Just started a gold subscription so I can sign up for tribble, but every time I click on the sign up link on the character transfer page, I get a 502 Bad Gateway error. Anyone else getting this? I've tried several different browsers and get the same thing each time.
Main character: Olson@thor561
Vice Admiral of - Starfleet Command -
I clicked the link in the post here http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1182325/want-to-transfer-your-captain-to-the-tribble-shard-character-copy-page-location and it took me to my Arc account page and said I had to "sign up" for the test server. So I clicked the sign up button and a new tab opened in my browser, here www.arcgames.com/en/my/character/copy/sto and after a moment of a blank page I get the error thrown at me.
Vice Admiral of - Starfleet Command -