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Mirror Wars (RP Thread)



  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    Vanguard Station, Terran/Star Union DMZ (MU red)

    Battle Group Scythe jumped in via artificial transdimentional rift, their orders were clear,
    "Prevent the Terran Civil War from spilling over the DMZ and protect Vanguard Station" read Valdez to Nydon.
    "What is our stance?" asked Nydon.
    "Officially we are neutral" answered Valdez.
    "The Terrans won't take our presence well on the their border" replied Nydon.
    "A small price and we are staying on our side of the border, I'll contact the empress" answered Valdez.
    "Will she listen?" asked Nydon.
    "Don't know, send this to the empress" answered Valdez passing Nydon a message from the Star Union government.
    Nydon transmitted the message over a secure subspace channel, it read,
    "We are here on the authority of the Romulan Star Union, we will remain on our side of the DMZ and prevent your conflict from spilling over into our territory, we are neutral in your conflict but can provide humanitarian aid for civilians seeking safety out of the war zone should you request it. Keep your military forces away from the DMZ, we mean you no harm, if any warship tries to cross the DMZ or use the DMZ as a base for operations, we will take the appropriate action needed to protect our interests, it's a fair warning."

    "Let's hope the empress understands" said Valdez as Trianna (yellow) passed him a PADD.
    "Computer, bring up a map of the Terran Empire" ordered Valdez.
    The display lit up and a map of the Terran Empire filled the room,
    "The Terran loyalists hold the core worlds, three quarters of the Empire are in rebel hands" reported Nydon.
    "What's the state of the border?" asked Valdez.
    "Fighting between loyalist and rebel forces along the entire border" answered Nydon.
    "I see, start deploying defence platforms and tractor mines across our side of the border" ordered Valdez.
    "It'll take at least three days" replied Nydon.
    "Tell the crews to do it two" answered Valdez.
    "Commander" replied Nydon.
    Two days later, the entire Romulan side of the DMZ was fortified and ships in position to enforce the DMZ.

    I.S.S. Tikal, Betazed orbit (MU yellow)

    It was week five and the physical side of it was over, of the 30 cadets who started, 20 were left. Those who showed planning and organisation skills but could not keep up physically were reassigned to staff officer training, those who failed were sent back to their units.

    Now began the theoretical part of the course as the recruits were reassigned to shared quarters, Trianna (Red) and Seisa (yellow) were assigned to share quarters and they helped each other out in moving their footlockers to their quarters. On a rare day off, Seisa showed Trianna (red) her Expanse program and both tried the Donnager's last stand. Afterwards, Trianna showed Seisa her Warhammer 40,000 holonovel and both fought as Imperial Guard against hordes of crazed cultists, augmented marines and daemons. Both worked well as a team as they covered each other and kept in line firing at the endless hordes. Eventually they were overrun and both agreed to stop the program and go get a drink.

    In the mess hall, both of them took advantage of the time off and relaxed.
    "Ladies, mind if I take this seat?" asked Corporal Dawson.
    "All good" answered Trianna.
    "Thank you for improving my fitness levels Corporal" said Seisa.
    "What I'm paid to do, I'm off duty anyway so at ease" replied Corporal Dawson.
    "Poor recruits" joked Trianna as the new recruits came marching past the mess hall carrying their uniforms and equipment as Sgt. Major Dawson kept them in pace.
    "My dad has a way of getting them moving, all of your class that made it this far has earned our respect. Cadet Valdez, why do I get the feeling you already know me from somewhere?" asked Corporal Dawson.
    "Your prime counterpart is my stepbrother as is your brother's prime counterpart, you mom's prime counterpart is married to my father" answered Trianna.
    "Awkward" said Seisa.
    "Keep it professional then" requested Corporal Dawson.
    "Yes Corporal" answered Trianna.
    "Same around my brother and mother too" said Corporal Dawson.
    "I will, boundaries" replied Trianna.
    "Thanks" answered Corporal Dawson, "Why did you both volunteer?" he asked afterwards.
    "To protect the citizens and people I love" answered Trianna.
    "You have family?" asked Corporal Dawson.
    "Married with one infant son" answered Trianna.
    "I volunteered to improve my command skills and protect those who cannot defend themselves" said Seisa.
    "Both good reasons" answered Corporal Dawson.

    "I better go and contact home" said Seisa before she left the mess hall.
    "I'm going to talk to my aunt" said Trianna
    "The captain is off duty at the moment, make the most of your day off" advised Corporal Dawson.
    "Thanks Corporal" replied Trianna before she left the mess hall.

    In the captain's quarters 10 minutes later, Isabella Valdez (yellow) started her anger management exercise with her niece. "Baterat?" asked Trianna.
    "It is, relax and sit down, I want you to remove all thoughts from your mind and concentrate" said Isabella.
    "What is the point of this?" asked Trianna.
    "Simple, meditation allows us to control our emotions" answered Isabella.
    "A punching bag would be easier" replied Trianna.
    "I promised your father that I would keep an eye on you, that's a promise I intend to keep. You've known violence for most of your life, I will show you another way. Meditation is part of that" answered Isabella.
    After an hour, both then contacted home.

    Post edited by theraven2378 on
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
      edited December 2018
      I.S.S. Belisarius, Betazed Sector (MU red)

      "Orders are to protect all innocent life, and rebels who are pregnant will be unharmed and detained in secure hospitals, the Empress has something special planned for them" said Admiral West.
      "They should receive no mercy" answered Admiral Lot.
      "Unborn life is an innocent life regardless of the crimes of the mother, since the empress wants live prisoners, all weapons are set to heavy stun. We are to liberate these worlds and bring them back into the Empire so rules of engagement apply" replied Admiral West.
      "I won't argue with my sister" answered Naynta.
      "Orders are orders, remember we hold the moral high ground" said Seisa (red).

      "We will link up with any local loyalist resistance groups, Seisa, you have recon and intelligence. Admiral Lot, right flanks and centre right, I'll command the left and centre left. Seisa, your destroyer group will be our eyes and ears, avoid contact with the enemy, if engaged, break off and run like hell back to the main fleet" ordered Admiral West.
      "Admiral" answered Seisa (red).
      "Since we need ships, we fire to disable. Prioritise weapons, shields and engines, my sister wants the crews alive" said Admiral Lot.

      Adrallia IV, rebel held system (MU red)

      On Adrallia IV like on other rebel occupied worlds, rebel forces were taking apart all signs of Imperial rule as Imperial flags were put into piles and burned. Imperial troops who had been taken alive were publicly executed and the civilian population rounded up and and put into labour camps for use as slave labour. Any act of resistance from the civilians was punished by the execution of the perpetrator's entire family, the rebels ruled through fear as any loyalists were rounded up and killed. Once the civilians had been pacified, the rebels put all buildings to the torch and used hunger as a weapon to control the populace.

      News however got out of the suffering of civilians, across rebel space, citizens who had escaped the round ups formed guerrilla groups who made it their mission to make the rebel occupation as difficult as possible. They were assisted by Imperial soldiers who trained them to gather intel and plan their raids, the camps were scouted and their locations and design transmitted securely to Imperial forces. When Empress Iodokar got the reports, she flew into a rage and vowed that she would deal with any rebels who had enslaved their own people herself.

      Admiral West and Admiral Lot were redirected to Adrallia with orders to liberate the world. 1500 ships of the Imperial 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th fleets along with 500,000 Imperial Army troops of the Imperial 3rd and 7th armies and their equipment were now on their way to Adrallia. Seisa (red) and her destroyer group scouted ahead of the main fleet as per her orders, Adrallia would be the first battle of the liberation campaign.

      Crews and troops were now briefed and prepared for battle as the liberation fleet closed in on the Adrallia system.

      Post edited by theraven2378 on
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
        edited December 2018
        Adrallia IV (MU red)

        The loyalist recon screen had reached the system, remaining undetected they guided the liberation fleets in and then took position in polar orbit to hide themselves from sensors. Ground teams were now deployed to the surface and linked up with Imperial holdouts and resistance forces on the planet, over the next four days, they scouted the labor camps and started mapping the approach routes in. The plan called for a simultaneous uprising and planetary assault landing to occur across the entire planet as a distraction to draw the traitors away from the camps, once the traitors were drawn away from the camps, mechanised infantry would drop as close to the camps as possible and race to their objectives.

        The objectives were
        1) Drive in straight through the main gates
        2) Infantry dismounts and clears the camp
        3) The internees evacuated by vehicle escorted by the infantry and Imperial air assets to pick up zones for evacuation off planet

        The volunteers going on the mission were briefed and told to be ready for deployment as soon as the small traitor fleet in orbit was neutralised, at 1300 Terran time, the liberation fleet took down traitor communications and weapons remotely before jumping in and disabling engines and shields before the ships were boarded and secured by Imperial forces. In less than three minutes, orbital superiority was achieved and the landing forces were deployed.

        On the surface, Imperial commandos, holdouts and resistance opened up with an assault on the traitor positions blocking the roads to the camps as Imperial armour and mechanised infantry raced to their objectives, at 1400 hours, the APCs drove through the gates of every camp on the surface and deployed their troops. The guards were overwhelmed in mere moments as the troops then cleared the camp pulling people out of their barracks blocks and the dilithium mine before evacuating the young, sick and those who were in no condition to be walked out, those who could walk were shielded by the infantry as they made the journey to the evacuation zones.

        Not one former internee complained as they were marched to liberation, at the landing zones, the civilians were then transferred to landing craft for evacuation. Of Adallia IV's population of 35,000, 22,000 were still alive when liberation came. Now the battle for the planet began with Imperial troops supported by orbital fire and air strikes cleared each traitor unit from their positions, for three weeks, the Adrallian landscape was punctuated by weapons fire as both sides refused to give an inch. Eventually though, Imperial numbers prevailed and the 20,000 strong traitor garrison was overrun and captured. Now the prisoners were sorted into groups, the men were separated from the women and women all scanned, those who were pregnant were separated into another group and sent to secure military hospitals on Betazed, they were the lucky ones. The rest were put into chains and taken to Betazed by Admiral West's fleet for judgement.

        On Betazed 48 hours later, Empress Iodokar made her judgement. The pregnant prisoners would be allowed to go full term and once they had given birth, their children would be taken off then and put up for adoption, the mothers then would exiled as far away from their families as possible and all contact forbidden. The rest were now judged, those who had joined the traitors out being misguided were given a chance to regain their honor if they swore an oath of loyalty to the empress, they took the empress's offer and bent the knee in submission. Those who had enslaved their fellow citizen and those who had committed atrocities were sentenced to immediate public execution, the sentence was carried out by Imperial troops and the bodies vaporised.

        Jodi now inspected the troops who had gone on the rescue mission and decorated each volunteer with the Star of Terra, those civilians and resistance fighters who had fought to help retake their world were also decorated, Jodi then asked for volunteers to act as pallbearers and honor guard for those who did not live to see liberation. The citizens who had been rescued all lined the route as their friends, loved ones and Imperial troops who had given their lives so others may live were put to rest. In a speech to the people, Jodi lionised the sacrifice that loyal Imperial soldiers made for their fellow citizen and the call "Remember Betazed and Adrallia" rang out throughout the loyalist forces. On traitor held worlds, the rebels now declared that the Terran Empire was dead and then began attacking refugee ships in retaliation for the Imperial victory on Adrallia, in rebel space, all food and medical supplies were taken by the traitors, leaving nothing for the civilians. All Imperial built infrastructure was blown up and non-Terrans hunted down and killed, the massacres were broadcast on INN with a demand for the total unconditional surrender of the Empress or more civilians would pay the price for following the "Mongrel Empress."

        By making it personal, the rebels had doomed themselves. They now began killing civilians each day Jodi would not surrender herself to them, they even sent an assassination team to go after Kestrella (red) as a means of hurting Jodi. The assassins were caught and handed over to Jodi who had them executed after interrogation before any harm could come to Kestrella. The attempt on Kestrella's life galvanised Imperial morale and the troops all vowed payback.

        Post edited by theraven2378 on
          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
          Betazed (MU Red)

          The Empress had appointed a Commander in Chief for all Imperial military forces, aboard the I.S.S. Papela, the commander was revealed to the admirals around the table.
          "Given the tactics the traitors are starting to employ, we are going to liberate each system one at at a time. To coordinate all Imperial forces, Grand Admiral Solat is named as Commander in Chief of all Imperial military forces" said Jodi to her commanders as Solat took her seat.
          "Oh great, an emotionless automaton" sighed Admiral Lot.
          "Admiral Lot, logic will win this war" answered Solat ignoring Naynta's attempts to provoke an emotional response.
          "Naynta, do not provoke a Vulcan, it won't end well for you" advised Kestrella to her sister.
          Jodi then brought up a map of the Empire and briefed her commanders,
          "Three quarters of the empire are in traitor hands, the enemy has enslaved our citizens, put them into labor camps and stolen or destroyed everything leaving nothing for the civilians. Along the Romulan Star Union DMZ, the Star Union Navy has just reinforced their fleets on their side of the DMZ."

          "Are the Star Union preparing to invade?" asked Admiral Cage.
          "They sent out an open signal stating that they are neutral in this conflict and are there to prevent our war from spilling over the DMZ" answered Jodi.
          "Ma'am, that means the traitors could just hide in the DMZ" answered Cage.
          "We are here on the authority of the Romulan Star Union, we will remain on our side of the DMZ and prevent your conflict from spilling over into our territory, we are neutral in your conflict but can provide humanitarian aid for civilians seeking safety out of the war zone should you request it. Keep your military forces away from the DMZ, we mean you no harm, if any warship tries to cross the DMZ or use the DMZ as a base for operations, we will take the appropriate action needed to protect our interests, it's a fair warning" read Jodi.
          "Is that legal?" asked Admiral West.
          "It is under neutrality laws" answered Jodi.
          "At least they warned us" replied Admiral West.
          "Their commander is a man of honor, he won't break his word. He can be trusted" answered Jodi, "now that's out of the way, let's talk strategy, suggestions".

          "A system hopping campaign, once we liberate a world, we put bases on them, secure our supply and communication lines and repeat with the next stage of advance" suggested Admiral Cage.
          "Can that be done across the entire front?" asked Admiral West.
          "It would stretch our logistics and since we cannot resupply from liberated worlds due to the enemy's scorched Earth tactics, securing our flanks would protect our logistics chain" answered Admiral Cage.
          "At the same time, we need to keep up the momentum as to not bog down the advance" said Admiral Lot.
          "Split the rebel territory into three operational zones, each area under one Admiral to clear, each fleet group has an Imperial Army group attached to it and they must keep their own logistical support forces protected" suggested Solat.
          "An advance on three fronts at the same time would weaken the enemy's defence" answered Admiral Lot.
          "Keep them guessing which is the main assault" replied Admiral Cage.
          "Which makes them have to weaken one front to deal with another" answered Admiral West.

          Jodi and Kestrella just sat and listened before Jodi made her mind up,
          "Grand Admiral, can you coordinate three fronts?" asked Kestrella.
          "I'll need commanders who can be trusted" answered Solat.
          "I can cover a front" said Admiral Veel'Riz.
          "Here are the commanders. Admiral West will advance from the Betazed Sector, Admiral Cage, you will advance from the Cardassia sector and Admiral Veel'Riz will clear the Beta Quadrant right up to the DMZ" ordered Jodi.
          "Ma'am" chorused the commanders.
          "Our goal is liberation, make sure all your troops get the rules of engagement. All weapons will be set to heavy stun, I want prisoners and I want them unharmed and brought to me, any soldiers caught executing prisoners out of hand will be shot" ordered Jodi.
          "Ma'am" answered the admirals.
          "Good hunting all of you" said Jodi afterwards.
          Most of the admirals then stood up, saluted Jodi and returned to their ships. Naynta then tried to provoke a reaction from Solat with a sly comment,
          "At least I have feelings robot."

          Solat calmly walked up to Naynta and still did not react.
          Naynta then kept pushing buttons as Kestrella and Jodi told Naynta to back down.
          "I should be in command, we all know what happened the last time a Vulcan had full command of the military. Spock, the shame of Vulcan" said Naynta.
          Solat simply hoisted Naynta off her chair and pinned her to the bulkhead with one arm before dropping her to floor while keeping eye contact the whole time and told her straight,
          "You are unprofessional, you take joy from other's pain and you are impetuous. Had you been in my fleet, you would have not made it past Ensign, you are unfit for independent command and you play with your opponents. I read how you nearly lost the I.S.S. Los Lobos because you did not take decisive action, I have seen people like you come and go for over 45 years, longer than you have been around breathing. You are no different to them."

          "Naynta, you're lucky that she did not hurt you. Never get on a Vulcan's bad side" advised Kestrella.
          "You will kept on a very tight leash, Grand Admiral Solat is your commanding officer" said Jodi to Naynta.
          "Clear" answered Naynta.
          "Naynta, Vulcans have a long memory. Remember that, I do not want to be in your position right now, I hear Vulcans have quite the sense of humor" said Kestrella.

            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
            edited December 2018
            Betazed (MU yellow)

            The cadets were all lined up for field exercises, joining them was Inmates Roha, Kain, Ortemis, Artega, Rihala and O'Mara.
            "Those things lined up under guard betrayed the citizens of this empire, their greed caused suffering to others. They'll be going through their own personal hell and since you cadets are in command training, you will each take turns as their commanding officer. The NCOs are here to advise you and guide you" said Captain Valdez (yellow) to the cadets.
            "What if the things decide to be difficult?" asked Seisa (yellow)
            "Leave that to the NCOs to deal with" answered Isabella.
            "Ma'am" answered Seisa.
            "Sgt. Major, get everyone moving. 20 km route march full kit, our first base camp is 12 hours away" ordered Isabella to Sgt. Major Dawson.
            "You all heard the captain, two columns, one either side of the track. Valdez, you're with the things, if they complain or refuse to soldier, your job is to get them moving. If they refuse to move or collapse from exhaustion, make sure you instruct the NCOs to drag them kicking and screaming, show them no mercy" ordered Sgt. Major Dawson.
            "With pleasure sir" answered Trianna (red).

            The group now began their march over 20 km of the toughest terrain of Betazed.
            Inmate Kain was the first to collapse after just 2 km, Trianna pointed her rifle at him and told him,
            "Get up, if you refuse to move, these fine Corporals here will physically drag you the whole route. You have five seconds to get up." as she started the countdown, Kain refused to move so Trianna just signalled Corporals Dawson and Reyes to drag Kain the whole route.
            Kain's protests fell on deaf and unsympathetic ears,
            "I will not be insulted like this, know your place mongrel" was his response.
            "One more word and you will get hurt even further, Corporals, treat this thing like the criminal scum he is" was Trianna's response.
            The Corporals simply grabbed Kain and proceeded to drag him along the road as Kain's protests were ignored.
            The other inmates saw that the NCOs were not messing about and tried to slow down the march, they soon felt the wrath of Trianna as she and Seisa decided to get creative, they increased the weight the inmates had to carry and marched them at rifle point.

            12 hours later, the whole group arrived at base camp and set up their shelters. The inmates were put into a forcefield pen with no shelter from the elements as it began to rain. While the military personnel and cadets were enjoying their meals in their shelters, the inmates were given the blandest and worst tasting food. The whole pen was then lit up by bright light and the military personnel stood guard while the cadets were briefed on the next day's march.
            Isabella now decided to put the pressure on the inmates,
            "You are all guilty, you are scum and this is only the beginning of your ordeal. You will feel nothing but physical pain, sleep deprivation and poor food. Criminal scum like you deserve to be treated like animals so you all will be treated like animals, wealth or privilege will not help you any of you, all this can stop if you all confess your sins. We've got another 100 km to go, those who cannot keep up or refuse to to move and show insubordination will suffer the consequences. Escape is impossible, have a good night."

            The next morning, the camp was packed up after the military personnel and cadets were washed, dressed and fed and the next phase of the march began after water bottles were refilled and rations for the day were issued out. The inmates still tried to make things difficult but Seisa who was put in charge of the inmates scanned each one and unsympathetically had the NCOs march the inmates at rifle point. Any inmates who could not keep up were dragged along, for 12 long hours, the inmates were put through more hell as the group kept the pace up.
            Isabella kept an eye on everyone, any medical emergencies were dealt with my the medics. At camp, everyone was ordered to take their boots and socks off, they obeyed the order and the medics checked everyone's feet. The inmates refused to take any treatment off those of lower social standing, Isabella simply had the NCOs hold the inmates down while the medics got to work treating the injuries.

            That night was miserable for the inmates, penned in by forcefields and under constant watch, they suffered as the rain kept pouring down. Everyone else had it slightly better as they ate their meals and tended to their kit. Isabella then went to see Trianna,
            "Good job you two, you both work as a team and have natural leadership qualities. I want to see those qualities more" said Isabella to Trianna and Seisa.
            "Ma'am" answered both Trianna and Seisa.
            "40 km in two days, how was it?" asked Isabella.
            "I'm not used to these distances, good exercise though" answered Seisa.
            "Yet I see a smile on that face, Seisa, keep up your spirits and have a good sense of humor" advised Isabella.
            "I will ma'am" answered Seisa.
            "Valdez, remember what your dad said to you?" asked Isabella.
            "Keep my chin up and not go off the rails when insulted" answered Trianna.
            "You did the right thing, you did not react to the insult yesterday and left it to the NCOs. I want to see more of that" replied Isabella.
            "Yes ma'am" answered Trianna.
            "You two, come on. Route briefing in 10 minutes" ordered Isabella.
            "Ma'am" chorused Trianna and Seisa.

            The next day's march would be the toughest as the route was planned.
              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
              edited January 2019
              Vulcan (MU red)

              Solat had returned to Vulcan and brought Admiral Lot with her. In her office, Solat got straight to business,
              "Admiral Lot, I'm pulling you off combat duties" said Solat.
              "You need me out on the front, does your logic take that into account?" asked Naynta.
              "You are the sister of the Empress, if you fell into traitor hands, it would be a propaganda coup for them. They would inflict on you horrors worse than what your sister went through with that monster I once called a friend. You understand?" countered Solat.
              "So I'm better off being kept behind the lines, is that it?" asked Naynta.
              "Correct, besides, I have something that suits your talents perfectly" answered Solat.
              "I'm listening" replied Naynta.
              "I'm putting you in charge of psychological operations, I want you to raise a unit who's sole task is to inflict terror and fear on the traitors. You know the rules of engagement, no innocent lives and that includes unborn so standard procedures on dealing with prisoners. Those with child are not to be harmed in any way and detained in secure hospitals" answered Solat.
              "Is that logical?" asked Naynta.
              "It is" answered Solat.
              "I'll need to choose my own teams" replied Naynta.
              "Agreed" answered Solat as she poured two cups of Vulcan spiced tea and passed Naynta a cup.
              "Deal" replied Naynta.
              "You'll answer to me and you will learn to control your tendencies, focus them on the enemies of the Empire purely" answered Solat before she took a sip of her tea.
              "I am going to enjoy this" replied Naynta.
              "You and Cmdr. Pelagia Lot will get quarters here on Vulcan, oh and alcohol is not served anywhere on this planet including from the replicators. Cmdr. T'Pamne will show you to your quarters, so get a good night's sleep because you start tomorrow" answered Solat as she called for her aide.

              Naynta then left for her quest quarters with T'Pamne.

              Betazed (MU yellow)

              The cadets, officers and soldiers had reached their final camp. Greeting them was a squadron of runabouts, everyone was now issued winter uniforms and equipment before they were briefed,
              "We must be able to operate in extreme conditions, we will be spending the next three weeks up in the northern polar caps. It will be extremely cold so pay attention" said Captain Isabella Valdez (yellow) as she handed over the briefing to Medic Dawson who got straight to the point,
              "Where we are going is cold enough for bare skin to freeze, the cold is neutral so remember that. Failure to look after yourselves and each other will result in frostbite and hypothermia then death."
              Medic Dawson then showed the cadets the effects of frostbite and the signs of hypothermia. Everyone paid attention while some even winced at the pictures of frostbite injuries, Medic Dawson then called Seisa up help demonstrate the application and use of thermal blankets. Everyone paid attention including the inmates.

              Everyone then got changed into cold weather uniforms and boarded the runabouts, the runabouts then took off and set course for a Imperial Polar military base. On the journey, the cadets all were checked to make sure their uniforms were on correctly and all equipment double checked. When they got to the base, the cadets were all awed by the sheer scale of the ice and snow, Sgt. Major Dawson then briefed everyone on the wildlife and what to hunt and what to avoid.

              The first thing that hit them once the runabouts' doors opened was the biting cold,
              "Bloody hell, this is cold" commented Cadet Reubin.
              "Please say our accommodation is warm" said Seisa.
              "Please have hot showers" added Trianna.
              "And plenty of hot food" continued Sumner.
              "Still could be worse" joked Seisa.
              "Yep those inmates are going to have it rough" answered Trianna smiling.

              Earth (Prime)

              Ambassador Smith and President Ford were stood in front of the Federation News Service and invited reporters from INN for the treaty signing.
              "Both sides have suffered loss, grief and loss of hope. Today, all that changes, the Terran Empire and United Federation of Planets have both agreed to peace. We will put our differences behind us and work to keep the peace and enforce the treaty. Ambassador Smith, let us end the mistrust and look to a brighter future" said Ford to the peoples of the Federation and Empire before signing the treaty.

              "President Ford, there has been too much loss and grief. The Terran Empire will also look to a brighter future" said Smith before he signed the treaty. Across both the Federation and Terran Empire, news of the treaty spread.
              After all was said and done, President Ford spoke with Smith and his wife,
              "Mrs Smith, a pleasure to meet you" said Ford.
              "President Ford, likewise" replied Mereu.
              "How have you found Earth?" asked Ford.
              "Paradise, the people are polite and respectful" answered Mereu.
              "Good to hear, I look forward to working with your husband on improving relations between our governments" replied Ford as Jakob Smith woke up and started crying.
              "This your son?" asked Ford.
              "He is" answered Mereu.
              "He'll know nothing but peace here, you and Dexter must be proud" replied Ford.
              "We are, he's worth despite all the sleepless nights" answered Mereu.
              "Mrs Smith, may fortune smile on you" replied Ford.
              "Thank you" answered Mereu.

              "I understand there is a civil war raging in the Empire, Dexter, tell your Empress that the Federation can provide humanitarian aid for civilians fleeing the fighting" said Ford to Smith.
              "Thank you President Ford, her majesty will get your offer" replied Smith.
              "Pet or working animal?" asked Ford when he saw Attila.
              "Companion and guard, both" answered Smith.
              "Will he bite?" asked Ford.
              "No, he only acts to protect the pack. Attila, come on boy" answered Smith.
              Attila came up and sat down tail wagging, Ford stroked him and Attila's tail kept wagging as he gave Ford a lick on the hand.
              "He likes you, you're honored" said Smith.

              Post edited by theraven2378 on
                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                edited January 2019
                Betazed (MU yellow)
                The training group had been at the polar base for three weeks.
                The cadets had all done the ice swim, after being warmed up, checked and cleared by the medics, they now watched from inside a building while the inmates had to do the test.
                "Those cadets have more backbone than you do" said Sgt. Major Dawson to the inmates.
                "We will not listen to your orders, you'll have to kill us" said one of the inmates.
                "The empress wants you to confess, give me your confessions or you remain out here. Did I mention there is a blizzard on the way?" replied Sgt. Major Dawson.
                "I confess to using public funds to order the assassination of my political rivals" said one inmate as he looked into the ice hole.
                The other inmates refused to talk and they were pushed into the ice hole and then pulled out, they soon confessed their actions as the group of inmates were put back into their cells in the base.

                The weather then flared up as a blizzard came blasting through, all buildings were locked down and everyone kept inside due to whiteout conditions. Once the storm was over, everyone walked into the base's courtyards and soon an artificial signal was picked up on scanners. Captain Valdez took a team of cadets with her along with a rescue shuttle to the location and soon saw the outline of a Walker class starship in the ice. Recovery was now the order of the day as the crashed ship was thawed out of the ice and the cadets and engineers got to work restoring power.

                Seisa then noticed a pattern in the transporter buffer and called Isabella over to have a look,
                "Is it stable?" asked Isabella.
                "It is ma'am, permission to activate the transporter?" asked Seisa.
                "Valdez to security, I want armed officers here in the transporter room" ordered Isabella.
                Security then took up position as Seisa activated the transporter.
                What appeared took everyone by surprise as an Imperial officer appeared on the transporter pad.
                The security personnel raised their weapons and pointed them at the figure on the pad.
                "My name is Captain Isabella Valdez of the Imperial Starfleet, where I'm from it's considered polite to introduce yourself" said Isabella.
                "Commander Reyes Valdez of the I.S.S. Monroe, where am I?" asked Commander Valdez.
                "You're on Betazed, we discovered this ship buried in the ice" answered Isabella.
                "Your uniforms look different, what century is this and where's Emperor Georgiou and Captain Tilly?" asked Commander Valdez.
                "Judging from the uniform, he's from the mid 23rd Century. 2250s to be exact" said Trianna to Isabella.
                "Mr Valdez, you are no longer in the 23rd Century, you are in the 25th Century, the year is 2413" said Isabella to Commander Valdez.

                "Is my family safe?" asked Commander Valdez.
                "We'll answer all your questions when we get you to a medic" answered Isabella.
                "This may interest the empress, have her people take a look at this ship" suggested Trianna to Isabella.
                "Is this ship flyable?" asked Isabella.
                "The ice has kept everything well preserved, some minor repairs and this ship will fly" answered Sumner.
                "All hands on deck, we're going to get this ship operational" ordered Isabella.
                With that, the cadets and engineers got to work as the Monroe was brought to full power. Once power had been restored after three days, the Monroe activated it's thrusters and began to take off. She eventually arrived over the Regent's palace and landed in a field next to the estate.

                Commander Valdez was given run down of the history he had missed.
                "Commander, how did you end up in the transporter buffer?" asked Seisa to Commander Valdez.
                "We were with the Emperor's fleet, our orders were that we were to conquer the Betazoid people because they were providing aid to rebels trying to overthrow the Empire. We must have taken some damage which forced us down, the rest of the crew tried to march overland to link up with the rest of the invasion force but were never seen again. I put myself into the transporter buffer in the hopes that rescue would get to me, guess it was over 150 years late" answered Commander Valdez, "what will my fate be?" he asked afterwards.

                "Since we cannot send you back to your time, we'll see if the empress can put you to some good use" answered Isabella.
                "I fear facing execution as a deserter" replied Commander Valdez, "I did terrible things in the name of the Empire, Imperial troops had been ambushed and killed by Bajoran terrorists. My orders were to make an example of Bajor so I was put in charge of carrying out reprisals against Bajoran civilians. Those orders came from Emperor Georgiou, orders I did not want to carry out. Hathon was sacked, most of it's citizens put against the walls of their temples and shot, the survivors were then sold into slavery. Once the 50,000 citizens had been made examples of, we razed the city to the ground and it was rebuilt as a Terran city using Bajoran slave labor, those who refused to work were beaten and their families killed in front of them" he said afterwards.
                "Why did you then?" asked Trianna.
                "My family would have been executed by agoniser booth in front of me had I disobeyed the order" answered Commander Valdez.
                "You're a war criminal" said Seisa.
                "Jaye, you picking up remorse and guilt?" asked Trianna to her friend.
                "He's scared, talk about being stuck between a hard place and a rock" answered Seisa
                "Other way round, rock and a hard place" replied Trianna.

                "Speak to the empress, she might understand or she may have you executed as a war criminal. I'll try and arrange a meeting, I'll suggest rehabilitation" answered Isabella.
                "Captain, our fates are our fates, you cannot change what the fates decide" replied Commander Valdez.

                Medic Dawson then noticed something out of place,
                "Ma'am, you and the Commander are related, look at the genomes in both of your DNA" said Medic Dawson.
                "What kind of relation?" asked Isabella.
                "Great, great, great grandfather" answered Medic Dawson.

                Post edited by theraven2378 on
                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                  edited January 2019
                  Betazed (MU yellow)

                  Captain Valdez and Commander Valdez were called in,
                  "The empress will see you both now, Commander, welcome to the 25th Century" said Jasmine Smith-Petrofski.
                  They walked into Heath's office and Isabella bowed,
                  "Commander, and bow" said Isabella.
                  Reyes bowed in respect as he noticed that Heath was Bajoran,
                  "Oh......, I'm a dead man" sighed Reyes.
                  Isabella and Reyes were told to sit down.

                  "Commander Valdez, or should I call you the Butcher of Hathon?" asked Heath.
                  "It was an impossible choice, I was ordered by Emperor Georgiou to make an example of Bajor. Bajoran citizens had ambushed and killed Imperial troops, we stormed Hathon after a two week siege and rounded up all of the citizens. Most of them were put against the temple walls and shot, the rest enslaved. Orders I did not want to follow" answered Reyes.
                  "Why did you carry out those orders if you knew they were wrong? I read the reports of the sack of Hathon, look at the people who's lives you ended" asked Heath passing the PADD over to Reyes.

                  After seeing the full scope of his actions, Reyes felt uneasy as he read the historical report.
                  "I hope that those faces stay with you, all innocent people killed for a crime they did not commit" said Heath
                  "Had I disobeyed, my family would been executed by agoniser booth. I sacrificed 50,000 Bajorans to save five people, I put the few over the many" answered Reyes as the guilt and remorse weighed heavily on him.
                  "Is he being totally honest?" asked Heath to Papela.
                  "He is" answered Papela.
                  "Captain Valdez, I understand that he is an ancestor of yours" said Heath as she read the medical reports from Omega' s medical staff and Doctor Lot's report.
                  "Great, great, great, great grandfather. I advise that he be rehabilitated, 157 years trapped alone in a transporter buffer is punishment enough" answered Isabella.

                  Heath thought about it and after speaking to Papela, she agreed to hear Isabella out,
                  "Ma'am, he was caught between a rock and a hard place. I read the historical records on Emperor Georgiou, she was cruel and ruthless. No one dared to defy her until the Lorca coup of 2257, she was presumed killed when the I.S.S. Charon was lost" said Isabella.
                  "Gabriel was always a viper, I thought he was killed along with his crew on the I.S.S. Buran" replied Reyes.
                  "Apparently not, he crossed over into the prime universe and posed as his Federation counterpart. He fooled everyone until the coup" answered Isabella.
                  "What happened to the Empire?" asked Reyes.
                  "It fell because of the system of oppression, all that brutality came back to haunt the Terrans as they were enslaved and their culture driven underground by the Klingons and Cardassians as what your empire did to other races. You served an oppressive and genocidal regime that put Terrans above all other species, your empire was flawed and self destructive" answered Heath.

                  "I was conscripted, all Terrans then were raised to believe that all other races were sub-human and to be treated like nothing but animals, that was the system" replied Reyes, "we were raised to believe it was humanity's god given right to rule the stars" he said afterwards.

                  "Flawed thinking in my book" said Isabella.
                  "You may be right on that, if I'm to be executed as a war criminal so be it" replied Reyes.
                  "Ma'am, please show leniency and give him a chance to regain his honor" advised Isabella.
                  "Captain, you do not need to put your neck on the chopping block for me" answered Reyes.
                  "Commander, your granddaughter sees the good in people, maybe you should listen to her" advised Heath.
                  "I'm a war criminal, I'm remembered as a butcher. How can I prove to my family's descendants and the people of Bajor that I was wrong to carry to out those orders?" asked Reyes.
                  "Isabella, would you agree on victim of circumstance?" asked Heath.
                  "I would, at the same time, he needs to prove that he's no longer that man" answered Isabella.

                  Post edited by theraven2378 on
                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                    edited January 2019
                    Vulcan (MU red)

                    Admiral Lot had chosen her first target, a rebel base five light years behind the front in Admiral West's sector.
                    "Altair IV, intel picked up a staging ground in the northern hemisphere" said Naynta to Solat.
                    "Any other intel on the target?" asked Solat.
                    "We have confirmation that there are Imperial citizens being detained in labour camps close to the target, any attempt to attack the base will result in civilians being punished for it" answered Naynta.
                    Solat then tapped her communications console and diverted Admiral West's advance to Altair IV,
                    "Plan a raid, your unit is to coordinate with Imperial special forces and cause terror in the rebel ranks. Weaken their morale, go after their supplies, communications and ammunition depots. Admiral West's ground units can liberate the camps while your troops cause as much disruption as possible behind rebel lines" said Solat to Naynta.
                    "As you wish" replied Naynta.
                    Solat then got news through from her commanders and it raised the alarm, rebel forces had evacuated their worlds and protomattered all of them. In one go, three quarters of the Empire's worlds had been stripped of all life with 60% of the Empire's population wiped out. Solat sent the news to Empress Iodokar, the rebels then made their demands,

                    "People of the Terran Empire, your empire is dead. Your empress will only lead you to ruin, any resistance from your loyalists will result in another planet being cleansed of the loyalist taint. We demand the unconditional surrender of all loyalist forces and dissolution of the Terran Empire or more worlds will die. To the Mongrel empress, you will execute your family and hand yourself over for execution or another world dies, you have been warned. We have a lot more devices and will use them. To any other powers, if you attempt to assist loyalist citizens, it will be considered an act of war"

                    Along the Terran/Star Union DMZ, civilians fled across the DMZ looking for safety, convoys was attacked by rebel ships as they crossed over the Star Union side of the border. When Battle Group Scythe picked the weapons fire, they moved to intercept and contain. Aboard the Harbinger, Valdez had seen enough and reported to his government on the scale of the crisis as he rescued survivors. He was soon fired on by rebel ships who had ignored the border, the rebel ships were disabled and their crews detained. Along the Badlands border, refugees crossed over looking to escape the fighting, they were helped by Federation ships on the UFP side of the border who accepted them as refugees. It was the same story in the Bajor system, civilians used the wormhole to cross over to the prime universe to try and escape the fighting and were given refugee status.

                    Rebel ships had however followed them and opened fire on Federation ships attempting to rescue the civilians, the rebels had ignored Federation orders for them to turn back and just opened fire instead. the Federation forces disabled the rebel ships and detained their crews.

                    When Ambassador Smith got the news, he was angry. In a meeting with President Ford and Empress Iodokar who was on subspace, it was decided that these rebels had to be stopped. More Starfleet vessels were deployed to Deep Space Nine while Jodi provided Ford with a list of the traitor ships. Along the Terran/Star Union DMZ, Valdez received permission from his government to open talks with Empress Iodokar. After talks via subspace, Valdez read his government's declaration to the rebels across open channels.
                    "After concluding talks with the empress over the unprovoked rebel attacks on Star Union shipping rendering aid to refugees on our side of the border and use of scorched Earth against their own people, an act that will live in infamy, the Romulan Star Union is officially in a state of war with the Terran rebels. We will aid the loyalist forces and we will hunt down war criminals. If any rebels are listening to this, tick, tock, your time is running out."

                    Betazed (MU yellow)

                    The cadets were back from a week's study leave, they now had to face their final exam. They would be facing the Battle of Antares, they were all briefed and given their objectives,
                    "You will be heavily outnumbered by 10:1 and heavily outgunned, you have to hold the line for 16 hours while a relief force gets to you" said Commander Larenis.
                    "Who's the enemy commander?" asked Seisa.
                    "You'll be facing two, Admiral Naynta Lot and Admiral Nathan Valdez, they are ruthless, they'll try and get into your heads and they will not show any mercy. Know your enemy" answered Larenis.
                    "This will be interesting" sighed Trianna.

                    The cadets all then studied the tactical records of the battle as Larenis gave them the play by play, they now had to refight the battle. Each cadet was put in command of the U.S.S. Los Lobos and left to to fight the battle. It caused mayhem as cadets were tested to their limits. Ten of the remaining twenty cadets failed the exam, Trianna and Seisa were among those who passed the exam by employing an unorthodox tactic of turning their opponents' weapons on each other and knocking out key systems with precision shooting while keeping in their rotating sphere formation. The instructors all agreed that Trianna, Seisa, Sumner, Foster, O'Connor and Riggs were good enough for the special operations squadron.

                    In a ceremony, Heath awarded each cadet who passed the Omega uniform badge and pinned captain's pips on them. Those who had failed were sent back to their original units. The new captains then boarded shuttles and when they saw their ships, they smiled.
                    "We've got the Empress class" said Seisa smiling as she saw the Duarte.
                    "I've got the I.S.S. Teanna, if only my mom was here to see this day" said Trianna.
                    "Where is she?" asked Seisa.
                    "She died a few years ago, knowing mom, she's proud of me" answered Trianna.
                    "That's strength right there" replied Seisa.
                    "The I.S.S. Teanna is named after my mother, seems only fair that her daughter is the captain" answered Trianna as the shuttle landed in the main shuttlebay of the Teanna, after giving Seisa a handshake, she departed the shuttle and wished her friend well before the shuttle door closed and it took off.

                    Trianna was then introduced to her XO,
                    "You've got a lot to prove" said Trianna to Commander Reyes Valdez.
                    "I know, your aunt convinced the empress to give me a chance to regain my honor" replied Reyes.
                    "Let's go for a walk" said Trianna.
                    Trianna and Reyes walked to the command deck of the Teanna and the crew saluted their new captain.
                    "The chair is all yours captain" said Reyes.
                    "I expect absolute honesty from every man and woman on this crew, follow the rules and regulations and you all will have no problems from me. We all good on that?" asked Trianna to the entire crew via internal communications.
                    "Yes ma'am" answered the crew on every deck.
                    "Commander, as my XO, you are to advise me and make sure discipline is enforced" said Trianna to Reyes, "no agony devices are on this ship. Torture is forbidden and if I catch you or hear of you using cruelty to cause fear in the crew, I will have you detained in the cells, you understand?" she asked afterwards.
                    "Best leave discipline to your master of arms" advised Reyes, "that's what my old captain did, he was liberal with the agony booth" he finished with.
                    "I was tortured by my own father using an agony device, that's why agony devices are banned on this ship. I will not subject another person to that horror" replied Trianna.
                    "You remind me of my daughter, Marissa. She was stubborn and once her mind was made up, that was it" answered Reyes.
                    "I'll get you the family records if you want" replied Trianna.
                    "I have a lot to catch up on" answered Reyes.
                    "That you do, Gramps" replied Trianna.
                    "I'm only 32 years old" answered Reyes.
                    "Technically you are 189 year old and still looking young" replied Trianna.
                    "Young lady, not funny" answered Reyes.
                    "You need to loosen up a bit" advised Trianna.
                    "I saw you shoot a deer at 600 yards, who taught you that?" asked Reyes.
                    "I lived in the prime universe for a while, dad taught me how to shoot on hunting trips. Could never understand why my stepmom did not see the funny side of it when she caught us carving up a deer we'd just shot. Nothing went to waste on that" answered Trianna.
                    "As in your father's prime counterpart?" asked Reyes.
                    "Yes indeed, he crossed into another reality to help rescue me and a close friend from my father, cost him the chance to be there when my baby sister was born" answered Trianna.
                    "He's a good man by the sounds of it" replied Reyes.
                    "He is, his last advice to me before the signal to the prime universe was chin up soldier and be positive" answered Trianna.
                    "Good advice" replied Reyes.
                    "I want the crew to see the recording of my ordeal, make them aware of the horrors of agony devices" ordered Trianna.
                    "Ma'am" answered Reyes.
                    "Educate them on the old Empire's flaws, I want the crew aware that we cannot behave like the old empire" ordered Trianna.
                    "Consider it done ma'am" answered Reyes.
                    "Thanks Gramps" replied Trianna.

                    Post edited by theraven2378 on
                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                    • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                      ISS Enteri'Is
                      Delta quadrant (prime universe)

                      Emma looked over the PADD again detailing the alliance intel her 7 ship task group had stolen. They were running out of time to accomplish their mission. Everyday she woke to another sector of space to comb, another nebula to search, another lead dead.

                      It had been nearly a month since the last sit rep came through- she was just waiting for the Empress to call her back into the fight and declare the operation a bust.

                      This morning however the assassin was able to get some much needed moral boost for the crews- ambushing several Kazon ships.

                      Shade retired for 5he night when she was contacted by the bridge. "Ma'am, We found them! The Nightingale reports Multiple intact Romulan Union derelicts, a Molindrian frigate, and a Hierarchy salvage group in her search zone... "

                      "Prepare for combat and gather my ships."

                      "At once!"
                      The imperial craft decloaked after beaming several toxin bombs along with a strike team into the enemy vessel. Despite the considerable capabilities of the Hierarchy subterfuge they were no match for the assassins not when The Empress' Shadow was present.

                      After confirming that there wasn't anything they needed on the ship they destroyed it before looking to their true goal. Already the terrans were figuring out which ships they could take and what weapon systems could be moved to the craft they needed.

                      Emma looked to her senior engeering officer a Asian male code named (Ironically) Sun, she had to admit he was the only terran she knew of capable of eating spicier food than her. And she put ghost pepper slices on her burgers after scorpion sauce. "Science department says it s slightly out of phase so we can't be beamed out and if we tamper with it directly it'll blow up... Blasted Molindrain tech. I want you to try cutting out the whole torpedo tube and try hooking up to that Romulan Valour cruiser. It's one of the few that has engines and it's cloak intact."

                      "That's going to add about 10 hours to our timetable including checking the fire system."

                      "Fine then, keep your people at it. I want this done within 40 hours no more.... We don't need these fully repaired for our plan to work, just enough."

                      Thirty nine hours later the imperials along with, their haphazardly fixed group of Union warbirds transitioned Back To Their Own Universe, and set course for alpha quadrant at slipstream speed.

                      Shade was furious as the updates came through, she was tempted to get figuring out where her leader was but maintained coms blackout with the rest of the empire. As things were she could likely contact Heath for orders.

                      "Still nothing on who's behind all this! Blast it!" She pointed across the bridge, "Get me names, locations, and targets- NOW!"

                      Shade took a breath leaning back into her chair. "Is the program combat ready?"

                      "We have remote control of the Romulan ships weapons upload should finish in- it's done."

                      "Good set course for the Litharia system... By the last report the traitors were using that moon as a command center and research base..... " Shade opened fleet wide from her arm rest.
                      "Fellow loyal servants of the Empire, we are about to engage in what may be the most critical operation of our lives. The very survival of the empire is at stake, if we are detected it is probable that we will be unable to escape alive. Currently the traitors outnumber loyalist sectors and it appears others are joining their cause out of fear... by the reports we just received defeat is inevitable in 5 months at most if this continues. We will ensure that doesn't happen. Today we will do our duty.... We will be delivering death and defeat to the enemies of the empire! We are the ones the empires foes fear to close their eyes. We are what they pray never comes for them.... We are what they check the darkened corners of their own homes for... We are the Imperial Shadows, serving in secrecy without asking for public commendation or recognition aside from our superiors and what they may grant. Today we will drive a poison into our enemy, delivering the first blow that will end this! For the Empire!"

                      "FOR THE EMPIRE!"

                      "That is all, we begin as soon as we arrive." Shade then turned to her science officer. "Is the virus ready?"

                      "Yes- they aren't going to know what hit them."
                      Alpha Quadrant Litharia system Mirror Universe (Red)

                      Emma looked at the moon turned Ecumenopolis- the whole surface a single massive city, making use of the alien technology inside the gas giant it orbited to grow exorbitant amounts of food in a specified agriculture zone, through a whole section of the atmosphere. The Empire had dominated this planet in 2399 and exterminated the inhabitants- having propaganda claim that the old Empire had accomplished this feat to the Imperial populace. It had been excellent for instilling a feeling of manifest destiny.... Now as she stood looking down at planet from just inside the green clouds of the gas giant aptly named Gaia she crossed her arms and gave the order to begin.

                      Immediately the teams aboard every shadow vessel began their work- all at once the warbirds decloaked and began firing at the treasonous ships in orbit of the world of 12.7 billion souls. Plasma beams from five ships ripped through the dock yards, and a plasma artillery shell hit the industrial replicators. The surprised night crews tried to raise the planetary wide shield system the Empire had been studying, and not come close to understanding despite thousands of work hours and the backing of the crown. It was to late- the Molindran torpedo passed the shield just before being intercepted by the supposedly impenetrable barrier, that was quickly encasing the moon. Unknown to any of the shadows however, this was an experimental weapon and quickly phased through the planet using subspace before detonating within the core of the planetary class shield generator. The entire planet shook as the lithosphere cracked apart, a massive dome of fire arching into air the brighter than a sun, vaporising every living cell and building on what had been the dark side of the planet near instantly as chucks of crust were blown off into space. The explosion expanded outwards in a wall of fire burning the atmosphere as it spread thousands of meters into the air and stretched across the horizon, before the shockwave met itself on the other side of the former city. Shade watched in horrified fascination as the light faded, revealing a crater nearly 3000km wide and 500km deep, the mantel began pouring onto the surface creating and ocean of lava, that slowly began to cover the world. If anyone survived that they would have needed to be in very deep bunkers, on the far side.

                      Cyber warfare teams then finished uploading the virus to the rebel Starfleet ships setting a delayed timer of 2 hours at which time the life support system would expose the interior of the sips to the killing embrace of the void. As the cud grace, the shadows synchronized their warp jump out of the system, with the warbirds entering the gas giant before exploding, releasing a few hundred incendiary bombs per ship. This was to cripple any dissenting worlds that didn't have wide spread access to replicators- who relied on this food source. The traitors would need to manage the needs of a starving population, and feeding their crews, along with the fact that this would undoubtedly open up a second front.

                      This was only confirmed onboard the Enteri'Is as the rebels broadcasted distress calls openly on every channel. Screaming that the Romulans had annihilated the planet.

                      Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                      The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                      edited January 2019
                      Terran/Star Union DMZ (MU red)

                      At 0900 hours, Star Union forces crossed the border, aboard the Harbinger, Valdez got the news through of an apparent Union attack on rebel positions in the Litharia system.
                      "What was the nature of that world?" asked Valdez to Nydon.
                      "It was a prison world, according to Imperial records it had a population of 12.7 billion souls. All violent psychpaths and other extreme criminals" answered Nydon passing the Valdez the reports on the world and lists of crimes.
                      "People who are too dangerous to be allowed to live in society, they won't be missed. The type of people the enemy would employ. This works in our favour" replied Valdez.
                      "Permission to launch drones?" asked Nydon.
                      "Granted, disguise them and scout our advance" replied Valdez.

                      The drones were then launched as reports came in of Imperial loyalists engaging rebel forces in the Alteru system.
                      "Set a course for the Typhen system, let's spoil the rebels' day and help the loyalists by removing this rebel base" ordered Valdez.
                      Battle Group Scythe then engaged their cloaks and jumped to warp, they arrived on target four hours later deployed their intel drones. The drones picked up ships and a starbase in orbit of the third planet, a recently protomattered world after confirming that they were rebel ships by noting the lack of Imperial iconography on the hulls, Scythe formed into their attack groups and crept towards the base and fleet. For the rebel forces in orbit, it was the calm before the storm as they maintained their positions. At 1500 hours, all hell broke loose as warbirds decloaked and opened a hail of plasma fire into the surprised rebel ships.

                      This was just the beginning as Star Union forces now appeared behind the defenders and opened fire on the rebels from behind. above and below. Once the rebel shields were dealt with, Valdez ordered that every female be transported off as insurance against innocent lives being lost. The order was carried out as the rebels tried to break out of the ambush, Valdez ordered his flanking forces to open a hole in their line towards the starbase, the rebels saw the gap and raced to the starbase.

                      Valdez just smiled as he redeployed his Crusaders to lock onto the starbase shield generators and opened fire. The shield began to collapse uunder the weight of artillery fire, Valdez then had all females transported off the starbase as his destroyers finished disabling the rebel fleet and starbase defences. With the rebel fleet and starbase neutralised, Valdez now decided to start questioning the prisoners.

                      In the cells, Valdez pulled up a screen and picked out the highest ranking prisoner,
                      "The lives of your compatriots are on the line, their fate is determined on your cooperation" said Valdez to Captain Denise Graves.
                      "You don't have it in you" answered Graves.
                      "Bridge, prepare the weapon" ordered Valdez via his coms terminal, "Captain, you have 12 minutes to cooperate and answer all questions or your compatriots die" he said afterwards.
                      "You're bluffing" answered Graves.
                      "Am I?" asked Valdez as he put the thalaron countdown on audio in the room, "tick, tock, you're got ten minutes" he said afterwards.
                      "I will not betray the cause" replied Graves.
                      "Eight minutes" answered Valdez.
                      "No honor is killing those who cannot fight back" replied Graves.
                      "The same can be said of your compatriots, you are a party to genocide and by the way, you have six minutes" answered Valdez, "You're hiding something, the fact that you are beginning to sweat gives all that away" he said afterwards.
                      "You'll get nothing from me" replied Graves.
                      "Four minutes" answered Valdez.
                      "You'll have to kill me" replied Graves as she still refused to cooperate.
                      "Two minutes" answered Valdez as he increased the pressure.
                      "You are a coward" replied Graves as the monitor was activated and the countdown finished.
                      "Last chance, start talking and the answers better be good" answered Valdez.
                      Graves just spat at him,
                      "Bridge, fire" ordered Valdez via coms terminal.

                      The rebel fleet and starbase was soon enveloped by a green light as thalaron energy overwhelmed the rebel fleet and starbase, the rebel prisoners aboard the Star Union vessels were forced to bear witness to it.
                      Graves broke there and then,
                      "I'll give you everything" she said as fear took over and she told Valdez the access codes to the rebel computers. Trianna (yellow) get to work and was soon into the rebel records and fleet dispositions.

                      That intel was soon secured and Scythe left as quietly as they arrived. When loyalist forces got to the system six hours later, all they saw was an intact starbase and ships but no life signs, all computers had been wiped leaving no clue to who had attacked. The rebels now began to talk of a ghost fleet that appeared and disappeared leaving nothing alive in orbit.
                      Scythe was just getting started, they were now planning their next raid.

                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                        edited January 2019
                        I.S.S. Teanna, Betazed orbit (MU yellow)

                        Aboard the the I.S.S. Teanna, it was business as usual with Captain Trianna Valdez (red) finishing her paperwork in her office,
                        "Ma'am, the duty rosters you requested" said Commander Reyes Valdez.
                        "Excellent, keep the rosters as they are for now" answered Trianna.
                        "I'd recommend increasing the number of tactical drills to four a day" replied Reyes.
                        "Keep the crew sharp, schedule the first one for 1300 hours" answered Trianna.
                        "Ma'am" replied Reyes.
                        "What are we like on provisions?" asked Trianna.
                        "The last of the provisions is being transferred as we speak, Mr Deylar has also been looking at ways of increasing hydroponics production and is requesting more growth units and lights" answered Reyes.
                        "It's smart, there maybe times that we may be on low power and replicators are unavailable. Fresh produce would lessen reliance on the replicators" replied Trianna.
                        "Last thing, your new computer warfare officer has arrived. A Mr Emden" answered Reyes.
                        "Send him in" replied Trianna.
                        "Ma'am" answered Reyes as Emden was called in.
                        "Mr Emden, welcome aboard the Teanna, have a seat" said Trianna.
                        "Captain, my transfer from the Imperial academy" replied Emden passing Trianna the PADD.
                        "Ensign, learn to relax. You have a first name?" asked Trianna.
                        "Peter, captain" answered Emden.
                        "Where are you from?" asked Trianna.
                        "Munich, Germany" answered Emden.
                        "Mr Emden, the academy instructors rated you very highly in your field. What I am looking for is creative out of the box thinking" replied Trianna.
                        "Ma'am, I will do my best" answered Emden.
                        "I want to see you being positive, Peter, welcome to the crew. My XO will show you to your station" replied Trianna.
                        "I will not let you down" answered Emden.
                        "I'll hold you to that, dismissed, Mr Emden" replied Trianna.

                        Emden then saluted Trianna and left for his station with Reyes.

                        RDW Harbinger, Teneebia Sector (MU red)

                        Battle Group Scythe had cut a path of destruction through rebel forces, among loyalist crews and rebels alike, talk of a "Ghost Fleet" was widespread. For the loyalists, it was a morale raiser and for the rebels, it meant dread. Aboard the Harbinger, Valdez was reviewing the captured rebel logs. What he read was enough to cause concern, rebel forces were planning a push on Delta Volanis with the intention of massing their fleets for a push on Terra, Vulcan and Andoria. Battle Group Scythe immediately set course for Delta Volanis.

                        When they got to Delta Volanis, Scythe encountered several Imperial worlds under siege as the loyalist fleets in orbit were being wore down by the rebels' numerical superiority. Valdez immediately took action and deployed his fleet ready for combat, after identifying friend from foe, he gave the signal for the fleet to advance.

                        Scythe split it's force into three, Valdez led from the right flank, Chevalier Turell on the left and Chevalier Soral in the centre. They then attacked catching the rebels by surprise. First the coms were jammed to prevent any call for help while each rebel squadron was disabled, all female crews beamed off and the ships' life support systems disabled. The rebel survivors attempted to flee in escape pods and shuttles but were rounded up by Scythe and the loyalists, the loyalists then thanked Valdez for the assist before Scythe cloaked and disappeared.

                        The rebel offensive on the core worlds had been smashed as Valdez got a signal to meet with the Empress at Vulcan. Once at Vulcan, three hours later, Valdez handed over to Empress Iodokar all captured intel and prisoners after bowing in respect.
                        "This Ghost Fleet my crews keep talking about, from what I've heard, it's striking fear in the rebels" said Jodi.
                        "Where it appears, rebels die. Rebel transmissions indicate that several rebel bases have been neutralised by a force that disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. No clues to who the attacker was, an incident in Delta Volanis, loyalist forces report the Ghost Fleet arriving and dealing death to the rebels before disappearing" reported Admiral Lot.

                        "They sowed the wind and now they are reaping the whirlwind" said Valdez.
                        "Thank you to your government for their support" replied Jodi.
                        "Majesty, we only intervened after they attacked us on our side of the border while we were rendering aid to refugees. We wanted to stay neutral but they forced our hand, the Empire is not alone in stopping these people" answered Valdez.
                        "So you are commander of the Ghost Fleet?" asked Jodi.
                        "I am, my mission is to assist loyalist forces and keep the pressure off them" answered Valdez.
                        "You'll be working with Admiral Lot, cause fear and terror in the hearts of the rebels. Give them no rest, these are the bases I want neutralising, Grand Admiral Solat can answer your questions" replied Jodi passing Valdez a list of targets.
                        "I'll have my recon drones take a look, how strategically important are these locations?" asked Valdez.
                        "They dominate all routes to and from the core worlds" answered Solat.

                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                          edited January 2019
                          Vulcan (MU red)

                          Star Commander Nathan Valdez and Admiral Lot got down to planning their first joint strike,
                          "We need to clear the flanks of our main attack forces, I propose we start here at Atrius Prime" said Naynta bringing up a map of the system.
                          "Civilian population?" asked Valdez.
                          "The world was protomattered, all 11.2 billion men, women and children wiped out in an instance. They've since reoccupied the world and dug in using the old imperial defences" answered Naynta.
                          "Expected casualties from a planetary assault?" asked Valdez.
                          "Army command has forecast 150,000 KIA, WIA and MIA among loyalist troops" answered Naynta.
                          "Unacceptable losses, we need to clear the space around the planet and secure this starbase here, with a base of operations here, we can use it as a jumping off point for future attacks" replied Valdez as he isolated the starbase's position.
                          "Which means drawing the defending fleet away, what have the drones and recon scouts picked up?" asked Naynta.
                          "40 ships are protecting the starbase, the starbase itself has defensive weapon arrays and torpedo launchers. Those installations we need to knock out first" answered Valdez.
                          "What about a cyber-attack?" asked Naynta, "we shut down the starbase defences remotely by computer virus" she said afterwards.
                          "I can ask Anna to come up with something creative on that front" answered Valdez.
                          "Once the starbase defences go down, we transport kill teams to secure the command and control centres then vent the rebel occupied sections into space. We can then turn the station defences on the rebel fleet in orbit" suggested Naynta.
                          "Simplify it, too many things can go wrong with an overly complex plan. As Helmut von Molke once said on Earth, no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy" replied Valdez.
                          "Any chance we can draw the fleet to edge of the system?" asked Naynta.
                          "Possible, we need something to draw the rebels out of their fortress" answered Valdez.
                          "Well they are after my family, you are looking at the bait" replied Naynta.
                          "No chance, if you fell into enemy hands, I dread to think the horrors they would inflict on you" answered Valdez.
                          "After what your counterpart did to Kestrella, I would well believe it" replied Naynta.
                          "You see the point, delegate a trusted officer" answered Valdez.
                          "I'd rather be there to make sure things go to plan" replied Naynta.
                          "Your safety is far more important" answered Valdez.
                          "Compromise, you lead the field operation while I direct from here" suggested Naynta.
                          "That's better, besides, your sisters scare me a bit. Your late mother, god rest her soul, was once an enemy. We both saw the need to bury that hatchet and I have had and still have the utmost respect for her, if your mother was here now, what would she say?" asked Valdez.
                          "Her daughters' safety is far more important and that I should not needlessly risk myself" answered Naynta.
                          "And your late mother would be correct" replied Valdez.
                          "Had you been someone else, I would have killed you for bringing mother up. Since you are a good man and an ally, I'll let it go, don't bring mother up again please" answered Naynta.
                          "You have my word" replied Valdez.
                          "Thanks, I'd offer to take you for a drink but there is literally no alcohol on this planet" said Naynta.
                          "I can arrange for some Romulan ale to be beamed down" replied Valdez.
                          "Just don't tell Solat" joked Naynta.
                          "Vulcans and alcohol do not mix" answered Valdez laughing.
                          "Vulcans don't have a sense of humor" replied Naynta.
                          "They do, trust me on that" answered Valdez.

                          "Commander, it's time to put the fear of god into the rebels. Break their spirits" said Naynta.
                          "Oh I intend to" replied Valdez, "Operation Judgement is a go" he said afterwards.
                          "Good hunting" answered Nanyta before Valdez beamed up to the Harbinger.

                          Battle Group Scythe linked up with loyalist forces and set course for Atrius Prime. Leading the recon squadron was Seisa (red) who flew ahead of the main fleet and relayed intel to the fleet on enemy movements in preparation for the assault.

                            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                            edited January 2019
                            I.S.S. Teanna, Betazed Sector (MU yellow)

                            On the command deck of the I.S.S. Teanna, Captain Trianna Valdez (red) was checking a convoy route. Orion and Nausicaan pirates had been preying on Imperial shipping, Battle Fleet Omega had been assigned the mission of neutralising their bases.
                            "Convoy duty, somethings never change" joked Commander Reyes Valdez.
                            "At least we're not with the convoy, I want to test these engines" replied Trianna smiling.
                            "Ma'am, picking up Orion signatures near the Draylon system" reported Lt. Voss.
                            "I want the distance and bearing put up on the viewscreen" ordered Trianna.
                            Voss transferred the data and Trianna carefully studied the location of each signature,
                            "Number one, you faced Orions during the 23rd century, is this normal behaviour for them?" asked Trianna.
                            "It is, once a convoy is forced to drop out of warp to navigate the system, they will converge on the convoy from all sides" answered Reyes.
                            "Which means that there is a base nearby, Voss, expand the search pattern and look for anything unusual" ordered Trianna.
                            "Expanding search now ma'am" reported Voss as the map was enlarged.
                            "There's an old abandoned Imperial starbase in the Draylon debris field, computer, match up all possible routes through the system" ordered Trianna, "Interesting, the convoy route passes near these two openings here. I want probes launched to cover every point in and out of that system" she ordered afterwards.
                            "Probes away, we have telemetry" reported Lt. Cmdr Hawke.
                            Restore viewscreen" ordered Trianna.
                            The viewscreen was restored and Trianna sent what information she had gathered back to the main fleet.
                            "Ma'am, we're picking up chatter on Syndicate coms channels. They are massing a large raiding force to intercept the convoy at Draylon" reported Ensign Emden.
                            "Jaye, you picking up radio chatter?" asked Trianna to Seisa (yellow) via secure subspace.
                            "Large raiding force massing to hit the convoy, we hear them" answered Seisa.
                            "Have you reported it in?" asked Trianna.
                            "Admiral Dawson has received the intercepted communications" answered Seisa.
                            "I've just reported it in as well" replied Trianna.
                            "Copy that, Seisa out" answered Seisa and the channel shut off.
                            "I'll be in my ready room" said Trianna before she left for her ready room.

                            10 minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Ensign Emden was let in,
                            "Ma'am, you got a minute?" asked Emden.
                            "I'll always make time for my crew, something is on your mind" answered Trianna, "have a seat" she said afterwards.
                            Emden sat down and admitted he was finding things difficult,
                            "Ma'am, this is my first time away from home. I did not know it would be this tough being away from my parents and three brothers" he said.
                            "When we put this uniform on, we have to sacrifice spending time with our loved ones no matter how painful it is. It comes with the uniform, I miss my family and friends everyday but it's a necessary sacrifice each and every man and woman in uniform must make. We are protectors and guardian angels for the people of the empire, something way bigger than our families and friends. My dad once told me that there comes a moment in our lives when we must make that first step into the unknown, chin up soldier and be positive. That photo you have of your parents and brothers, keep it in your jacket pocket for when times get tough. Make them proud that you are serving a much greater purpose" advised Trianna.

                            "Ma'am, how do you cope being away from family and friends?" asked Emden.
                            "By focusing on my duty, it's difficult but we all have to adapt and deal with it. That is the nature of our job as soldiers" answered Trianna.
                            "I hung around with the wrong crowd growing up, I joined Starfleet to escape that. I was in trouble with the police and horrible to my parents, if only I could take that back" replied Emden.
                            "Then consider this a rebirth of sort, use the time in uniform to become a better person. You have the potential to be someone who can get far, you just have to apply yourself" answered Trianna.
                            "I will avoid running from my past, I must aim for the future" replied Emden.
                            "That's the spirit, Peter, remember, be positive and use your talents well" answered Trianna.
                            "Thank you ma'am, I will take that to heart" replied Emden.
                            "Good man, back to your station, you're dismissed" said Trianna.
                            "Ma'am" answered Emden before he got up, saluted Trianna and returned to his station.

                            Post edited by theraven2378 on
                              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                              edited January 2019
                              Atrius System (MU red)

                              It was a quiet morning at the Atrius Prime starbase, rebel ships were patrolling the perimeter of their defences. They soon detected the loyalist fleet arrive in system. From a holographic transmitter, Admiral Lot was stood on the bridge of the Harbinger, she then made her point clear,
                              "To all you rebel scum, your hours are numbered. We will not be taking any prisoners so expect no quarter, my fleet is waiting for, you want to go after my family, I'm in my fleet. Have a nice day" said Naynta across all rebel channels before a computer virus took down the rebel communications and defence systems.
                              "They've taken the bait" reported Nydon, "they're advancing to what they believe is a much smaller force."
                              "I've cloaked most of my ships, move on the starbase" advised Naynta.
                              "Take the fleet into range and launch the boarding torpedoes at the starbase, assault troops, load up" ordered Valdez.
                              "Boarding torpedoes ready for launch" reported Nydon.
                              "Fleet in range?" asked Valdez.
                              "We are, we've just knocked out the shields" answered Nydon.
                              "Command and control, environmental control, power, generator and the command computer cores are the areas that need to be secured, it's a case of securing them and sealing them, any area not under our control can be vented. It's just a case of repressurising and taking control of the station, Tunnel Rats and Jem'Hadar, god help anything that gets in their way" suggested Naynta.
                              "Tactical, those locked in?" asked Valdez.
                              "They are" reported Suvrell.
                              "All ships, fire the boarding torpedoes" ordered Valdez.
                              Across the entire rear of the enemy lines, Scythe decloaked and fired a full volley of boarding torpedoes at the Atrius Prime starbase. All made it to their targets and proceeded to their objectives, the Tunnel rats moving by jefferies tube and the Jem'Hadar clearing the corridors.

                              In orbit, Valdez and Naynta were both pleased with how quickly sections were being cleared,
                              "Impressive troops, the co-ordination between our troops is excellent" commented Naynta.
                              "We're receiving a signal, objectives secure from all teams. They're ready to vent" reported Trianna (yellow).
                              "The rebel garrison is moving on our positions" reported Nydon.
                              "Vent the station" ordered Naynta to the assault teams.
                              "Station vented, we are all here" reported each team leader, "pressurising station now" they finished their report with.
                              "I have some engineers have a look at the starbase later.

                              "All ships, wheel round and move on the enemy flanks and rear, it's time to stir the Witch's Cauldron" ordered Valdez.
                              Scythe then swung round and moved on the rebel flanks and rear cloaked.

                              On the Loyalist front, Naynta had sprung her trap and decloaked the rest of her ships, directing the battle from Vulcan. Naynta then linked up with Scythe as it decloaked and opened fire on the rebels, Harbinger ripped apart six rebel ships as she opened with forward weapons, all allied ships now interlinked their fields of fire, after grabbing some survivors for interrogation, Valdez let Naynta give the order.
                              "Witch's Cauldron" ordered Naynta to all ships.
                              The allied fleet now fired everything they had at the trapped rebels, the prisoners being forced to watch as each rebel ship was torn apart one by one, not even shuttles and escape pods were spared.
                              Naynta's fleet then reoccupied the starbase and began repairs, after picking up the Tunnel Rats and Jem'Hadar, Scythe just cloaked and set course for Vulcan to repair his ships.

                              24 hours later on Vulcan, Valdez handed the prisoners over to Empress Iodokar.
                              "Since I am not a monster, you all will be detained in a secure hospital until you go full term. After that, your child will be put up for adoption and you will sentenced to execution" said Jodi to one group who were taken away.
                              The rest were sentenced by execution which Jodi carried out immediately.
                              "You seem unsettled" said Jodi afterwards to Valdez.
                              "They were no longer my problem, there is something called due process" replied Valdez.
                              "You have a strong moral code, these people murdered billions with no mercy shown. You need to put aside that moral code, here, chivalry is dead" advised Jodi.
                              "I know when to look the other way" replied Valdez.
                              "Then we are in agreement" answered Jodi.
                              "Agreed, war is hell" replied Valdez.
                              "Then give the rebels hell, excellent result at Atrius Prime. Admiral Lot gave me the full report" answered Jodi.
                              "Never knew what hit them, the best way. Admiral Lot is excellent on her planning, she wanted to come along but I told her that her safety was far more important so we came up with a workaround" replied Valdez.
                              "That's why Naynta was asking for a holo-communication hub" answered Jodi.
                              "Anna patched her into the bridge holo-emitter on my bridge. Admiral Lot is a talented officer, she did an excellent job" replied Valdez, "I must commend your troops, I have not seen that level of courage in a long time, not since the Dominion War" he finished with.
                              "Thank you, I'll make sure the troops get that message" said Jodi.
                              "I believe I owe Admiral Lot a drink, she'll have a few bottles of Romulan ale sent to her as a thank you" replied Valdez.
                              "It's time to "reunite" the hammers of Betazed, you two work well together" answered Jodi.
                              "I may not like your sister's methods but they are effective, you'll have no complaint from me" replied Valdez.

                              Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                edited January 2019
                                Vulcan (MU red)

                                Star Commander Nathan Valdez had been given permission to rest his crews on Vulcan, he made sure that all were aware that they were guests so they had to be on best behaviour at all times,
                                "Imperial law and Vulcan traditions must be respected at all times and if there is any trouble, I will personally deal with the culprit if they are are Star Union navy. Any of you cause trouble, the culprit will be grounded aboard ship with all shore leave privileges revoked."
                                "Yes sir!" chorused the crews.
                                "I've asked a lot of you all, you've all earned this, 24 hours shore leave so make the most of it" said Valdez before seeing the non-essential crew off.
                                "Rick, stick with me, you are not used to how things are over here" said Trianna (yellow).
                                "I'm staying aboard ship, might use this time to get some studying done for my medical school application exam" replied Rick Dawson (prime).
                                "You need some time off away from studying, we'll be at the Regent's palace so there will be plenty of things to do while dad is in his meeting" answered Trianna (yellow).
                                "You win, I'll take some time off" replied Rick.

                                Later in the Regent's Palace mess hall, the soldiers all cheered when Solat had released the lock out on alcohol. Trianna (yellow) bought Rick a drink and told him.
                                "You need to learn to relax, something is on your mind. It's about Oreada isn't it?" asked Trianna (yellow)
                                "I miss her, once we get back home, I'm going to ask her about us two getting our own place together" replied Rick.
                                "You're both 18 and old enough to make your own choices, all Oreada asked was that you sort your head out and learn some responsibility. You listened, you're no longer a boy, you're an adult so you have to act responsibly especially around the little ones" advised Trianna (yellow).
                                "Thanks Anna" replied Rick.
                                "That's what family does" answered Trianna (yellow) when Valdez and Admiral Lot walked in along with an Imperial officer and took three seats at the same table Rick and Trianna (yellow) were at.
                                "Anna, meet your new partner, Jaye Seisa" said Valdez.
                                "How would you two feel about having fun with the rebel computer net?" asked Naynta to Trianna (yellow) and Seisa (red).
                                "What kind of fun, the rerouting of safety subroutines or just plain haywire?" asked Seisa.
                                "Be creative" answered Naynta.
                                "I can write a computer virus to give us a back door in" said Trianna (yellow).
                                "I can write the subroutine program, could it be patched into the virus to activate as soon as the target computer is infected?" asked Seisa.
                                "A two part program" answered Trianna (yellow).
                                "Fun for us and not fun for the rebels" replied Seisa.
                                "I like how you think" answered Trianna (yellow).
                                "This may require many cups of tea" replied Seisa.
                                "Let's get started" answered Trianna (yellow).

                                "God help the enemy" commented Rick.
                                "Indeed Mr Dawson" replied Naynta.
                                "I may not understand how things work over here but I'm learning" answered Rick.

                                Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,151 Arc User


                                  Thank you for the Typhoon!
                                • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                  Yes please
                                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                    edited January 2019
                                    Vulcan (MU red)

                                    Admiral Lot and Star Commander Valdez were looking over the intel reports with Empress Iodokar and Grand Admiral Solat,
                                    "Interesting, they have not wiped out all their worlds" commented Naynta.
                                    "They would be stupid to, they've only spared those they can use to support their war effort" replied Valdez.
                                    "Judging from the recent transmissions we've intercepted and from recon drone data, those worlds who did not surrender were wiped out, those who surrendered or joined them out of fear have been spared" answered Naynta.
                                    "It makes sense from what we have gathered, what is the best way to force a surrender?" asked Valdez.
                                    "By scaring them into surrender out of fear" answered Naynta.
                                    "They only wipe out those worlds who do not surrender, they spare those that surrender to them or join them out of fear. They have a pattern" replied Valdez, "The ancient Mongols on Earth used terror to conquer the largest continuous land empire in Human history, every city that refused to surrender to them was razed to the ground after the inhabitants were massacred. Those cities who surrendered without a fight were spared" he said afterwards.
                                    "The people of the empire rejected the old ways, most of our worlds are now just dead rocks because they refused to surrender to these animals" answered Naynta.
                                    "We need to liberate the intact worlds" replied Valdez.
                                    "They'll just protomatter them to spite us" answered Naynta.

                                    "Then we need to find and safely dispose of these weapons before we can proceed" said Jodi.
                                    "With the fact that we are outgunned and outnumbered by 10:1, we need to look at the reality of the situation. We are five months away from defeat, logic tells us that we will be ground down if we are on the defensive" advised Solat.
                                    "And we cannot go onto the offensive outnumbered and outgunned" replied Jodi.
                                    "Defeat in detail" said Valdez.
                                    "Commander?" asked Jodi.
                                    "We achieve local numerical superiority at weak points in the rebel lines and concentrate our forces, we then punch through and isolate each rebel fleet away from the others and wipe them out" said Naynta, "in effect defeat in detail of the rebel forces" she said afterwards.
                                    "Admiral Lot makes a lot of sense, we have a timetable so we have to win this war in less than five months" said Valdez.
                                    "Their logic is sound" advised Solat to Jodi.
                                    "How are we on the Operation Haywire front?" asked Jodi.
                                    "Lt Valdez and Inquisitor Seisa are working on a program as we speak, they asked if they could test some computer terminals somewhere outside and safe" answered Naynta.
                                    "How long can they have a test program ready?" asked Jodi.
                                    "Three days" answered Valdez, "what we need is someone who knows how to overload computer terminals" he said afterwards.

                                    "Who?" asked Jodi.
                                    "Leck" answered Valdez.
                                    "Commander, that man is a criminal" replied Jodi.
                                    "With some useful talents" answered Valdez.
                                    "He's in prison on Ferenginar" replied Jodi.
                                    "We could buy his contract, A contract is a contract...." answered Valdez.
                                    "But only between Ferengi" finished Jodi.
                                    "Rule of Acquisition number 17" replied Valdez.
                                    "I can contact the Nagus" answered Jodi.
                                    "The Ferengi may know something about protomatter devices being moved" advised Valdez.
                                    "Rule of Acquisition number 97, every man has his price" replied Jodi.
                                    "That's a good one" answered Valdez.
                                    "Yes indeed, Mr Valdez" replied Jodi.

                                    Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                      edited January 2019
                                      thay8472 wrote: »



                                      Time to start grinding lobi for the uniform and sword.
                                      Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                        edited January 2019
                                        thay8472 wrote: »



                                        Shame they are lobi only
                                        Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                        • galattgalatt Member Posts: 708 Arc User
                                          Bajor Red
                                          The area around the wormhole was packed with ships. The near constant flow of ships transporting those who wished to emigrate to the other universe had made Bajor the busiest transportation hub in the Empire for the past few weeks.
                                          However the outward flow was temporarily halted as several ships came out.
                                          Those gathered there were in shock as they recognized the marking of the Imperial flagship and its escorts.
                                          The reporters there to cover the migration were surprised to be summoned aboard by the Empress herself.
                                          The were escorted to the throne room and found her sitting there smiling.
                                          “Forgive the sudden intrusion to your routine,” she apologized. “But I have announcement to make. And since it concerns the future of the universe here, I thought it would be best to do it here.”
                                          Transmissions were made and resources were scrambled to set up the live broadcast. The field reporters were both nervous yet surprised that the Empress kept apologizing for interrupting their routine.
                                          “Perhaps this will help boost your careers,” she suggested. “I will answer questions later.”
                                          As news of the impending announcement spread the flow of ships through the wormhole slowed as those gathered wanted to hear.
                                          At last they received word that things were ready.

                                          “This is INN. We interrupt our regular programming to bring you a special message from the Empress. We take you now to the Imperial flagship near Bajor.”

                                          Across both Empires, her face appeared on almost all screens.
                                          “Citizens of the Red Empire. I address you for the final time as your Empress.”
                                          The shocked gasps from the reporters there was audible, she smiled and continued.
                                          “I was going to wait until after the migration had finished to make this announcement, but why wait and drag things out. I have done my best for you, but I have reached the limit of what I can do for you. You need a leader that can take you to the next phase of growth and prosperity, and that is not me.”
                                          She rose from her chair and stepped forward. She removed the intertwined red and yellow circlet the composed her crown and separated them into their separate parts. She placed the yellow one back on her head while holding up the red in her hand up to the camera.
                                          “I have worn both of these with honor. But this belongs to your new ruler. And it is my honor to bestow this upon them.”
                                          To the left of them a door opened.
                                          There were even more gasps as the person walked in. The statuesque brunette walked up to her smiling.
                                          Layress return the smile and reached up to placed the red crown upon her head.
                                          “I give you the Red Empress. All hail Empress Idokar.”
                                          “ALL HAIL EMPRESS IDOKAR!”

                                          “This is INN. Empress Layress has just named Regent Jodi Idokar of Betazed to succeed her as Empress of the Red Empire. The new Empress is about to speak.”

                                          “My fellow citizens. I look forward to leading you in to a glorious new future. My predecessor had many good ideas, and it would be foolish to undo what works. However, Empress Sunshine and Rainbows here was unwilling at times to deal decisively and permanently with our enemies. I am not. If you obstruct my will for your own selfish reasons, I will kill you. If you injure or threaten the lives of our citizens, I will kill you.
                                          Stand in our way, and I will kill you.”
                                          She smiled.
                                          “Long live the Empire.”

                                          Gamma Quadrant red

                                          “What do you think?”
                                          “I’ll be damned if I stay here under the command of that lunatic.”
                                          “They say she’s gotten better.”
                                          “This will just embolden her sister to act up even more.”
                                          “So what do we do?”
                                          Captain Heath looked at her first officer.
                                          “How do you feel about relocating?”
                                        • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                                          Vulcan (MU)

                                          Shade knelt before the Empress her head low. "The mission, as you know was a complete success your excellency.... The Romulan Union has entered the fight."

                                          "Your crew deserves commendation not only for their actions to safeguard the Empire, but then deceiving them about the number of convicts on Litharia… Tell me does the billions of civilian lives bother you Ms. Roy?"

                                          "The Shadows are weapons to be wielded as you see fit my Empress...." Shade began carefully. "I find the actions regrettable, but I understand the necessity."
                                          Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                                          The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                                        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                          edited January 2019
                                          Vulcan (MU red)

                                          Star Commander Valdez was in a planning meeting with Empress Iodokar, Admiral Lot, Grand Admiral Solat and Kestrella Lot.
                                          "Operation Dracula, the liberation of our worlds" said Naynta bringing up a star map of the front lines.
                                          "Why Operation Dracula?" asked Kestrella.
                                          "Vlad Tepes, Prince of Wallachia. He used night ambushes, cross border raids and guerrilla warfare on Ancient Earth to put the fear of god into the hearts of his enemies. He was brutal yet brilliant, Dracula was a name attributed to him though history remembers him as Vlad the Impaler for his methods of execution of his enemies. Naynta, please don't get any ideas" answered Valdez.
                                          "Little old me?" joked Naynta.
                                          "That name should strike fear into rebel hearts" said Kestrella.
                                          "Operation Dracula is a three pronged assault on the rebel lines, Star Union forces are to cover the loyalist flanks widen any gaps we smash though and then proceed to take down rebel bases and supply lines. Once Operation Haywire shuts down enemy communications, loyalist forces will smash a hole in enemy lines then fan out to encircle each rebel fleet and neutralise them, once front line rebel fleets have been dealt with, we race through and system hop our way across rebel space. We know that they are using citizens as slave labor for their war effort, those worlds must be liberated" said Naynta in her briefing.

                                          "The rebels may also be press ganging citizens into fighting for them with no choice, prisoners have confirmed that if a draftee refuses to join the rebel cause, their families are killed or left to starve. Go after the ringleaders and war criminals, those who were forced into rebel service against their will should be given a chance to regain their honor by helping us. They should not be punished for being press ganged without a choice, those who have willingly committed war crimes are the ones who should be punished" pointed out Valdez.

                                          "Jodi, he has a valid point. Show mercy to those who were forced to fight against their will" said Kestrella to Jodi.
                                          "Majesty, they're victims as much as the billions killed by those rebels who willingly carried out war crimes" advised Valdez, "you once told me that chivalry is dead, encourage the rebel crews to seize control of their vessels and hand over all war criminals to us. If you spare the crews' lives then they are more helpful, offer them a choice, cooperation in exchange for amnesty" he said afterwards.

                                          "It may induce rebels to consider surrender. From captured communication intercepts and prisoner questioning, we have found a weakness in the rebel strength. They are using violence and agony devices to keep their crews in line, morale is beginning to break down in the rebel ranks" advised Solat, "they expected this to be over in a matter of days and we are still here fighting them" she said afterwards.
                                          "Then we hit them where it hurts, train and arm resistance groups to provide intel and sabotage rebel installations and use our special forces to sow further confusion" suggested Naynta.
                                          "Which will tie down rebel resources and ships thus weakening their front lines" said Valdez.

                                          Meanwhile, Trianna (yellow) and Seisa (red) were testing their program,
                                          "How much power?" asked Trianna
                                          "Increase power to 50%" answered Seisa as she finished installing her subroutine program remotely
                                          "Increasing power by 50%" replied Trianna, the console sparked but did not blow up.
                                          "Needs more juice" answered Seisa.
                                          "Increasing power to 70%" replied Trianna, the console blew out but did not send debris as far as hoped.
                                          "How powerful would a computer console explosion have to be in order to blow out a bridge module?" asked Seisa.
                                          "We'd have to set them off in a chain reaction and even then I don't know if it would blow out the entire bridge module" answered Trianna.
                                          "Test it" replied Seisa as one of her crew set up a line of consoles all connected up then ran behind cover,
                                          "Increasing power to 100% across the network, virus is now taking control of the network. Upload the subroutine" answered Trianna, one console blew up sending debris flying in all directions
                                          "Subroutines are uploaded and we gained control of their safety systems, increase power across the the network to 150%" replied Seisa.
                                          "Increasing power now, I'm reading a power buildup across the network. Subroutine is blocking capacitors from releasing the excess power" answered Trianna as all the remaining consoles in the network exploded sending debris in all directions.
                                          "Seisa to Empress, we have our test program ready for demonstration" reported Seisa to Jodi via combadge.
                                          "You two scare me" commented Medic Dawson (prime).
                                          "Lighten up little brother" answered Trianna.
                                          "What is it with wanting to blow things up?" asked Rick.
                                          "It makes a big boom" answered Trianna.
                                          Seisa just laughed.

                                          Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                            edited January 2019
                                            Draylon System (MU yellow)

                                            Battle Group one was in position to attack as the convoy and her escorts were just jumping out of warp 10 lights away, aboard the Teanna, Captain Trianna Valdez (red) was listening as reports of enemy movement were reported across all Omega ships.
                                            "Captain Seisa's program has taken control of the enemy sensor grid" reported Ensign Emden.
                                            "Teanna to Tikal, we're ready to trip their sensors" reported Trianna by secure subspace.
                                            "Proceed, all ambush groups be ready to move on my mark" ordered Admiral Dawson to all ships.
                                            Copy that, Teanna out" reported Trianna, "Torval, I need you to be fast with your trigger finger" she ordered afterwards.
                                            "All hands, red alert" ordered Commander Reyes Valdez. across the ship, crews ran to their stations and all department heads reported in as the shields were raised.
                                            "Crew are at their stations and ready" reported Reyes.
                                            "Good, helm once the enemy appears, keep the front of the ship pointed at the enemy. Tactical, be ready to fire on my mark" ordered Trianna.
                                            "Ma'am" answered Torval.

                                            Seisa (yellow) then sent the activation code, the Orions and Nausicaans soon picked up what appeared to be a convoy and raced out to intercept. What they got was 200 ships decloaking around them in wolfpacks and opening fire.
                                            "Helm, take us to within six km of the nearest Slavemaster Battleship then make a turn to bring our broadside to bear" ordered Trianna as Lt. Wallace executed the order.
                                            "Tactical, rake them as we turn, full salvo with forward weapons then a broadside" ordered Trianna.
                                            "Executing turn now" reported Wallace.
                                            "Fire" ordered Trianna as the I.S.S. Teanna's first salvo sliced through the shields of the Orion battleship knocked out the communication systems. The Teanna now unleashed her full broadside at the Orion battleship's warp core and scored a fatal hit. The battleship rolled out of formation and exploded as the Teanna and her wolfpack raced away from the core blast at full impulse to avoid the blast.
                                            "Engage the enemy frigates at three mark four" ordered Trianna to Torval.
                                            "Firing, all three targets destroyed" reported Torval.

                                            The I.S.S. Winston Duarte was flying wingman to the Teanna and scored three frigate kills before she opened fire on a Nausicaan Talon class battleship, the Talon was taken down by both ships as Omega's wolfpack attacks wore down the Orions and Nausicaans from 6 km. In less than 15 minutes it was over as the last of the Nausicaan ships was destroyed, the Orions chose to surrender, Admiral Dawson had been given orders to execute all pirates on sight. She had the surrendering ships destroyed, those who tried to flee in shuttles and escape pods were shot down and the wreckage left on the battlefield as a warning to others.
                                            The pirate base in the Draylon debris field was then secured and the convoy with her escorts jumped to warp to avoid the battle site. Admiral Dawson smiled when the signal "mission objectives achieved" came through from all her ships.

                                            Aboard the Teanna, Trianna and Reyes totalled their kill tally,
                                            "Five kills for us" commented Reyes.
                                            "Not a bad start" replied Trianna.
                                            "You're officially a starship ace now" answered Reyes.
                                            "Signal from the Tikal, all ships are to report back to base for debriefing" reported McAllister.
                                            "Helm, set a course for Betazed, stay in formation" ordered Trianna.
                                            "Ma'am" answered Wallace.
                                            Battlefleet Omega then jumped to warp and arrived back at base 48 hours later.

                                            At Betazed, Trianna was greeted by her family,
                                            "How's little man been?" asked Trianna.
                                            "Been a little angel" answered Isoisa smiling.
                                            "Mummy!" yelled Ablim Jnr as Trianna picked him up.
                                            "Have fun?" asked Isoisa.
                                            "You may want to check INN later" answered Trianna smiling.

                                            "Nice work out there, Spitfire" said Seisa.
                                            "Haywire, nice trick" replied Trianna as Ablim Jnr was smiling.
                                            "Thanks" answered Seisa, "we've got debriefing with the Regent in 20 minutes" she said afterwards.
                                            "Thanks for the heads up" replied Trianna as she passed Ablim Jnr back to Isoisa.

                                            "We'll catch up later, back to work" said Isoisa.
                                            "Looking forward to it" answered Trianna.
                                            "Once little man has been put to bed, us two, a movie and some candles?" asked Isoisa.
                                            "Good call" answered Trianna.

                                            Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                              edited January 2019
                                              Betazed (MU yellow)

                                              "Admiral Dawson, excellent work from your captains" said Heath reading the after action reports.
                                              "Those pirates had no idea what hit them, the message to the Syndicate has been sent loud and clear" answered Admiral Dawson.
                                              "You've put two of your captains up for commendation" replied Heath.
                                              "Captains Trianna Valdez and Jaye Seisa, they used an unorthodox level of thinking" answered Admiral Dawson.
                                              "Tripping the sensors remotely to pull the Syndicate into an ambush, most unorthodox" replied Heath smiling.
                                              "They used initiative and fought as a unit, I'm pleased with their performance" answered Admiral Dawson.
                                              "Admiral, send my congratulations to your troops and give them two weeks leave. They've earned it" replied Heath.
                                              "Ma'am" answered Admiral Dawson.

                                              I.S.S. Teanna, Omega Anchorage, Betazed orbit (MU yellow)

                                              Ensign Peter Emden was doing some software and hardware updates to the cyberwarfare suite,
                                              "Pass me a number two diagnostic tool" he asked as he was replacing some parts.
                                              "This?" asked Captain Trianna Valdez (red) as she passed him the diagnostic tool.
                                              "That's the one" answered Emden as he was running a diagnostic on the new parts.
                                              "Need a hand with the software?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              "I thought captains did not get their hands dirty with maintenance" answered Emden.
                                              "I'm not that kind of captain" replied Trianna (red).
                                              "Hardware is installed and running at full efficiency" reported Emden as he pulled himself from below the terminal.
                                              "Good lad, what order do we need to install these updated security protocols?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              Emden showed Trianna (red) what order to install the new security subroutines.
                                              "Ma'am, I was scared out there" said Emden.
                                              "Then you are still alive, fear keeps us alive but we do not let it control us" answered Trianna (red) as she was installing the new subroutines.
                                              "And a little faith that this ship will keep us alive when all hell breaks loose" replied Emden smiling.
                                              "Faith in your ship and crew, we work as a unit and never as individuals in the field" answered Trianna (red).
                                              "I miss my brothers, ma'am, do you have siblings?" asked Emden.
                                              "I do, three sisters and two brothers, my brothers are around your age" answered Trianna (red).
                                              "Me and my brothers are close, I don't know what I'm doing here, one poor life choice and now I'm under sentence. I'm expected to achieve the impossible because my parents are Colonial governors, they expect too much of me" replied Emden.
                                              "What did you do?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              "Underage drinking, drunk and disorderly and assaulting a police officer, I was bone headed and did not see the consequences of my actions so the courts packed me off to the academy" answered Emden.
                                              "Maybe the courts were trying to teach you a valuable lesson, responsibility" replied Trianna (red).
                                              "Looking back, I should have just stayed in that night" answered Emden.
                                              "Hindsight is a wonderful thing, what is done is done so you have to deal with the consequences. I want you to do your best" replied Trianna (red).
                                              "I'll try" answered Emden.
                                              "No such thing as trying to do your best, just do your best. That's what I expect from each and every man and woman on this crew, can you do that?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              "Yes ma'am" answered Emden.
                                              "Good lad" replied Trianna (red).

                                              "Ma'am, you've got a call from the red Empire" reported Lt. Denver.
                                              "I'll take it in my ready room" answered Trianna (red) before she left for her ready room.
                                              In her ready room, Trianna (red) took the call,
                                              "This is a surprise, hey dad" said Trianna (red) to Valdez via secure subspace.
                                              "Red, how have you been doing?" asked Valdez.
                                              "I passed, I got my own command" answered Trianna (red).
                                              "I'm proud of you, you suit red" replied Valdez.
                                              "Dad, what are you doing in the Red empire?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              "Can't say, it's complicated" answered Valdez.
                                              "Understood, how's the family?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              "Things are a little crazy but we're all fine" answered Valdez.
                                              "Dad, our family is crazy but in a good way" replied Trianna (red).
                                              "How's everyone over there?" asked Valdez.
                                              "We're all doing well, I've made some friends" answered Trianna (red), "They nicknamed me Little Miss Spitfire" she said afterwards.
                                              Valdez just laughed,
                                              "Dad, any tips for command?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              "Listen to your crew and be firm but fair with them, you must inspire them to do their best but don't be a tyrant" answered Valdez.
                                              "Like you are with Anna and Rick?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              "Precisely, on duty I'm their commanding officer, off duty I'm just plain old dad" answered Valdez.
                                              "Thanks dad" replied Trianna (red).
                                              "Red, with the big chair comes responsibility. You're a pup, in time, you'll mellow and become a great captain and don't make the same mistakes I made, something I have to live with every day" advised Valdez.
                                              "Dad, I see the strain on your face, what's wrong?" asked Trianna (red).
                                              "The more time I spend here in the red MU, the more I feel my strong moral code is being tested" answered Valdez.
                                              "Dad, don't let it get to you too much, you're over there for a reason" advised Trianna (red).

                                              Trianna (red) soon got a message from engineering,
                                              "Dad, I've got to get back to work" she said to Valdez.
                                              "Red, take care. Love you Sprout" said Valdez.
                                              "Dad, chin up soldier and love you" answered Trianna (red).
                                              "I'll talk to you when I get chance next, Valdez out" replied Valdez and the screen went blank.

                                              Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                                edited January 2019
                                                Vulcan (MU red)

                                                Trianna (yellow) and Seisa (red) were ready to demonstrate their Haywire program to Empress Iodokar, Admiral Lot, Kestrella (red) and Valdez,
                                                "Operation Haywire, what we've come up with is a two stage program disguised as an anti-virus security update, stage one is infection" said Trianna (yellow) as she remotely broke into the test network and installed the program.
                                                "Stage two, subroutines take control of the EPS conduits located under every computer terminal and overload them" said Seisa (red) as the networked consoles in the test area blew out sending debris everywhere for 100 metres.
                                                "I think you two enjoy your work too much" joked Naynta.
                                                "That in a contained space, it'll be carnage" said Kestrella who was still in shock at the results.
                                                "We're looking at hitting the entire rebel network with this program, all we need is the delivery system" replied Seisa (red).
                                                "How fast acting?" asked Jodi.
                                                "It's a sleeper" answered Trianna (yellow), "all it needs is the signal to activate and we're in business, we also added another surprise, it'll be downloading enemy intel to us while it infects the network" she said afterwards.
                                                "How secure?" asked Valdez.
                                                "In case of any attempt to purge it, the fail safe subroutine will kick in and activate the program" answered Seisa (red).
                                                "Always have a back up plan" replied Valdez.
                                                "Better safe than sorry" answered Seisa (red).
                                                "Agreed" replied Valdez.

                                                "Ladies, good work" said Jodi.
                                                "How quickly can this be infiltrated in to the rebel network hubs?" asked Naynta.
                                                "We need a captured rebel ship with intact computer core" answered Trianna (yellow).
                                                "A more direct connection" added Siesa (red).
                                                "Carry on ladies, you'll get your computer core" said Jodi smiling.
                                                "Ma'am" chorused Trianna (yellow) and Seisa (red) before they were left to carry on with their experiments.

                                                "Mr Valdez, I got the contract for Leck, he'll be arriving here tomorrow. He'll fit right in with your Jem'Hadar" said Jodi to Valdez.
                                                "I'll keep him busy" replied Valdez.
                                                "Let him have his fun, trust me, it's a thing of beauty" advised Jodi.
                                                "Thank you" answered Valdez.

                                                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                                • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,151 Arc User
                                                  Making a different thread for the foundry missions. Use this one for logs etc.

                                                  I'll edit the opening post in a bit.
                                                  Thank you for the Typhoon!
                                                • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                                  edited January 2019
                                                  Operation Dracula, first phase (MU red)

                                                  The fleets were in position cloaked and ready to strike, for two weeks, recon forces had been probing rebel lines looking for weaknesses. Aboard the Loyalist and Star Union ships, crews watched the clocks as the countdown to the start of Operation Dracula got closer.

                                                  The Romulan front had been cleared of rebel ships and troops with a third of the Empire liberated in a fast lightning campaign by Admiral Veel'riz who now brought his forces to reinforce the loyalist fronts in the Alpha Quadrant. The first phase opened with Operation Haywire as computers in rebel space just blew out severing communications with the front, the Loyalists and Star Union then opened Operation Dracula with a series of surprise assaults across the rebel front, Admiral Lot's forces made the first breakthrough as Naynta watched from Vulcan. Admiral West and Admiral Cage breached the rebel lines in several systems separating rebel fleets apart from each other and either destroying or forcing the trapped rebels into surrender.

                                                  In rebel command, news of the Loyalist offensive did not arrive for five days as the Loyalists cut deeper into rebel space. Valdez now deployed Battle Groups Scythe, Falcata and Gladius in to the breaches and punched deep behind rebel lines and began to attack rebel bases in the path of the Loyalist advance, for the rebel commanders, this was just the beginning as they tried to piece together the Loyalist strategy,

                                                  "My Lord, enemy forces have breached our front lines, the 9th, 12th and 14th fleets have been lost, the 21st, 25th and 28th are surrounded" reported Commander Adrienne Krasnova (red).
                                                  "What of the loss of our bases near the front?" asked Admiral John Flores (red).
                                                  "Overrun, permission to use our last dozen protomatter devices?" asked Krasnova.
                                                  "Status of devices?" asked Flores.
                                                  "Intel just in, Imperial Shadows have overrun the facility holding the devices" answered Krasnova.
                                                  "And the devices?" asked Flores.
                                                  "In enemy hands" answered Krasnova.
                                                  "So we'll have to do this the hard way, time to push the empress's buttons. Our communication status?" asked Flores.
                                                  "Partially back on line" reported Lt. Cmdr Jane Townsend (red).
                                                  "Time to call the mongrel empress, put me through" ordered Flores.
                                                  "Putting you through" replied Townsend.

                                                  "Empress Jodi Iodokar, it's the mongrel herself. How about you bark like the mongrel mutt you are?" asked Flores laughing via subspace.
                                                  "You are the one leading this rebellion, why are doing this?" asked Jodi.
                                                  "Over something your empire did 23 years ago, the Empire left us stranded in 2390 and then had the cheek to try and murder us. Your empire tried to kill us so we're merely returning the favour, we wiped out billions of your citizens and the rest are being worked as slaves in my labour camps, I hear the mortality rate is really high" answered Flores as he laughed in Jodi's face.
                                                  "You surrendered an entire Imperial fleet intact, you know the penalty for such failure" replied Jodi.
                                                  "Erasing Bajor and Betazed's entire cultural history, that was enjoyable. Desecrating your mother's tomb, we got a kick out of that one, your sister certainly screamed as we made her beg for mercy and since Miss Valdez did not choose to join us, she also paid the price for her choice and we made her suffer, how is Kestrella by the way?" was Flores' reply.
                                                  "You are a dead man walking, you and your followers will die by my hand" answered Jodi.
                                                  "IF you don't give me the empire's unconditional surrender, we'll make sure that all your citizens in our camps will be made to suffer more. For every victory you gain, we'll kill 50,000 of your citizens, if you don't surrender now, I'll kill 100,000 citizens" replied Flores.
                                                  "Your days are numbered, enjoy them while you can still breath" answered Jodi before she cut the channel.
                                                  "Execute 100,000 men and women, orphan their children" ordered Flores.
                                                  Across rebel space, rebel fanatics began the systematic execution of Flores's order, in 24 hours, 100,000 Imperial citizens were killed in cold blood.

                                                  When Jodi got the news of the massacres, she deployed her fleet and gave one order,
                                                  "Link up with the Star Union and make sure Mr Valdez gets a recording of the call we just received, I've got a feeling Mr Valdez is going to need some help. Kestrella, Naynta, you're both with me, Ms Roy, ready your teams but make sure John Flores is captured alive, his crew are considered expendable".
                                                  "Just make sure I'm in the queue to hurt that thing" said Kestrella.
                                                  "The fun I'll have with him, I'm looking forward to it" added Naynta.
                                                  "Don't forget Mr Valdez, I'm sure that he wants a "polite" word as well" replied Jodi, "but I want to end that that thing by my own hand" she said afterwards.

                                                  Rebel troops on the worlds they had not wiped out now dug in to stop any ground assault as rebel fleets who had escaped the destruction from Operation Dracula regrouped around those worlds. On the front lines, the trapped rebel fleets caught in the traps surrendered after overthrowing the fanatics and handing them over to the Loyalists, the rebel crews who surrendered were given an ultimatum,
                                                  "You helped kill your fellow citizens. What do you think I should do with you? Death should have been your choice rather than kill innocent people. I offer you a chance to redeem yourselves be hunting down those who did this."
                                                  The rebel prisoners took up Jodi's offer and switched sides, overnight, six fleets defected to the Loyalists and the Loyalist offensive pushed the rebels back over 150 light years. Operation Dracula had been a unqualified success.
                                                  Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                                  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,007 Arc User
                                                    Imperial front line, Alpha Quadrant (MU red)

                                                    Star Union forces were merged into Battle Fleet Scythe so the next phase of the advance, they were soon joined by the Royal fleet. Valdez looked over the map as he received a hail from the Imperial flagship.
                                                    "Majesty, welcome to the front" said Valdez.
                                                    "Commander, I'm hearing about the Ghost fleet striking again. I need that Ghost fleet focused on one target, what I'm about to say is best said face to face, there is a shuttle on the way for you" answered Jodi before the screen went blank.
                                                    "Nydon, keep the crews ready" ordered Valdez.
                                                    "Commander, the fleet will be ready" answered Nydon.
                                                    "Nydon, you have command" replied Valdez.
                                                    "Commander, good luck" answered Nydon.

                                                    Valdez then left for the shuttlebay. In the shuttlebay, Valdez greeted Admiral Lot.
                                                    "Harbinger, love the ship name by the way" said Naynta, "Come aboard, my sister wishes to discuss something with you" she said afterwards.
                                                    "Remember, I'm trusting you" replied Valdez.
                                                    "If I wanted to hurt you, I would have by now" answered Naynta.
                                                    "Let's get this done" replied Valdez before stepped aboard the shuttle and the door closed.

                                                    The shuttle took off and set course for the I.S.S. Papela,
                                                    "We only expected a 50 LY gain, 150 LY though, succeeded well ahead of expectations" said Naynta.
                                                    "Using quantum slipstream jumps to isolate rebel fleets away from each other and destroy them, excellent move. Naynta, you have promise" replied Valdez.
                                                    "Now we keep the rebels off balance" answered Naynta as the shuttle landed in the I.S.S. Papela's shuttlebay.

                                                    Valdez and Naynta both stepped out,
                                                    "Why do I get the feeling that I'm about to be drafted?" thought Valdez.
                                                    "Naynta was a bit too obvious" said Kestrella.
                                                    "I could have seen you do better" replied Naynta.
                                                    "If I wanted to hurt you, I would have by now, not exactly subtle" answered Kestrella.
                                                    "It was to the point" replied Naynta.
                                                    "Commander, I'll escort you to my sister" said Kestrella.
                                                    "Ms Lot" replied Valdez before both of them left the shuttlebay and walked to Jodi's office.

                                                    "I do apologise for Naynta's lack of subtlety" said Kestrella.
                                                    "No need to apologise" replied Valdez.
                                                    "You're used to sisters, older or younger?" asked Kestrella.
                                                    "Older" answered Valdez.
                                                    "I'm the level headed one" replied Kestrella.
                                                    "Red speaks highly of you" answered Valdez.
                                                    "It's nice to see that she's doing well for herself, we do keep in contact" replied Kestrella.
                                                    "Captain of her own ship. I spoke to her recently" answered Valdez.
                                                    "You should call more often, you and Red have a lot to talk about" advised Kestrella.
                                                    "I'll contact her this evening, thank you for reminding me" answered Valdez.
                                                    "No problem" replied Kestrella.

                                                    They then arrived at Jodi's office and the doors opened.
                                                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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