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An easy solution to PVP that other MMOs do

Just have an open PVP for every map and have a Flag option, If someone has open pvp turned on you would see a small red flag by the toon or ships name for FED & KDF to attack each other and maybe have a ____ colour flag to allow for anyone regardless of faction to attack each other. If they have it off and don't want to be attacked randomly there would be a blue flag. This would allow every map to be a PVP map if people wanted to. Have the NPCS cowering in fear whenever they are near a open pvp fight


  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    Every map? I don't know if it would be all that fun to have that feature on Breaking the Planet. But it sure would add flavor to ISA and ESD!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    Every map? I don't know if it would be all that fun to have that feature on Breaking the Planet. But it sure would add flavor to ISA and ESD!
    WEll yeah things would need to be hashed out a little. I mostly just mean for social zones and their system space areas. Maybe for some ground areas have a damping field in effect so it would be melee weapons only.

    I was going to add in I think every map should have cross faction access to every map as well. In Trek we've seen Nausicaan and Orion and Klingons on earth space station. Picard got stabbed in a bar at one by a Nausicaan. Lets have some bar fights on ESD. Lets be able to have a Bat'leth or any melee weapon challenge on Qo'noS. We can all be allies in the Galaxy and work together and still not be friends or be friends and pick fights with each other. Lets have some more options to mix things up a little.
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    Add a large sector space map and call it the Neutral Zone. Make it one vast PvP battleground. Over time you could add detail and make it interesting. Anyone who enters it is fair game.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    goodscotch wrote: »
    Add a large sector space map and call it the Neutral Zone. Make it one vast PvP battleground. Over time you could add detail and make it interesting. Anyone who enters it is fair game.

    That's boring though imo plus we shouldn't have a Neutral Zone and doesn't work for the story line of the game. Lets not make things restricting . The point of this to utilize what's already existing in game and have dozens of different areas than to have someone create something new that takes time and rescuers that goes towards creating something else new and the more new places we would have the more potential pvp places we would have.
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    goodscotch wrote: »
    Add a large sector space map and call it the Neutral Zone. Make it one vast PvP battleground. Over time you could add detail and make it interesting. Anyone who enters it is fair game.

    ...Lets not make things restricting

    I mean a really large sector space map...really big. Call it whatever...as long as the map is big....Neutral Zone just implies it's a risk to enter based on the historical Neutral Zones...but call it whatever. What's restricting about a big map? The bigger the better. Also, when destroyed, you respawn randomly in different spots.


  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    We tried that on tribble before. You had to go into an area, and defend/attack transports (depending if you're fed or klinkie dink).

    It was open pvp. Anyone could race in, and start attacking or defending. It was hated so it never went anywhere.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    The flag on and off option for open pvp works very well in other MMOs and you just get more options with it. Don't want to pvp, just turn it off. Want to pvp, turn the flag option on. think such and such map would be a fun pvp zone go there and turn the flag option on and invite someone to meet you there or wait for a random person to show up that wants to, Let people make teams or fight their friends in their fleet.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    Not an easy solution at all, and not a solution for the actual PvP problems.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    goodscotch wrote: »
    Add a large sector space map and call it the Neutral Zone. Make it one vast PvP battleground. Over time you could add detail and make it interesting. Anyone who enters it is fair game.

    That's boring though imo plus we shouldn't have a Neutral Zone and doesn't work for the story line of the game. Lets not make things restricting . The point of this to utilize what's already existing in game and have dozens of different areas than to have someone create something new that takes time and rescuers that goes towards creating something else new and the more new places we would have the more potential pvp places we would have.

    True. But we could have one in the AoY map! Or we could do this new exploration thing they've teased and in THAT area, we could have some "wild" space area which is a free for all and still stay on point with the story/lore.

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  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    askray wrote: »
    We tried that on tribble before. You had to go into an area, and defend/attack transports (depending if you're fed or klinkie dink).

    It was open pvp. Anyone could race in, and start attacking or defending. It was hated so it never went anywhere.
    I think you're either misremembering or misrepresenting what happened.

    There wasn't actually any hatred. The feature as on Tribble had bugs, and Cryptic didn't fix them. My guess was that fixing them would have costed more resources than they could devote at that time, and thus it went on the never-ending pile of things to do when they get the time for it. And as we know for all things PvP development, things never leave that pile. It's not Cryptic's malice, it's not player's hatred, it just is the nature of the business.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Every map? I don't know if it would be all that fun to have that feature on Breaking the Planet. But it sure would add flavor to ISA and ESD!
    WEll yeah things would need to be hashed out a little. I mostly just mean for social zones and their system space areas. Maybe for some ground areas have a damping field in effect so it would be melee weapons only.

    I was going to add in I think every map should have cross faction access to every map as well. In Trek we've seen Nausicaan and Orion and Klingons on earth space station. Picard got stabbed in a bar at one by a Nausicaan. Lets have some bar fights on ESD. Lets be able to have a Bat'leth or any melee weapon challenge on Qo'noS. We can all be allies in the Galaxy and work together and still not be friends or be friends and pick fights with each other. Lets have some more options to mix things up a little.
    I don't believe Starfleet would look kindly to fleet admirals starting bar fights on ESD. Certainly not with weapons. And I guarantee attacking allied ships would get you court-martialed in any faction.

    Since the factions ARE allied, there simply is no plausible way to add any kind of open PvP in this setting. Which is great, because open PvP sucks.
  • thekodanarmada#7342 thekodanarmada Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    Fighting on ESD is one of life's true joys
    for the KDF.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,800 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    This require significant code development, for a tiny tiny fraction of the user base. Most people do not do PVP.

    The other 95% of us would prefer spending that effort on something like a visual slot for weapons, but we'll get neither since right now they are focusing on features for AoY and on the consoles. And bug fixes, but that is partly a function of QA to track down bits like a recipe to trigger the bug reliably.
    Post edited by davefenestrator on
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    "Flagged" pvp is terrible. It's generally just an invitation for griefers - flagged dudes standing on quest NPCs in busy cross-faction areas, hoping that someone misclicks on them, attacks, and gets slaughtered by guard NPCs; flagged dudes wiping out all the quest NPCs in an area (generally a newbie zone), hoping to attract some people to fight them; etc.

    Of course, this is in games where there's an actual open world to inhabit - not sure how any kind of "open" pvp would work in an instanced-world game like STO - the only shared spaces are the galaxy map (which has no combat), cities/stations (DS9, ESD, Bajor, etc), and battlezones. Well, and the inside of the Dyson Sphere. I suppose it could happen there. ...eh, sounds terrible.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,557 Arc User
    PvP in STO should be non-combat PvP. Playing against other players using Parrises Squares, Dom-jot, Tridimensional Chess, Poker, and other Star Trek-related sports or games. PvP doesn't have to involve bashing the other person in the head. The devs could just keep on adding more space and ground maps, but it just gets boring playing the same old types of PvP matches.
  • nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    I suspect the map becomes largely irrelevant when the typical Time-To-Kill is less than one second. Watching PvP is even more boring. All you see is two players flip a coin, and the loser jams a knife in their own throat. It's that fast.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    I hate the flag pvp. Like the other said, it will set up grievers at points of interest. So it will make you fight them easier.

    One thing I notice is the lack of pvp areas to play in. In WoW they usually release a few new places per expansion, to kinda go along with it. And give the players something to do. Plus it rewards them as well. Usually pvp type gear and other stuff. Eventually the same maps get old. Another thing is lack of balance by level and gear. This is why I hated pvp maps. I go in fresh trying to get gear. Then end up cannon fodder until I do, due to a player with all the best gear. Also if not careful you will mess up the set up for pve stuff as well. This was also a big issue as they was constantly adjusting gear and skills. Where they should left it alone and made separate stuff.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    askray wrote: »
    We tried that on tribble before. You had to go into an area, and defend/attack transports (depending if you're fed or klinkie dink).

    It was open pvp. Anyone could race in, and start attacking or defending. It was hated so it never went anywhere.
    I think you're either misremembering or misrepresenting what happened.

    There wasn't actually any hatred. The feature as on Tribble had bugs, and Cryptic didn't fix them. My guess was that fixing them would have costed more resources than they could devote at that time, and thus it went on the never-ending pile of things to do when they get the time for it. And as we know for all things PvP development, things never leave that pile. It's not Cryptic's malice, it's not player's hatred, it just is the nature of the business.

    Right...that is what I remember also.

    Anyway OP, none of this 'helps' PvP nor is it 'easy' as you say it is....it's never easy.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    An open PvP zone already exists, with PvE objectives and NPCs, it's called Ker'rat. Go there sometime, preferably as a Klingon or Romulan KDF. Feds always outnumber KDF by at least 5 to 1.

    Anyway, PvP is dead. Nothing can revive it on PC until STO 2. If you want to PvP, I suggest you go get on a console. PvP will be alive and fun there for about a year, given that they allow PvP.
  • rllaillieurllaillieu Member Posts: 351 Arc User
    Skimmed this because it got repetitive and/or boring about a third of the way through, but here's an idea from me.

    I play SWTOR, and I only recently noticed something while I was on Alderaan. The maps could hold a pretty good number of people, not the twenty or so our planet based maps hold (which is beyond pathetic). And, it seems that every planet has one instance (most seem to have three) designated for PvP. There are also some open areas where it's a Free For All, such as a certain area on Tatooine, but their system works well. It works so well, people actually got bored with PvP and those maps are now used by those looking to complete an objective without others stealing the stuff they need.

    Also, dueling is done right there where you challenged someone. It's pretty fun to watch two Sith players go at each other for no apparent reason.

    My point is, that system works. The only thing holding us back from potentially implementing something like that is our servers seem to be sort of crappy and need multiple instances (like ESD's 20 something instances) that only hold twenty people each when we just need about two or three giant instances. Doesn't seem overly complicated, considering that SWTOR seems to be far more popular than STO at the moment.

    There's my two cents on this.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    askray wrote: »
    We tried that on tribble before. You had to go into an area, and defend/attack transports (depending if you're fed or klinkie dink).

    It was open pvp. Anyone could race in, and start attacking or defending. It was hated so it never went anywhere.
    I think you're either misremembering or misrepresenting what happened.

    There wasn't actually any hatred. The feature as on Tribble had bugs, and Cryptic didn't fix them. My guess was that fixing them would have costed more resources than they could devote at that time, and thus it went on the never-ending pile of things to do when they get the time for it. And as we know for all things PvP development, things never leave that pile. It's not Cryptic's malice, it's not player's hatred, it just is the nature of the business.

    No, it was hated. Yes, there was some bugs to it, but nothing major (spawn points would have been nice besides all of us warping in the same spot heh), but a LOT of people hated it and was quite vocal about it.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • semalda226semalda226 Member Posts: 1,994 Arc User
    I actually miss the games that had the PK (Player Killer) System. Although in the older mmo days if you became a red player you were fair game to everyone everywhere!

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    askray wrote: »
    askray wrote: »
    We tried that on tribble before. You had to go into an area, and defend/attack transports (depending if you're fed or klinkie dink).

    It was open pvp. Anyone could race in, and start attacking or defending. It was hated so it never went anywhere.
    I think you're either misremembering or misrepresenting what happened.

    There wasn't actually any hatred. The feature as on Tribble had bugs, and Cryptic didn't fix them. My guess was that fixing them would have costed more resources than they could devote at that time, and thus it went on the never-ending pile of things to do when they get the time for it. And as we know for all things PvP development, things never leave that pile. It's not Cryptic's malice, it's not player's hatred, it just is the nature of the business.

    No, it was hated. Yes, there was some bugs to it, but nothing major (spawn points would have been nice besides all of us warping in the same spot heh), but a LOT of people hated it and was quite vocal about it.
    I remember primarily the spawn point problem. I don't remember any hatred to the concept. At least no more hatred than any other typical change Cryptic makes get.

    Ker'rat has a similar concept, actually, and yes, a lot of peope complained about it. PvEs that though they could just farm the map and didn't want PvP, people that hated the spawn related bugs or the Borg stuck inside Borg nodes and what not. But it survived, despite considerations by Cryptic (or dstahl specfically?) to get rid of it.
    The biggest difference between Ker'rat and the Convoy map was that you don't need to protect any NPCs in Ker'rat.

    I remember that there was another PvP map a long time ago. I believe it was called something like "Space Assault". The objective was to beam troops aboard something else, and kill enemy players. I never quite figured out how exactly it worked. One day it just disappeared to never return again. And I think there was never even any official comment about it, as if it never existed. I think it was certainly the least played form of Space PvP, because no one could make sense of i.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • hugin1205hugin1205 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    goodscotch wrote: »
    Add a large sector space map and call it the Neutral Zone. Make it one vast PvP battleground. Over time you could add detail and make it interesting. Anyone who enters it is fair game.

    Like Karrat and N'vak?

    18 characters
    KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
    KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
    FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
    TOS: 1 tac
    all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
    all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
    highest DPS: 60.982
  • starcruiser#3423 starcruiser Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    Just have an open PVP for every map and have a Flag option, If someone has open pvp turned on you would see a small red flag by the toon or ships name for FED & KDF to attack each other and maybe have a ____ colour flag to allow for anyone regardless of faction to attack each other. If they have it off and don't want to be attacked randomly there would be a blue flag. This would allow every map to be a PVP map if people wanted to. Have the NPCS cowering in fear whenever they are near a open pvp fight

    Not every map but just a few of them.​​
  • evilspokevilspok Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    I'm frankly embarrassed to see how the player base here has no interest in any additional challenge and forces Cryptic's hand so as not to advance PVP in this game.

    All of the suggestions I see here have been done successfully elsewhere and, guess what, it was fun.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    evilspok wrote: »
    ...guess what, it was fun.

    ...for the kind of people who enjoy pvp. Here's the thing. Not everyone does. Regardless of what kind of "challenge" it provides.

    (I'll always remember the folks in the WoW pvp forums, talking about how lv90's squishing lv20's was "True PvP™" because it involved two players. Challenge! Also, one of the main issues with "open world"/PK pvp systems. Playground for griefers, bullies, and sociopaths.)
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    evilspok wrote: »
    I'm frankly embarrassed to see how the player base here has no interest in any additional challenge and forces Cryptic's hand so as not to advance PVP in this game.

    All of the suggestions I see here have been done successfully elsewhere and, guess what, it was fun.

    I've come to find the STO community is more crass and asinine than most people. None of these suggestion effect people that don't like pvp
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