Mission: Tangled Web
Section: Caught in the Web
Objective: Defeat Na'Kuhl Boarding parties (0/4)
BUG: Defeated 3/4 Na'Kuhl boarding party spawn groups, the 4th does not spawn. Mission progress halted.
- Beamed out to ship, and then back - restarting that portion of the mission.
Second attempt:
- A 4th group spawwned in the second room of the Tholian ship, ran back to defeat them. Did not count towards mission progress.
- Stuck at "Defeat Na'Kuhl Boarding Party (3/4)
Progression halted.
Btw, even my BOffs get stuck at the doorway edges, as well.
Edit: Second attempt, after using the Beam Out button worked, last wave appeared and I was able to stop them.
Now, they can hit me and my BOFFs just fine, but we can't damage them. (the Bug of mobs shooting through walls is a whole other issue that should be addressed).
So I'm stuck, after 5 tries.
Happening to me as well, the mission was fine yesterday before the server maintanence, and the xp boost. But now can't progress in this mission post deactivating the SD. Definitely a serious bug.
Also noticed that the "Battle of Caleb 4" just go ridiculous, yesterday i could "survive" and even do enough damage to the Klothos to make her cloak and break off before the timer ran out and we fade to cutscene, now i am getting massacred without a chance to fight back in a literal matter of seconds after getting back to my ship!!!
Im also having this problem.
I have been getting this too. When I look at my damage, it is all fall damage. Same with my other away tem members.
I agree, its a terrible bug..
Patch notes claim it has been resolved -- and those were out at midnight my time last night UK -- just tested still dying in that damned spot, server going down in about 15 minutes for more maintainence -- seriously -- they release a major expansion, and have XP Boost as well as the summer event going in the middle of a server maintainence cycle is it a wonder we're having so many damned bugs and server not respondings?
See if its fixed after that, at about 5:30 in the evening my time
I had a plan to grind a new main toon while deleting my old ones and using their accrued dilithium in the exchange to get some Zen to finally buy my some t6 ship bundles for future toon's however i only have 4:00pm onward's to plsy during the week.
I'm suddenly begginig to remember why i stopped playing this game a long time back
My character Tsin'xing
Hmmm, like i said have been away from the game for a good long while, so they're doing preemptive patch noes now? Heh novel idea will remeber that for the future. Happily i just found put i tommorow of work
And the frustration continues, good news, bug in the ship fixed, bad news those damned destroyers are pretty much unkillable in the space fights i have just died a dozen times before rage quitting the games honestly can they not fix one thing without TRIBBLE another up?
HA! Finally beat the little...had to start from scratch and invest all my points in LT powers, and set all space traits defensively, anything that got my hull cap\regen and resists up, still died too many times for comfort, the nakhul seriously need nerfing in that mission, only place i have had a problem like this in the entire game or the rewards for previous missions need to be increased to match the boosted XP that's going on
TIER 1 Connie
Level 2 Uncommon gear
had just enough surviveability to take the destroyers down one by one after several deaths each time before the game decided to spawn them with little to mo health at all
i know untill it gets fixed i won't be playing that mission again anytime soon to much frustration, but hey i feel really good now that i've beat the thing only downside is i will have to waste a respec token to put things back the way i like them for the rest of the game
My character Tsin'xing
Yup i finally figured that out
Finally beat the damend things only took about 8 deaths per destroyer
I'm now convinced its not a bug so much as a balancing issue.
Nahkhul were designed as endgame content for LVL 60, for these missions they need to be reballanced, hell the last destroyer i went up against had some serious Hit Points took better part of an hour of attack and retreat to bring him dow
Best tactic i found was to keep my distance at low impulse and broadside them, then take out the distortions when hey appeared and rinse and repeat ad-infinitum
Or heck i could just be that damned rusty
My character Tsin'xing
heh i just chewed through it with a level 30 Character in a t4 ship not even optomized fir the job, it was so damned easy, si we know its a balance issue casued by he excess xp we're getting
Are you playing this episode on Tribble or Holodeck (the main server)? This is for Tribble- Bug Reports. As for when I shared many years ago, it was when the mission was on Holodeck after being on Tribble for awhile. So I would suggest putting a bug report in PC Gameplay Bug Reports or in the console sections (PS4 or Xbox One) that you are playing on. Thanks.