When I claimed the female Vulcan TOS boff from the Painful Omens mission, she only had three ground abilities, and no slot for any more. When I assigned her to my away team in "Return to Babel", she had no boff ability available to use.
And when I recruited her, her name was T'Vrell, not T'Met as it was when you meet her in the mission.
Ooh, good catch. T'Vrell is one of the regular Fed boffs that you recruit during the Fed story. I guess that Cryptic copy-pasted her data, forgot to change everything, and it got corrupted somehow.
I had enough EC to buy a different ground science ability, so when I logged back in I was able to train her in Medical Tricorder 1, and that ended up sorting out the rest of her abilities on the ground.
Ooh, good catch. T'Vrell is one of the regular Fed boffs that you recruit during the Fed story. I guess that Cryptic copy-pasted her data, forgot to change everything, and it got corrupted somehow.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"