaponry as another thread pointed out so well).
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I hate to be as cynical as I was while typing my last post. Well... I guess that's what happens when I read too much nonsense that is supposed to be an explanation but which is, in fact, just a disguised excuse for not doing something.

    I don't really care about the Caitian issue itself. It's actually a nice opportunity to create an Andorian.

    But at least give a real reason for restricting players so much in their choices, cause for some players it might be a huge disappointment. And in such cases, as a company you are obliged to give a real reason, not some fake excuse which doesn't hold up when they look at the rest of your product. Something with 'customer is king' and all that.

    Also, don't come up with excuses that can relatively simply be pointed out not to be true, in which case you show either a lack of knowledge about your own product (which most likely isn't the case here), or you're simply lying (which is thus more likely and he may not have given his true reasons for not including certain species in the expansion).
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    Lifetimers might get a cybernetic race since Liberated Borg don't exist in the 23rd Century or at least in known space. It would explain why 0718 showed up on Tribble recently.
  • jovianusjovianus Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    fatherrock wrote: »
    I think you get a 50/50 split on that with fans...but since
    there ARE Caitians, it should be accepted that they are game cannon and should
    be considered a Federation original race.

    but as said that is me.


    Why is 'Federaton original race at' all relevant? This is the TOS era, not ENT, the Federation has been expanding and exploring for over a century at this point.

    At best it might be reasonable to bar races that we know for a fact were not present at the time, and even that's wobbly. I mean Cryptic has been abusing the hell out of the time travel cliche from launch, this expansion is about more time travel, but now suddenly they're going to invoke Trek purity for why certain people shouldn't be in certain places?

    I'm really trying to fathom how this expansion pitch went:

    "Hey guys, I've got a great idea for an expansion! First, we'll only make it playable by 1 of 3 factions in the game. But wait! There's more! We'll only make it playable by 1 of 3 factions in the game, and they can only play it with 4 of their 19 character creation choices!!".
    Post edited by jovianus on
  • fatherrockfatherrock Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    Don't get me wrong, I think all Federation GAME races should be in...but I won't lose sleep over it. Heck, I am all for
    a ROM and KLINGON version...but that is just me...MEOW
  • waldotrekwaldotrek Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    It's kind of a toss up for me also. At one point I see keeping the AOY as pure as possible. It would be like someone on the forums complaining they can't get a Gorn for the Romulan faction. But at the same time it appears you are going to take your AOY char into the "future' at some point and then you can run a Kobali, Liberated Borg, etc.
    Former Moderator 10-28-16
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    artan42 wrote: »
    The devs are under the impression that TAS is not part of TOS despite being year four (and maybe five) of Kirk's Five Year Mission.​​
    Not true.
    jovianus wrote: »
    Why is 'Federaton original race at' all relevant?
    It's a matter of them making a stylistic choice to use only races that appeared in TOS. They didn't want to re-imagine what the races would look like if they had been created on a 60s tv show budget.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    fatherrock wrote: »
    I do hope that since Caitians and Kzinti (Ferasan) who were first featured during the STO animated
    (the Kirk era), M'Ress was a bridge officer, that Caitians are part of AoY as a player captain choice.
    If you purchased it. They were an original Federation race.

    The second thing is that I hope, sooner rather than later, If a player purchased
    Caitians and or Ferasan that the game would unlock tail choices in the Alien
    creation menu (tailor shop) - if you paid for it and only for Aliens or
    for the intended races Caitian/Ferasan.

    I would be good with that.
    Given that is my only real beef with the game, your doing pretty good.


    Wait, do the Ferasan have non-sentient females and titles as opposed names until they earn them?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Nope. Ferasans are more like evil Caitians and that's about it.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • fatherrockfatherrock Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    All said and done, I would be happy if you could choose a tail for your 'Alien' ship captain
    >> If you have already purchased a race featuring tails<<
    That would work.

    Keep it simple----Give us tails in the character creator if we bought a race featuring it. done.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Fun fact: certain alien NPCs use a lizard tail design that is not available to any playable species.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    It'd be nice to have Denobulans available as a playable species... can't think of any (canonical) reason why not, myself.
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  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I think some people can't just take a No for an answer.

    The idea is simple. The TOS stuff is first supposed to evoke the real TOS feel. Not TAS, not TNG, not ENT. That means thinking about what technical and budget possibilities the show had. It's not about preserving some canon ideal.

    That is why we get TOS style Gorn and Klingons, TOS style Andorian Antennas, and TOS style ships. We don't get anything resembling the Refits, and the new Klingon and Romulan NPC ships do not get all the level of detail that new ships normally get, not because Cryptic is too lazy to make them more detailed, but because TOS couldn't have done such ships (and quite possibly wouldn't, even if they had the budget for it.)

    The Na'khul breaking those aesthetical guidelines? They are perfectly suited to violate the rules, because they are not supposed to be there. They are frigging time traveler mucking things up.

    If they did Caitans TOS style, they would probably look more like people wearing furs and false whiskers. Might be better to avoid yet another race whose looks got retconned with better make-up budgets...
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    I can't play a Federation Binar? A Klingon conquered Benzite? Or a Reman Liberated Borg? This is unacceptable! There's no way celebrating 50 years of Star Trek is even remotely represented by this jibba jabba they're calling Agents of Yesteryear! I want Pakled ships with Binar Captains! THAT is the Roddenberry vision! THAT is The ORIGINAL series of Star Trek yo!

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  • jovianusjovianus Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    I can't play a Federation Binar? A Klingon conquered Benzite? Or a Reman Liberated Borg? This is unacceptable! There's no way celebrating 50 years of Star Trek is even remotely represented by this jibba jabba they're calling Agents of Yesteryear! I want Pakled ships with Binar Captains! THAT is the Roddenberry vision! THAT is The ORIGINAL series of Star Trek yo!


    Cryptic has been cheerfully crapping on any sort of coherence or logic or sense of a Trek 'vision' in the name of brazen cash grabbing for going on 7 years now. Trying to invoke it now, by making an 'expansion' available to only 4 races of 1 faction, by way of another brazen cash grab is pathetically hollow and utterly self-serving. So yes, if you make a character with one of those limited options you'll get a brief "pure" TOS experience. before you get dumped in with the Liberated Borg Benzites in Krenim Time Dreadnoughts with pink stripes launching Tholian fighters. You know, the way Cryptic normally celebrates Gene Roddenberry's vision.
  • teknesiateknesia Member Posts: 860 Arc User
    Nope. Ferasans are more like evil Caitians and that's about it.

    I was being a bit tongue and cheek since the OP said Kzinti (Ferasans). I've read a good deal of Larry Niven and the Kzinti is a far more fleshed out alien species than just... looks like an upright cat. Their females are non-sentient. They have to earn a name. I can't remember what his name became, but prior to that in the Ringworld series, the main Kzinti was called Speaker-To-Animals to describe his role as a diplomat for the species. Also, if a Kzinti is smiling at you, they're not exactly happy, they're probably about attack you.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    jovianus wrote: »
    I can't play a Federation Binar? A Klingon conquered Benzite? Or a Reman Liberated Borg? This is unacceptable! There's no way celebrating 50 years of Star Trek is even remotely represented by this jibba jabba they're calling Agents of Yesteryear! I want Pakled ships with Binar Captains! THAT is the Roddenberry vision! THAT is The ORIGINAL series of Star Trek yo!


    Cryptic has been cheerfully crapping on any sort of coherence or logic or sense of a Trek 'vision' in the name of brazen cash grabbing for going on 7 years now. Trying to invoke it now, by making an 'expansion' available to only 4 races of 1 faction, by way of another brazen cash grab is pathetically hollow and utterly self-serving. So yes, if you make a character with one of those limited options you'll get a brief "pure" TOS experience. before you get dumped in with the Liberated Borg Benzites in Krenim Time Dreadnoughts with pink stripes launching Tholian fighters. You know, the way Cryptic normally celebrates Gene Roddenberry's vision.

    I haven't gotten any of my fan mail officially responded to on this yet, but the flowchart for authenticity that I proposed to CBS myself was:

    My head canon > On screen stuff as Canon > Internet Canon > Comic Book and Pocket Book Canon > Video Game Canon > Everyone else's canon with a little "c"

    It's a pretty good system, for me at least.

  • bloodyrizbloodyriz Member Posts: 1,756 Arc User
    teknesia wrote: »
    I was being a bit tongue and cheek since the OP said Kzinti (Ferasans). I've read a good deal of Larry Niven and the Kzinti is a far more fleshed out alien species than just... looks like an upright cat. Their females are non-sentient. They have to earn a name. I can't remember what his name became, but prior to that in the Ringworld series, the main Kzinti was called Speaker-To-Animals to describe his role as a diplomat for the species. Also, if a Kzinti is smiling at you, they're not exactly happy, they're probably about attack you.

    Chmee was the name he earned. I also run my Ferasans as Kzinti to some extent, I don't follow the non-sentient females part because well I am playing a female of the race. I view them more as the type from the story Cat House but with the modern stuff.​​
    We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
  • staticharge5347staticharge5347 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    I haven't created a single human character yet. Now I have a reason to.
  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    Someone had the idea on Reddit that Lifers should get "Humans with ESP" as a species option...

    I'm totally in love with that idea, BTW.

    Other than that? I'm totally fine with how they have it set up. Just my O.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    jovianus wrote: »
    I can't play a Federation Binar? A Klingon conquered Benzite? Or a Reman Liberated Borg? This is unacceptable! There's no way celebrating 50 years of Star Trek is even remotely represented by this jibba jabba they're calling Agents of Yesteryear! I want Pakled ships with Binar Captains! THAT is the Roddenberry vision! THAT is The ORIGINAL series of Star Trek yo!


    Cryptic has been cheerfully crapping on any sort of coherence or logic or sense of a Trek 'vision' in the name of brazen cash grabbing for going on 7 years now. Trying to invoke it now, by making an 'expansion' available to only 4 races of 1 faction, by way of another brazen cash grab is pathetically hollow and utterly self-serving. So yes, if you make a character with one of those limited options you'll get a brief "pure" TOS experience. before you get dumped in with the Liberated Borg Benzites in Krenim Time Dreadnoughts with pink stripes launching Tholian fighters. You know, the way Cryptic normally celebrates Gene Roddenberry's vision.

    And why not allow people those brief moments celebrating TOS in all its glory?
    Why can't you play your Caitans and Feresans and Saurians and Trills and Aliens in the other parts of the game?
    If you can deal with no humans, Andorian or Ferengi in the KDF or the Romulan republic, no cat people in the Romulan Republic, no Reman in Starfleet or the KDF, you can deal with this, too. If you can't, tough luck.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • jovianusjovianus Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    I haven't gotten any of my fan mail officially responded to on this yet, but the flowchart for authenticity that I proposed to CBS myself was:

    My head canon > On screen stuff as Canon > Internet Canon > Comic Book and Pocket Book Canon > Video Game Canon > Everyone else's canon with a little "c"

    It's a pretty good system, for me at least.


    You can't have it both ways bubby. Defending their decisions regarding AoY as maintaining the "vision" of Roddenberry and celebrating Trek, and then shrugging off...the entire rest of the game with "Who am I to judge?".

    I mean, if Cryptic wants to embrace purity and authenticity, I'm all for it, remove all the Krenim and Breen and 'random alien' stuff, compensate players with equivalent Starfleet ships, establish a 'standard' uniform, I'll be cheering them along the whole way.

    But if they're just going to continue cramming in whatever they think looks cool and will sell well then fine, but then don't tell me that in the name of authenticity I'm only allowed to experience the new content if I make a character of a particular race, when that character is just going to end up back in the regular Federation doing the regular content with all the regular random giant alien battleships and catgirls with double D's and mini-skirts in Starfleet anyway.
  • brian334brian334 Member Posts: 2,219 Arc User
    Problems with Kzin in Trek:

    1) Non-sentient females in a setting intended to marginalize sexual dimorphism and emphasize 'equality' between the sexes.
    2) Violence as a cultural norm of the species in a setting dedicated to non-violent problem-solving.
    3) An alien species with non-human mores and instincts makes it difficult to tell morality tales applicable to humans.

    Caitians had to be 'humanized' to fit into Star Trek, where all aliens are simply humans with one or two traits emphasized to show how 'bad' those traits are compared to the superior human model. True Kzin wouldn't fit in Star Trek because they are not human, and do not act or react as a human would.

    Examples of Trek aliens:
    Vulcans: Humans stripped of emotions show how bad it would be to live without love or compassion.
    Andorians: Humans with a militaristic attitude which shows how limited military thinking can be.
    Tellarites: Humans with too many emotions show how foolish it is to live without emotional restraint.
    Klingons: Human fascists which demonstrates the flaws of government by military rule.

    The list goes on. Bajorans are human religious fanatics, Deltans are humans obsessed with sex, Pakled are humans who acquired technological power before they were culturally ready for it, et cetra, et cetera, et cetera.

    The reason we have Caitians instead of Kzin in Trek, aside from copyright issues, is because Kzin don't fit in the Trek universe because they aren't human enough.
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