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This will be one dark place to live...

I never noticed it before since I'd already levelled to 60 and only did the mission for completion, but with a new toon, I noticed it now, and it's probably the case for many planets.

It's in the Mindscape mission, well, it's in the quadrant map, but you know what I mean. My ship is parked between Syllerran II and it's star. The planet is 0.61 LY to my right, the star is 0.73 LY to my left, which means the planet is 1.3 LY from it's home star. That's from the distance readings on the HUD, not from guesstimates.

Now, Earth is about 480 Ls from Sol.
1 LY is approx 31.5MLs
Which means that Syllerran II is approximately 86,123 times further away from its star than Earth ... Granted this is fiction, but 86KAu? Is there any light at all?


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